
Nasal polyps are no fun at all. While soft, painless and noncancerous, if left untreated these growths could expand to a size that could effectively block your nasal passages. If you're prone to nasal polyps, you're not alone. Nearly 5% of humans struggle with nasal polyps at some point in their life. Like any condition, your body is predisposed to react to nasal polyps, which leads to symptoms. Nasal polyps are generally classified as either antrochoanal or ethmoidal. While neither are too dangerous in their own right, each can manifest along with other symptoms, causing you to feel miserable, often as though you have a massive head cold.

Traditional Nasal Polyps Treatment

Once again, nasal (or sinus) polyps really aren't going to kill you, but many a foodie may start wishing they would when their ability to taste and smell food becomes adversely affected. Enjoying your food in today's culinary culture is a must. This is where steroids, antihistamines, and ultimately surgery may cause you some comfort going forward. As is the case with most health ailments, your doctor is likely to start small and work up in his or her treatment of your condition. A runny or blocked nose, facial pain, eye irritation, incessant sneezing, snoring and other ailments are all signs you might be bothered by nasal polyps. If this sounds like you, it might be worth a mention on your next trip to the doctor.

what is nasal polyps


More On Traditional Treatments

Your doctor should be able to ascertain whether or not nasal polyps are affecting you with a nasal endoscope. For more deeply rooted polyps, your doctor may suggest imaging to identify potential growths further back in your sinuses. Though nasal polyps are most common in those of more advanced years, they could develop in children with cystic fibrosis as people with this disease are prone to developing them. If your doctor discovers nasal polyps, the next step will likely be a corticosteroid spray, which may or may not require you to also take oral immunosuppressants for about a week's time. Finally, if nasal sprays don't work, your doctor may recommend surgery. This is the least likely of treatment options.

traditional medicine nasal polyps


Tea Tree Oil

Melaleuca or Tea Tree Oil (TTO) is a powerful antiseptic and healer. The bulk of the world's Melaleuca alternifolia grows in Australia, but the essential oil is used all over the world for killing bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Tea tree oil can kill toxic mold in the house and create potent homemade cleaning products. But, for our purposes, its benefits lie in an ability to treat skin issues and skin infections including nasal polyps.

tea tree oil nasal polyps


Eat A Pineapple (Bromelain)

Bromelain is a fantastic home remedy for nasal polyps. It's a tremendous addition as a supplement to your diet, but unless you have an aversion to pineapple, you can get a good dose from this prickly tropical fruit. Great for people with asthma and other respiratory diseases as well, bromelain can treat a wide range of sinus issues including nasal polyps. In studies, the symptoms plaguing subjects largely disappeared, and almost all feel a noticeable improvement.



Get On The Magnesium Train

Magnesium is easy to take, and health professionals believe nearly 80% of adults in the United States are deficient in this important if not vital compound. While the jury is still out on whether or not magnesium is truly linked to nasal polyp relief, you can't go wrong adding this essential element to your diet. There is so much we don't understand when it comes to the importance of magnesium. It activates adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to give you more energy. At the same time, magnesium can help you calm nerves and anxiety, and improve sleep. Each of these three is a reason that you should look to this vital supplement.

magnesium Nasal Polyps



Be quite careful here. Goldenseal should be reserved for when you know for sure you are battling nasal polyps. It shouldn't be taken for more than a few weeks at a time and avoided by women who are pregnant or lactating.

goldenseal Nasal Polyps


Take it to Your Plate With Curcumin (Turmeric)

Curcumin is the healing chemical found in turmeric, a potent herb often used in Asian and Indian cooking. Turmeric adds that rich yellow-orange color to your plate and also works as a powerful anti-inflammatory. Put it in your smoothie or take it as a supplement if it's not to your taste.

turmeric Nasal Polyps


Keep It On The Plate With Cayenne Pepper

Just as curcumin works as a powerful antibiotic, so too will you find improved health with regular consumption of cayenne pepper. One active ingredient in this spice, Vitamin A, will reduce swelling while also boosting your immune system with Vitamin C and antioxidants.

cayenne Nasal Polyps


Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is rich in probiotics and does a fantastic job promoting your immune system. Most people find its taste less than pleasant, so try mixing a tablespoon or two with a glass of water. Drink some ACV three times a day to boost your immune system.

ACV Nasal Polyps


Scare Away Your Polyps With Garlic

Garlic is a natural immune system booster that contains an enzyme called allicin. The antifungal and antibacterial properties of garlic will help destroy the nasty micro-organisms and infections that call your body home. If you're brave enough, you can chew garlic cloves. Otherwise, use them when cooking or make yourself a garlic tea.


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