
Ewing's sarcoma is a rare cancerous tumor that affects people between the ages of 10 to 20. It grows in the bones, cartilage, nerves and other soft tissue around the bones. Fortunately, it has a high rate of recovery if a doctor can diagnose it early and treat it correctly. Only about 200 patients have this type of cancer each year in the United States. Slightly more than half of those patients are male. This disease is rarely found in African or Asian Americans, as it mainly affects people of Caucasian descent.


Swelling and Stiffness

This ongoing pain will occur in the area surrounding the tumor. If you notice a constant pain in the arms, legs, chest, back or pelvis for several days or weeks, do not ignore it. The weeks may turn into months with no sign of the swelling going away.

stiffness ewing's sarcoma

Bumps and Bruises

It is common for children and even young adults to get typical bumps and bruises. However, you should pay close attention to the nature of your skin. Even if you are athletic and play sports, bluish-purplish lumps that stay on your body for extended periods of time are cause for concern.

bumps ewing's sarcoma

Warm, Soft Lumps

It is critical that you examine your body for cancerous tumors on a regular basis. Early detection is the best way to achieve full recovery. Ask your doctor about simple ways to perform this type of personal check-up. Inquire about the areas on the body in which you should do it and what changes to be aware of.

ewing's sarcoma lumps

Constant Low Fever

Because cancerous tumors attack healthy cells, it is common for patients to feel sick frequently. A recurring fever is one that may never seem to go away. Typically, this type of fever is not high enough to cause you to worry, but a person with Ewing's sarcoma will seem tired, rundown and sickly as well.

low fever ewing's sarcoma

Limping or Sore Legs

Depending on the location of the cancerous tumor, that particular part of the body will ache more than others. Children may complain of sore legs for more than a couple of days. Do not disregard this symptom as growing pains or a sport's injury, especially if it is associated with limping.

sore legs

Bone Pain

This is one of the most predominant indicators of Ewing's sarcoma. Bone pain is linked to the location of the cancerous tumor. If you or your child is experiencing bone pain, especially after exercise or during the night, you should talk to your doctor right away.

bone pain ewing's sarcoma

Unexplained Broken Bones

There is always a child in school who has a broken arm every other month. In some cases, the child may be particularly rambunctious and reckless, but there could be other underlying factors. Unfortunately, brittle bones are often a symptom of something more serious.

broken bones ewing's sarcoma

Weight Loss

Children tend to grow on their own curves, but doctors often use body measurement charts to evaluate their growth patterns. Over time, it is common for kids to go through growth spurts where they will gain more weight or grow more quickly than the chart suggests. Although gaining weight may pose a risk, losing weight is much rarer in children.

weight loss ewing's sarcoma

Fatigue and Tiredness

Another typical symptom among children and teenagers is being tired. Sleeping until noon is standard for many teenagers, but prolonged fatigue that does not regress may be a sign of Ewing's sarcoma. School, work, and sports barely leave any leisure time for teens, but that doesn't mean that your child should be fatigued all the time.

fatigue ewing's sarcoma


If the cancerous tumor is located near your spine, it can affect your mobility. Both the bones of the spine and the nerves can lose control, which can ultimately result in paralysis. Depending on the exact location, you may also experience loss of bladder control and problems with your other organs. This is an extreme symptom of the disease and typically appears in the later stages.

paralysis ewing's sarcoma

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