
Having too much protein content in your urine will result in a condition called Proteinuria. If left unchecked, this can lead to damage to your kidneys. Usually, people who have diabetes are at a higher risk of developing proteinuria. This would have resulted from long-term hypertension or hyperglycemia. This condition may also be a symptom of other underlying diseases. When your kidneys are functioning well, they'll be able to filter waste. But when you have such a condition, your kidneys won't be able to function optimally.


No symptoms

Proteinuria doesn't usually manifest any symptoms unless the condition has already become severe. So how do you treat something which doesn't have any symptoms? It's important to have yourself checked regularly. You need to do this especially if you have the risk factors. Treatment will first depend on identifying the underlying cause of the condition. Your proteinuria may indicate a more serious kidney disease. If you find out what that is, you need the corresponding medical treatment. However, if it's a temporary or mild case of proteinuria, you may not even need treatment.



Foamy urine

If you're starting to lose a lot of protein from your body, you might be starting to experience this condition. You'll notice that your urine has a frothy or foamy appearance. Usually, this symptom comes with edema or swelling. This is because there's an excess of water in the tissue of your body. There's no immediate treatment for this symptom. If you notice that you're peeing out foamy urine, it's best to seek medical advice. Your doctor is the best person to give you the proper treatment for proteinuria.

signs proteinuria


Chronic fatigue

Chronic fatigue is different from just feeling tired. Here, you feel drained, and you may have problems concentrating. This is a symptom of proteinuria as it may stem from the loss of your kidney's functions. Toxins start to build-up in your body, and your blood becomes impure. Because of this, you start experiencing chronic fatigue. If you're feeling weak and tired, the best way to remedy that is to get some rest. If the fatigue comes suddenly and frequently, then you should visit your doctor. You won't be able to treat chronic fatigue correctly unless you know what exactly causes it.

symptoms proteinuria

Rapid weight gain

Another possible symptom of proteinuria is rapid weight gain. Usually, fluid retention causes this weight gain. Again, this results from the kidneys not functioning properly. If you notice this symptom and you don't see any reason for it, you may have this condition. If you're gaining weight because of fluid retention, you need to make some changes. First off, you should start reducing the amount of salt in your diet. Doctors may also recommend that you restrict your protein intake too. Another treatment would be to take water tablets. These are diuretic medications which aid in the elimination of water from the body.

signs of proteinuria

Sleeping difficulties

Sleeping difficulties may also point to this condition. When your kidneys aren't doing their job well, toxins remain in your blood. Unlike with healthy people, you don't excrete toxins through your urine. This can cause your sleeping difficulties. If you're experiencing other uncomfortable symptoms, you won't be able to sleep well. This is quite an uncommon symptom, but it may occur with you. If you're experiencing this symptom, you can first try some techniques for sleeping. If you really can't get past the sleeping difficulties, then you can consult with your doctor. Remember, proteinuria doesn't usually manifest symptoms. So if you experience even the smallest signs, have yourself checked.

symptoms of proteinuria


Poor appetite

Another general symptom is suddenly having a poor appetite. This, however, may point to a lot of different conditions or diseases. This symptom also stems from the build-up of toxins in your body. And this is a result of impaired kidney function. If you suddenly observe that you've lost the will to eat, have yourself checked. Since this is a common symptom, it may point to you having proteinuria. Once you know the cause, you'll be able to remedy your situation before it makes you weaker.

what is proteinuria

Dry and itchy skin

You might start having dry and itchy skin. Remember that your kidneys perform a lot of functions for your body. They remove toxins and aid in red blood cell production. Your kidneys even work to keep the appropriate quantities of minerals in your blood. Dry and itchy skin can be a symptom of proteinuria. This is because your kidneys are already damaged. So, they aren't able to keep the right balance of nutrients and minerals in your body. If you're experiencing this symptom, you should see your doctor. Do this because it usually manifests when the kidney disease is already severe.

do i have proteinuria


Hypertension, nausea, and vomiting

This condition doesn't usually come with symptoms. But as it progresses, you'll notice some indicative signs. You may start experiencing hypertension, nausea, and vomiting. These come from the imbalance in your body. You may start experiencing these symptoms when the proteinuria becomes more severe. To treat these symptoms, you need to regulate your blood pressure and glucose levels. You can best do this by taking medication and making some changes in your lifestyle. Also, you may need to treat the underlying conditions to treat proteinuria.

hypertension proteinuria


Frequent need to urinate

You may also start feeling that you need to urinate more frequently. If you feel this, it's an important indication of proteinuria or other kidney diseases. This is especially true if you feel the urge at night. When the filters of your kidneys have sustained damage, it increases your urge to urinate. When you have this symptom, it may show that your proteinuria has already progressed. Either that or you're suffering from a different kind of disease. The disease may also affect your kidney. In any case, it's best to visit your doctor to get the right treatment.

urination proteinuria


Finally, the most severe of symptoms is edema or swelling. However, this will only happen if your proteinuria has already progressed. By this time, your kidneys are already damaged. This also happens when the protein levels in your urine are already too high. You'll notice swelling in your face, hands, arms, tummy, legs, ankles, and feet. To treat proteinuria and lessen the symptoms, doctors may prescribe ACE inhibitors. However, if your kidney damage is too severe, you may need to undergo dialysis for your kidney. Either that or you may need a kidney transplant.

kidney proteinuria

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