Smaller houseplants are a great way to add some greenery to your home, but an indoor tree instantly adds a lush, gorgeous accent that transforms your room into a peaceful oasis. From exotic decorative plants to practical fruit trees, there are numerous varieties that thrive indoors. Here are some of the very best indoor trees for every home.


Umbrella tree

Although this lovely tree can grow up to 15 feet tall, it tends to grow more slowly indoors and can easily be maintained at four to eight feet tall. The large, deep green leaves form a curved, umbrella-like shape that adds a graceful touch to larger rooms. Only water it when the top of the soil dries out, and keep it out of direct sunlight.

Umbrella tree plant Timothy Dranov / Getty Images


Fiddle leaf fig

With its large, textured leaves and distinctive shape, the fiddle leaf fig has a dramatic look that's ideal for contemporary homes. Several varieties are available, ranging from a 12-inch houseplant to one that can grow up to 10 feet high. These are best for more experienced plant caretakers, as they need just the right amount of humidity, moisture, and light to thrive.

Fiddle leaf fig tree Bogdan Kurylo / Getty Images


Calamondin miniature orange tree

If you've always wanted to grow your own fruit but don't have the outdoor space for an orchard, a Calamondin orange tree can help. Although the fruit has a tart taste more akin to lemons, it is safe to eat. This tree needs at least a few hours a day of direct sunlight, as well as regular watering to keep the soil moist.

Calamondin miniature orange tree Valeriya / Getty Images


Parlor palm

Parlor palm trees feature airy, graceful fans of green foliage that help create a bright, relaxed look in any room. It's ideal for rooms with little direct light, as it grows well in low-light conditions. Although parlor palms need plenty of moisture, it's best to let the top inch of soil dry out before watering again.

Parlor palm plant KatarzynaBialasiewicz / Getty Images



If your green thumb tends to be lacking, a yucca is a great, low-maintenance option. Adapted for desert life, this dramatic-looking tree can handle dry spells and requires minimal daily care. However, it does need plenty of direct sunlight, so choose your location carefully. The spiky leaves and thick trunks have a sculptural look that works well in contemporary or southwestern rooms.

Yucca tree fotojv / Getty Images


Jade plant

The jade plant is another good choice for people looking for a hardier houseplant. These succulents can start small and dense, but over time they grow textured wooden stems that often grow in interesting curves for a flowing look. Plenty of bright sunlight is required for jade plants to thrive, but it does well with drier soil and plenty of drainage. Jade plants can grow up to three feet tall.

Jade plant Andrey Nikitin / Getty Images



Dieffenbachia, which is sometimes called dumb cane or leopard lily, is known for its dramatic two-tone leaves and easy care. It does best with indirect sunlight but plenty of it, and avoid overwatering it. Most people recommend letting it dry out thoroughly, then giving it a good soaking. Dumb cane is poisonous to people and animals, so avoid it if you have kids or critters who like to chew on plants.

Dieffenbachia, dumb cane, leopard lily Straitel / Getty Images


Weeping fig

The weeping fig tree is a popular indoor plant that you've probably seen before in waiting rooms and business lobbies. This tree has a simple, understated look and is very easy to care for. It does well in low-light conditions and without exposure to direct sunlight, but it does need moist soil. Weeping figs can grow up to 60 feet high in nature, but indoor specimens are usually three to six feet tall.

Weeping fig tree Prostock-Studio / Getty Images


Guiana chestnut

Also known as a money tree, the Guiana chestnut has a distinctive braided trunk topped with a cluster of vivid green leaves. It's a hardy plant that's easy to care for indoors. Place it in bright but indirect sunlight, and give it plenty of water. Guiana chestnuts are adapted to swampy environments, so it's virtually impossible to over-water this one.

Guiana chestnut, money tree Matthew Lloyd / Getty Images


Rubber plant

Like the fig tree, the rubber plant is from the hardy ficus genus. There are several varieties available, but most have large, shiny green leaves and a lush look. Darker rooms are just fine for this versatile plant, although it does need some indirect sunlight. Steady, warmer temperatures and moderate watering are ideal.

Rubber plant Viktor_Kitaykin / Getty Images
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