
Interstitial nephritis is a kidney condition in which the spaces between the kidney tubules become swollen or inflamed. This can cause problems with kidney function as the tubules are essential, absorbing water and organic materials from the filtered blood and expelling waste products into the urine for removal from the body. Many things can cause the condition, such as allergic reactions to drugs, autoimmune conditions such as anti-tubular basement membrane disease, and Kawasaki disease. There are a number of symptoms of interstitial nephritis. The conditions can cause mild to severe complications in the kidneys, and about half of people diagnosed with the condition experience acute kidney failure.

Fewer Bathroom Visits

Urination removes toxins and waste from the body. The volume of urine depends on the number of liquids consumed. If you notice a reduction in trips to the bathroom despite regular fluid intake, interstitial nephritis is one of the possible causes.


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A short-term increase in body temperature can help your body combat illness, but severe fever can be symptomatic of critical conditions that need urgent medical attention. The average body temperature is around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit or 37 degrees Celsius. See a medical professional immediately if your temperature is above 103 degrees Fahrenheit or 39.4 degrees Celsius.


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There are many reasons for nausea and experiencing does not immediately mean you have interstitial nephritis. Interstitial nephritis can cause nausea and stomach discomfort. If you suspect your kidneys are malfunctioning, it's time to see a urologist. Nausea caused by interstitial nephritis can be acute and short-lived, or it can be a daily occurrence.


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Repeated Vomiting

Our bodies protect us when there's a toxin or threatening element in our system by vomiting. The powerful release of your stomach contents is a natural defense mechanism, and every once in a while every person will need to rely on the body's judgment. Excessive and chronic vomiting aren't linked to a one-off event, however. Underlying medical conditions like interstitial nephritis can trigger recurring vomiting. Frequent vomiting may lead to dehydration, which is dangerous if left untreated. If you're unable to keep food in your system for more than a couple of days, see your doctor.


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A rash is another immunological response which signals the body is working against harmful elements encountered within or outside of the body. A rash causes changes in skin color and texture. There are many types of rashes and a myriad of causes. Often, rashes occur due to skin irritation such as an allergic reaction, an insect sting, or an illness like chicken pox or measles. Outbreaks are usually harmless, and nothing to worry about, and the rashes tend to clear up untreated in a few days. However, if experienced with other symptoms such as a fever or vomiting, a rash could be a sign of interstitial nephritis.

6. Blood in the Urine

Generally, the presence of blood in the urine isn't anything serious, but you should consult a doctor. Blood in the urine is medically known as hematuria and conditions such as interstitial nephritis can cause this symptom. Blood in your urine could come from anywhere in the urinary tract: the bladder, kidneys, or urethra.


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Drowsiness, confusion, and forgetfulness are common symptoms of interstitial nephritis. These changes in mental functioning can range from slight confusion to a complete lack of responsiveness.


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Interstitial nephritis can cause swelling of any area of the body can. This is often the first noticeable symptom, usually seen in the ankles, legs, and feet. Less often, swelling may be noticed in the face or hands. Swelling occurs because your kidneys aren't removing fluid from your blood as well as they should be, and this causes waste and fluid to build up in the tissues.


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Unexplained Weight Gain

Chronic fluid retention traps the waste by-products, causing unexplained weight gain. As noted above, interstitial nephritis can cause swelling due to fluid retention, leading to some people with the condition experiencing weight fluctuations or increases that cannot be explained by eating or exercise habits.


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Elevated Blood Pressure

Consistent blood pressure readings that remain at or exceed 140 over 90 put extra stress on your heart and blood vessels. Hypertension damages the blood vessels, increasing the risk of a heart attack and stroke. Interstitial nephritis often causes hypertension due to stress on the kidneys.



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