
There are dozens and dozens of cleaning products on the market that promise to work all kinds of wonders. The problem is they are often filled with harsh chemicals that may be harmful or just plain unpleasant to the senses. There are natural cleaning products available, but they can be costly. When it comes to the bathroom, proper cleaning and disinfecting is a must. Here are 9 ways you can make your own all natural bathroom cleaning products that actually work!

Hazardous Products

Many bathroom cleaning products contain hazardous chemicals that can be harmful especially to children and pets. Bleach is a great disinfectant and used in a lot of cleaners. It's a powerful chemical that can irritate skin, damage eyes, and can also be dangerous if mixed with other products like ammonia. Many of these products recommend you rinse the areas after use, basically having to clean the area twice. Even the air freshener you use is probably filled with harmful chemicals like formaldehyde. These products are potent and often smell so strong it's unpleasant as if something needs to smell like fake lemons to be clean!




Vinegar has been used for years as the main ingredient in all natural cleaning products. The acidity found in white distilled vinegar makes it great for breaking down soap scum and lifting stains. It can be used as an all-purpose cleaner and even used on flooring. You may be concerned with your house smelling like it's been pickled, but not to worry. The smell dissipates quickly, or you can add drops of essential oils to your mix. Simple solutions of one part vinegar and three parts water can be mixed and added to a spray bottle for easy use.



Essential Oils

Essential oils are a great natural way to enhance your homemade cleaning solutions. These are oils extracted directly from the plants and used in all sorts of ways. Certain oils can make great disinfectants when mixed together such as peppermint and tea tree oils. Scents like lemon and mint can be added to vinegar solutions to make the smells more pleasant. The best part is the smell isn't overpowering or chemical; they are natural scents that we all love. Since these oils smell so wonderful, they also make excellent long lasting air fresheners.



Natural Disinfectants

The bathroom is full of germs and things that we would all just like to forget. It is important to have a product that not only cleans the room but kills that bacteria as well. There are some great options when it comes to using natural products. Hydrogen peroxide can be used by mixing with water and essential oils as a surface spray. For a high powered disinfectant go to the liquor cabinet! A high proof vodka or rum can blast those germs away. Mix 1/2 a cup of vodka with 1/2 a cup of water in a spray bottle. Add in 50 drops of your favorite essential oil, and you are ready to go.

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Surface Scrubs

A product that will help scrub away the grime is handy especially when cleaning those showers and tubs. All natural ingredients can be used to make those similar to brand names. Baking soda is excellent for cleaning and deodorizing, that's why most of us keep a box in the fridge. Castile soap is natural soap that comes from olive oil or other vegetable oils. It can be used to clean your body or your entire house! To make a hardy scrub, you can mix 1 cup of baking soda with a 1/4 of a cup of castile soap. From there you can add twenty or so drops of a citrus essential oil, and you've got a hard-working product.



Toilet Cleaner

The toilet is sure to be one of the dirtiest places in the house. Natural products work well at cleaning the surface. You can make your own toilet scrubs and sprays, but make sure you add an ingredient that's effective in disinfecting. Rubbing Alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, and tea tree oil are all great ways to kill those nasty germs. Mix 1/2 cup of white vinegar and 1/4 cup of baking soda together then add 1/4 teaspoon of tea tree oil. This combination will scrub away the mess and the germs leaving a clean bowl that smells great too.



Air Fresheners

Keeping things smelling fresh and clean in the bathroom is a must. Luckily, there are some really simple ways to make effective all natural air fresheners to help combat odors. Strings of cloves or other fresh herbs can be placed in dishes for a super simple way to set out some fragrance. If you're feeling more crafty, you can make a cute jar freshener. Fill a small mason jar with baking soda. Add your favorite oil; lemon works great in the bathroom. Mix the two and cover the top using a decorative paper with holes cut out. Shake every now in then for a burst of scent. You can also add more oil when it loses its magic.



Tea Tree Oil

We have mentioned tea tree oil a lot and for a good reason. It is a great antiseptic and used in natural medicine daily. Tea Tree is also widely used in organic cleaning products for a variety of benefits. It is a disinfectant, a cleaning spray, and works well at removing mold. Just make sure to store in a dark place since light does affect the potency of this oil.



DIY Multi-Purpose Wipes

Cleaning wipes are nice to have for a quick wipe down in between cleanings. Just because you want to use natural products doesn't mean you have to sacrifice convenience. Natural wipes can be made a few different ways and with different products. Some use rubbing alcohol to make quick glass cleaners. For simple everyday wipes, put disposable towelettes in an empty baby wipes container. Add 1/4 cup vinegar to a cup 1/4 of water and a few drops of oil. Pour the mixture into the wipes container and shake.



Natural Products for Purchase

If you don't have time to make your own products, there are many lines to choose from. Every type of product is now available in organic form. These products are at local grocery stores, health food stores, and online for purchase. Green products have become a major part of life with people becoming more environmentally aware over the past few years. These are great products for those with little ones. Pets and kids have more exposure to the surfaces we try to keep clean, like the floors. Making sure products are safe for them is priceless.


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