One of the most common types of cancer is bone cancer. This malignant tumor of the bone destroys bone tissue. It’s good to know that not all bone tumors are malignant. Many tumors in the bone are non-cancerous, and they are more common than cancerous ones. The difference is that noncancerous bone tumors don’t spread, while cancerous ones do. That’s why it’s essential to identify the symptoms to determine the specific cause of the bone tumor. Keep reading to learn more about signs of bone cancer.


Bone Pain

One of the most frequent symptoms associated with bone cancer is bone pain. This type of pain is characterized as burning, itching, or radiating. It’s also likely to be chronic, meaning that it is long-lasting. Pain from bone tumors can originate from within the bone. It can also be a result of the bone tumor pressing against nearby nerves or organs. In some cases, the pain is a result of cancer therapy, such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy. If you feel a deep pain in your bone that doesn’t go away, you may have bone cancer.

bone cancer


Another frequent symptom that many cancer patients experience is inflammation. Inflammation occurs when a tumor in the bone causes swelling in the nearby area. Bone cancer doesn’t always cause swelling, and the extent and severity of the swelling will depend on each case. If the tumor is in an area with lots of body tissue and nerves, inflammation is more likely to appear. The affected area will often feel tender and painful, and the surrounding skin may look red. Over-the-counter medication and prescribed medication are the most common way to treat inflammation.

10 symptoms of bone cancer

Bone Fractures

Bones affected by bone cancer become weak over time. As the tumor grows, the affected bone becomes weaker and more frequent to fracture or break. As a result, bone deterioration can cause a fracture with little to no pressure. Even simple actions that don’t seem ordinary, such as standing up or leaning on something, can cause a bone to fracture. Moreover, bone cancer can spread to nearby areas, causing them to become weak as well. Many people discover bone cancer due to a light fall or injury; if you have recently suffered a fracture, consult your doctor.

symptoms of bone cancer

Sudden Weight Loss

One of the most recognized symptoms of cancer is weight loss. It’s no different for those with bone cancer. When weight loss isn’t the result of stress, changes in diet or an increase in exercise, you may have cancer. If your weight loss is a result of disease, you may also notice other related symptoms, such as a reduced appetite. In some cases, you may also experience constipation. A loss of over 10 lbs within a short period is cause for concern. To rule out bone cancer, you should consult your physician for further evaluation.

weight loss bone cancer


Fatigue is often a telltale sign of cancer. When you find yourself in a constant state of drowsiness, you are fatigued. What makes fatigue so debilitating is the fact that it doesn’t go away with increased rest. It’s even more worrying when there is no apparent cause. Fatigue can be both mental and physical. The former refers to mental fog, or a state of reduced cognitive ability: difficulty remembering things, difficulty thinking or having trouble speaking. The latter refers to an overwhelming need to lay down and rest. If you notice yourself being often fatigued, consult your doctor.

bone cancer treatments


Anemia is a condition that occurs when the body produces high amounts of white blood cells to fight off disease, such as cancer, resulting in a reduction in the number of healthy red blood cells. The body is like a factory: if it produces white blood cells, it consequently devotes fewer resources to the production of red blood cells. When your body is low on the later, you have anemia. Bone cancer can often result in anemia as the body attempts to destroy the cancerous cells in the body. Anemia can also cause other symptoms, such as fatigue and weakness.

anemia bone cancer

Loss of Appetite

If you develop cancer, you often find yourself eating less. A loss of appetite occurs when the body uses all of its energy on fighting cancer. As a result, the body becomes exhausted, and activity levels fall. Eventually, you lose your appetite and no longer find food appetizing. Your healthy cells may also become nutrient-lacking, as the cancerous cells absorb all the nutrients. To increase appetite, ask your physician for prescription medicine. It is also recommended to eat a healthy and balanced diet to ensure adequate nutrition.

do i have bone cancer

Difficulty Sleeping

One of the most unpleasant symptoms caused by bone cancer is difficulty sleeping. This symptom is often the result of bone pain, which makes it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. Moreover, having cancer can often have consequences for mental health, which also contributes to the difficulty in falling asleep. What’s especially painful is the fact that during night time, the cancer mass often presses uncomfortably into joints or other surrounding organs. It may help to take over-the-counter pain medication. Yoga and other mental exercises may also contribute to calm the mind.

what is bone cancer

Frequent Infections

Frequent infections are a problem that many cancer patients have to deal with on a regular basis. As cancer progresses, the body produces more copious amounts of white blood cells to fights off the disease. In doing so, the body becomes more vulnerable to symptoms such as fever, muscle stiffness, and other flu-like symptoms. The low amount of red blood cells also means that the body receives less oxygen and nutrients. The lower immunity furthermore makes it easier to catch infections. That’s why it’s essential to maintain a healthy immune system if diagnosed with bone cancer.

what are the signs of bone cancer

Other Symptoms

Depending on the location of the bone cancer, a whole variety of other symptoms can be present. For example, if the tumor is in the bones of the spine, the resulting pressure can lead to numbness or tingling in the extremities. Weakness may also be indicative of bone cancer. If cancer spreads to other parts of the body, it can cause symptoms to appear in that specific area. For instance, a disease that spreads to the lung can cause difficulty breathing. It’s important to remember that such symptoms can be caused by many ailments, making it necessary to receive an early diagnosis.

other symptoms bone cancer
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