
Bone cancer is a cancerous tumor of the bone. There are both benign (noncancerous) tumors and malignant (cancerous) bone tumors, but only the malignant tumors destroy healthy bone density tissue. Benign tumors also grow in the body but do not spread, or destroy any bone tissue and are not usually a threat to life. A malignant tumor is primary bone cancer and is less common than cancer that metastasizes (spreads) to the bones in other parts of the body. Of primary bone cancer, there are a few different kinds, including Osteosarcoma, Chondrosarcoma and Ewing Sarcoma. There are many roads to go down in regards to treatment, but it’s a matter of finding the right one for your specific kind of bone cancer.


Radiation therapy, also known as Radiotherapy, is often used in those suffering from bone cancer as secondary cancer. It helps to control the pain and also helps prevent the development of new pain. You can have either External Beam Therapy, which is when a radiation beam is directed at the bone, from outside the body or, Internal Radiotherapy. With this, you have an injection of radiation liquid, which is injected directly into the affected area and lasts for a couple of days in your body. Radiotherapy will not cure cancer but, it will slow the cancer growth and give you a better quality of life.




Targeting cancer that begins in your bones, chemotherapy uses a combination of anti-cancer drugs injected into the bloodstream, to destroy the cancer cells. Although chemotherapy works very well for different types of cancer, you may treatments at various stages of cancer. Before or after surgery to reduce the risk of the cancer returning, and sometimes you may have it along with radiotherapy. A course of treatment is made up of between 6-14 cycles. One cycle is a dose of drugs over many days in a hospital, then a break of a couple of weeks. If the cancer is advanced, you may have a course of chemotherapy to prolong life by slowing cancer and relieving symptoms.



Targeted therapy

Targeted therapy in bone cancer is when drugs are used to stop the growth and spread of cancer. It does this by killing the cancer cells, preventing the cancer cells from multiplying. It is called ‘targeted’ because they use a mix of drugs specifically chosen with regard to the patient’s type of cancer and their DNA. These drugs can be taken orally with pills at home or intravenously at the hospital. Not all cancers can be treated in this method, and the schedule of drugs is different in each patient. Targeted therapy can also be used in conjunction with chemotherapy and radiation therapy or surgery.




Surgery for bone cancer is an option when other treatments have not been successful, or when your health professional decides cancer needs to come out of your body as soon as possible. The type of surgery needed depends on the size of cancer and where it is. Surgery includes removing the bone affected, or removing a part of the bone affected and replacing it with a prosthetic piece. This surgery is usually only used when the cancer is not attached to any other tissues surrounding the bone. Surgery is also used in amputation. By removing the entire arm or leg that was infected by cancer.



Mifamurtide medication

For a particular bone cancer called osteosarcoma, which usually affects children and young adults, a medication called Mifamurtide can be administered in combination with chemotherapy. A course of Mifamurtide will begin after surgery, to help prevent cancer returning. This drug works by stimulating the immune system to produce particular specialized cells, which kill the cancer cells. Taken by infusion, a course of treatment can be two times a week for 12 weeks then once a week for another 24 weeks.



Massage therapy

Massage therapy is not a cure for bone cancer, but studies have found that massage helps the wellbeing of cancer sufferers. Massage is used as a natural way to help cope with cancer and cancer treatments. Massage can help by reducing symptoms like some pain and nausea, anger and stress, fatigue, anxiety, and depression. Massage is used to help cancer patients feel better. Cancer patients interested in using massage to reduce the stress of the disease will have to find a professional massage therapist that can work with those patients currently having treatment.




Naturally, proper nutrition and eating well is essential for anyone’s health. When you have bone cancer and need treatment, your eating habits will change dramatically, your appetite will go up and down and tolerance to various food swill change. Before treatment, it is crucial to eat well, so you are better equipped to handle the side effects of the drugs. You need strength and a boost in your immune system to handle the treatment better. Foods high in protein and calories are best. During your treatment will be the hardest as you most likely won’t feel like eating anything so choose well when you decide what to put in your body. After treatment, it’s best to stick to low-fat milk and dairy, high fiber foods and lots of fruits and vegetables.



Vitamins and supplements

When in cancer treatment you are putting your body through a great deal. Along with a nutritional diet, it is important to take some dietary supplements and vitamins to make sure your body is receiving all the good things you need to stay healthy. It’s recommended to take multivitamins containing A, C, E< and B complex; also important are magnesium, calcium selenium and zinc. A probiotic is good to take to maintain gastrointestinal health and boosting your immune system. Fish oil can help to decrease inflammation, and for bone support, it is imperative to take Vitamin D and Calcium Citrate.




Studies have shown that yoga can help manage depression, anxiety, and fear. Most of these things are prevalent in cancer suffers. When practiced during cancer treatment, pain and fatigue caused by the treatment can be significantly improved. What you learn in yoga about breathing techniques, as well as strengthening the body’s core, have an effect on the outlook and pain tolerance of cancer patients. You can expand your range of motion, improve circulation and reduce muscle tension, all beneficial for those going through a medical cancer treatment. You don’t have to be a professional yogi to reap the benefits of some of the key exercises, practiced regularly.



Aloe vera

Aloe vera is one of the most powerful plants around. It contains massive healing qualities and is full of vitamins like B1m B2, B3, B5, B6, B12 Vitamin C, and choline, plus zinc, calcium, copper, magnesium, and manganese. It’s this concoction, which is beneficial for bones. Aloe is often used in cancer patients directly onto the skin of those having radiotherapy, lessening the reaction in the skin. There have also been studies to suggest aloe taken in liquid form while on a cycle of chemotherapy, helped shrink the size of cancer. There are some side effects to ingesting large amounts of aloe vera so please talk to your doctor for more information.


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