
Dry Mouth

Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia, is a condition where your mouth doesn't have enough saliva. The most common cause is gland malfunction. Glands can malfunction because of stress, medication, nervousness, or autoimmune disorders. Smoking is another leading cause of dryness as well. People who smoke will find that their mouth always feels a little dry.
Dry mouth leads to oral issues, such as swollen glands, gum disease and an increase in tooth decay. People with this condition have to follow a healthy oral routine. This includes regular professional cleanings and trips to the dentist. A dentist will inspect the salivary glands. When they find blockages then can remove them to stimulate salivary flow.
Dry mouth can be uncomfortable and have serious consequences to your health. Dryness irritates the tissues of the mouth, which makes them prone to infection. Without the beneficial effects of saliva, tooth decay becomes a serious threat. Taking care of your teeth and gums is vital to overall wellness.

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