

In spite of its popularity, Amnesia is an extremely rare brain condition that causes large scale loss of memory. The condition doesn't only affect memories of the past; it also makes further memorizing much harder for the afflicted. Amnesia is usually caused by injuries obtained on the skull (in rare cases, by extreme trauma), and it's a recurring issue that generally never completely disappears. Unlike the popularly associated term, dementia, amnesia doesn't make its sufferers forget how to perform their daily functions. Short and long-term memory loss is the first and greatest symptom of this condition, while memory alteration (false memories) can also be associated with it.

  There is no successful treatment for amnesia, but some ways to partially remedy it are being used worldwide. Techniques used to prevent or reduce memory loss include: memorizing things in an easily remembered fashion, resorting to the use of technology to record and superficially re-experience memories and keeping a written journal, as writing is a well-known strategy for solidifying forgettable information. Professional treatment of amnesia mostly refers to psychotherapy and hypnosis.


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