Do you have large, brown skin spots, especially on your face? Melasma is a skin condition that primarily targets the forehead, temples, cheeks, and upper lip. The tan patches are due to an overproduction of pigment. Although pregnancy and other hormonal changes can trigger the dermal ailment, other conditions can as well including the sunshine and artificial heat. Luckily, there are several ways to prevent melasma and treat it including healthy lifestyle changes, a safe skin care regime, over-the-counter medication, and prescriptions.


Wear Sunscreen Every Day

One of the biggest triggers of melasma is the sunlight. As much as we love basking in the warm rays, it is not the healthiest practice. Besides, your skin is always at risk as soon as you step outside. Did you know that if you can make a shadow outside then, you are prone to sun damage? You should wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF protection of 30 or higher every single day.



Use Hats Outside

If you know you're going to be outside all day long in the hot sunshine, then you can opt for a good outdoor hat. Even though it does not replace wearing sunscreen, an outdoor hat is another way to shield your skin from ultraviolet rays. Vulnerable parts of your face such as your nose and cheeks are susceptible to burning; they will benefit from a broad-brimmed hat shading them whenever outdoors.

hats UV Melasma


Avoid Artificial Heat

If you enjoy spending time in steam rooms, saunas, and tanning beds, you should reconsider. Did you know heat can aggravate the symptoms of melasma? Even cooking can increase the noticeable pigment. Idling sitting in artificial heat is not a good idea when trying to even out your complexion. Although these places might be an alternative way to relax, this type of interaction can lead to melasma.

artificial heat Melasma


Apply Gentle Skin Care

Are you prone to skin irritation? Even if you do not have sensitive skin, there are a plethora of callous products out there that will hurt your skin and worsen melasma. It is important to treat your skin gently with natural cleansers and creams that do not sting or burn. Although using sensitive products won't treat melasma, applying harsh chemicals will only exacerbate the condition.

Melasma skincare


Try Hydroquinone

Beyond prevention, treatment options are available for melasma. An over-the-counter medication called hydroquinone comes as a cream, lotion, gel, or liquid. You can prepare the skin-lightening technique on your own. If you prefer this application, but desire a stronger version, you can ask your doctor about higher-strength prescriptions.

Melasma skin health


Mix Tretinoin and Corticosteroids

A ‘triple cream' remedy can help treat melasma. When combined with hydroquinone, these two medications can enhance the skin lightening process. Tretinoin and corticosteroid are topical creams that assist with some health ailments from vitiligo to acne. However, steroids have definitive side effects; it's essential that you discuss your treatment options with your physician before self-medicating melasma.

creams for Melasma


Ask About Azelaic Acid

Besides hydroquinone and other steroid-based creams, azelaic acid is a typical bleaching treatment. Kojic acid and mandelic acid are two other similar ways to beat melasma. All three can effectively fade the dermal condition without irritating your skin. These products can be found in facial products and are available by prescription. They also are known for treating hyperpigmentation.

Melasma acid


Schedule a Microdermabrasion

Make an appointment for a professional microdermabrasion treatment. Your skin can benefit from using a minimally-abrasive tool to sand your skin. The gentle procedure will remove the uneven, outer layer of skin. In the process, it will treat discoloration, sun damage, light scarring, and even stretch marks. De-microdermabrasion is also available. You can try at-home microdermabrasion options, too.



Do a Chemical Peels

Like microdermabrasion, a chemical peel is another technique that improves the skin's appearance. Often done on the face, neck, or hands, a healthy, chemical is applied to your skin. The exfoliating solution is peeled off, leaving your skin rejuvenated. The smooth skin has fewer wrinkles and uneven spots.

chemical peels Melasma


Balance Your Hormones

Did you know that melasma can fade away on its own? It depends on what is triggering the skin spots. For example, pregnant women may be more prone to unpleasant condition. After pregnancy concludes, the hormonal balance should correct itself. Likewise, discontinuing the use of contraceptive pills can stop melasma as well.

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