Most people have at least one thing about their finances they'd like to change. Whether you'd like to save more, spend less, or better understand where your money goes every month by tracking expenses, there are great budgeting apps available to help you accomplish your goals. Accessible from anywhere thanks to their ability to sync to different devices, finance apps can help you stay on track, reduce unnecessary spending, and pad your savings account in preparation for a rainy day.
The go-to app for people seeking an all-in-one budgeting solution, Mint is easy to use, convenient, and free. Mint is accessible on the web, or you can download the app for Apple and Android devices. With Mint's easy-to-use interface, you can track income and expenses, review your credit score, create a budget, and set financial goals. The app's visually appealing charts make it easy to spot trends in your spending and savings habits.
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If you're new to budgeting and need to get spending under control, EveryDollar may be the right budgeting app for you. Created by Dave Ramsey, a renowned money management expert, EveryDollar was created with the idea that people should have a purpose for every dollar in their budget. It is a simple budgeting tool that helps you track income and expenses aligned with your budget. With both a free and premium version, EveryDollar users can access basic budgeting tools before deciding if the full version is right for them.
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Overspending is a problem for many people; just take a look at the most recent credit card debt figures in the United States alone. PocketGuard helps you get spending under control and increase your ability to save and invest. Simply link your bank and credit cards accounts to the app to start categorizing your spending. Then, use the app to apply limits to certain spending categories, like dining out. The free app can even recommend ways to save money on your expenses over time.
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Maybe you think you don't need help with budgeting because you pay your bills on time every month but you notice that your savings account never seems to grow. Enter Acorns, a simple way to save and invest money, designed for busy people who want to plan for the future without putting too much thought into it. This app takes the change left over from spending and applies it to recurring investments. Acorns is available on iOS, Android and offers affordable monthly plans starting at $1.
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Many people swear by the envelope method of bill and expense payments. After all, assigning a purpose to cash by using envelopes helps budgeters stick to their plan. But, keeping cash on hand is also less secure than electronic payments, and it's difficult to keep track of your financial progress. Mvelopes is designed specifically for die-hard fans of cash budgeting and helps simplify record-keeping, set and hit financial targets, and reduce debt. Mvelopes offers three paid plans and is available on desktop, iOS, and Android.
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Looking for a budgeting app that also serves as a portfolio and wealth management solution? Look no further than Personal Capital. This convenient app will help you monitor your budget, accounts, and investments from anywhere. Unlike basic budgeting apps, Personal Capital analyzes the impact of fees on your wealth. The app can estimate your net worth, and help you plan for retirement. Need financial advice? The app's wealth management team can act as a fiduciary on your behalf, minimize risk, and optimize returns.
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When you feel like you're drowning in debt and your finances are out of control, it's much easier to hide from the problem than it is to fix it. That's where You Need a Budget comes in. Designed for people who want to achieve financial freedom, You Need a Budget tracks spending, provides overspending alerts and gives you the tools needed to reduce outstanding debt. After a free trial, YNAB is available for a monthly fee (although students may qualify for a free year, in addition to the 34-day trial.)
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If you'd rather not deal with managing multiple apps and programs, most larger banks and credit unions offer web and mobile apps for customers. This can be a great option if you only bank at one financial institution or you receive other services from your financial providers, such as home loans or portfolio management services. Costs and compatible platforms will vary based on your bank or credit union.
Tero Vesalainen / Getty Images
Many budgeting apps ask you to import accounts before you start. People with multiple income streams or those who earn cash wages don't always have this option. Wally is a simple, free budgeting app for beginners who want to track and monitor their budget without the hassle of pen and paper or complex spreadsheets. Unlike other apps, Wally is designed for people on the move. It currently supports most currencies, and the creators have exciting premium updates planned for the future, such as automatic currency conversion.
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For many people, the hardest part of creating a budget is nailing down expenses. The process usually includes sifting through mountains of receipts (often months after the purchase is complete) only to question still where the expense fits in the budget. User-friendly Expensify takes the hassle out of expense reporting by allowing you to scan, upload, and categorize receipts from your mobile device. Ideal for individuals, families, and businesses, Expensify offers unlimited receipt scans for a monthly fee of $4.99.
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