
The kitchen is the heart of the home, where family and friends gather to cook and eat together. A backsplash can be a focal point of this important space in your home, so it's worth investing in a backsplash design that's stylish and aesthetically pleasing. Nowadays, there are so many options and different types of backsplash, so there is something to suit everyone's style.


Brick backsplashes create a classic and rustic look. This style has remained popular for decades and is a timeless option. If your home isn't blessed with brick interior walls that you can simply leave exposed, you can install thin pieces of brick over drywall. If you have a light, bright kitchen, choosing light-colored bricks is the best option. If you would like to bring an additional bright feel to your kitchen, you can pain the bricks white or another light color.



Wooden backsplashes are another popular choice for modern homes. Opting for a wooden backsplash gives you a great deal of versatility as wood is available in a variety of styles and can easily be painted to coordinate with the rest of your kitchen. The versatility of wood is particularly beneficial for people who like to switch up their interior regularly.



Incorporate stone into a home's interior design has become a popular trend. Installing a stone backsplash is a slightly more expensive option, but it is also extremely durable. If you want to take an alternative approach to interior stone decor, you could even opt for a cobblestone backsplash. Whichever way you choose, using stone for your backsplash is sure to impress.



Plywood is an inexpensive yet still stylish backsplash option. Choosing plywood for your backsplash is a great option if your kitchen sports an industrial style. Gray or black plywood are the best options for industrial kitchens, although the color of your backsplash will depend on the colors used throughout your kitchen. Before you install a plywood backsplash, make sure you understand the different grades of plywood as they have different appearances and durabilities.

Black plywood backsplash

in4mal / Getty Images



One of the most common materials used for creating chic backsplashes is metal. Metal is an extremely versatile material, and one of the most popular types of metal backsplash designs is the stainless steel slab. If you are looking for something a bit different, metal tiles are a sleek and versatile option. The warm, orange-brown of copper is also a great choice for a stunning and bright metal backsplash.


Mosaic tiles

If conventional tiles are a little to plain for you, mosaic tiles could be the best option for your backsplash. Mosaic tiles are popular in European countries, so they are great if you want to add some international charm to your kitchen. This type of backsplash can be as sleek or rustic as you decide. For a sleek design, choose mosaic-style tiles that match or for a rustic feel take a DIY approach to your backsplash. DIY mosaic tile backsplashes are also great for those on a budget.


3D tiles

Adding some texture to your backsplash is a great way to make your kitchen stand out. 3D tiles come in a whole host of shapes, sizes, colors, and patterns, so there is something to suit every kitchen. If you don't want to create an entire backsplash of 3D tiles, you can also create a pattern and incorporate a few 3D amongst flat tiles. This backsplash option is particularly great for those with minimalistic kitchens who want to add visual interest without cluttering their space.

Black 3D kitchen tiles

asbe / Getty Images



Marble backsplashes are stylish, luxurious, and sophisticated, which means they often come at a higher price. While this material can be expensive, for those with a larger budget, marble can create a great effect. If you want your kitchen to feel luxurious without being over the top, a simple white and gray marble could be the right choice for you. To add extra shine, you could also opt for a high-gloss marble backsplash.



Mirrors are a new backsplash trend that can add a modern touch to any kitchen. Mirrors are great for making any room appear larger and lighter. So, if your kitchen is on the smaller side or doesn't receive much natural light, a mirrored backsplash could be a great solution for you. For added detail, you could even choose mirrored tiles rather than a complete mirrored slab.


Penny tiles

Using pennies for your backsplash creates a quirky and fun focal point of your kitchen. Penny tiles are growing in popularity, and many companies now use them to make pre-made backsplashes. But if you are looking for a budget-friendly option, DIY penny backsplashes are a great project. If you choose the DIY option, make sure the pennies you use are clean and shiny.

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