Ask any dog owner the one downside of sharing a home with their canine BFF, and they'll likely say it's all the dog hair that collects on furniture, floors, and clothing. For many dog lovers, shedding is just part of the trade-off for all the positive aspects of having a pet. But pet dander can significantly exacerbate allergies, and for this reason, some people avoid adding a dog to their household. Although most dogs shed, some breeds shed very little, and other breeds don't shed at all.
Coming in miniature, standard, and giant, the Schnauzer is an intelligent, bouncy breed of dog. The Schnauzer's lack of shedding comes from their distinctive two-layer coats. With a unique shape, and a reputation for loyalty, whatever size dog you're after, a Schnauzer could just be the answer to your no-shed needs.
Schnauzers do require regular grooming, however, and you have to make sure that you give their mustache a trim too!
With a reputation for silly haircuts, poodles are, in fact, loyal, intelligent dogs. Their distinctive curls mean that they don't shed, although, like a Schnauzer, they rely on regular clipping in order to keep their hair from being out of control.
Poodle coats are so no-shed that if they're bred with other dogs, typically, this dog will also be hypoallergenic.
In general, terriers typically have wiry coats, which means they're much less prone to shedding than other kinds of dogs. The Scottish Terrier is a stubborn, determined, and very loyal dog. They have beautifully square heads with large, pointy ears, and their coats only need to be trimmed around twice a year.
While the smooth-haired Brussels Griffons are becoming more popular because of their pug-like appearance, it's the long-haired Brussels Griffons that you might want to consider for a low-shed pet. With wiry hair similar to a Schnauzer or a Scottish Terrier, this little dog is packed full of personality. Bearing an uncanny resemblance to an Ewok, the Brussels Griffon is a companionable and highly sociable dog who'll want to go with you everywhere.
If you're looking for a slightly larger dog, then you might want to look at a Whippet. These sweet-natured dogs are known for being docile and intelligent, as well as very, very fast. When it comes to their shedding, their short, silky coats require very little by way of grooming, and they rarely shed. All they need is an occasional wipe down to keep them smelling good and removing any stubborn dirt.
This Hungarian shepherding breed of dog is quite rare, but they make bouncy, active friends for owners who can keep up with them. A mischievous and highly-spirited dog, they very rarely, if ever, shed their coats. However, with those gorgeous curls, their grooming takes quite a lot of upkeep, so it's quite common to trim their coats very short.
The elegant Saluki is the royal dog of Egypt and has a very short coat with a longer, feathered coat around the ears and tail. Originally a hunting dog, this breed has a reputation for being independent and almost aloof, although they bond very strongly with their owners. Like the whippet, their coat typically just needs a little light wiping down.
A mix of a Golden Retriever and a Poodle, the Goldendoodle is a cheerful and active dog that is great for families with young children. Their coats do require regular clipping; however, they have the coat of a poodle rather than a Retriever, so they rarely shed. A Goldendoodle is also a fantastic option if somebody in need of a service dog. Especially if they experience allergies and need a dog that sheds less than a Retriever.
Scottish Deerhounds are gentle giants, and thanks to their long, wiry coats, they rarely shed. While they do need to be brushed weekly to ensure that they don't have any matting of their coats, this is something that can be done at home. Quiet, docile, and faithful; these dogs make excellent companions and love long walks.
Another Hungarian dog, like its native sibling the Puli, Komondor's have fabulous, curly coats that hardly shed at all. Known also as Hungarian Sheepdogs, these dogs were bred to guard over livestock. Today, these protective, intelligent dogs make excellent companions and guard dogs. The thick coat of a Komondor makes elegant dreadlocks, and these need to be untangled to stop them from getting too matted.
Smart and people-oriented, the Kerry blue terrier is a strikingly beautiful breed. Their coats range from a light blue-gray to a dark, deep-gray, or slate color. Like many other terriers, Kerries don't shed and are a great choice for owners concerned about pet dander. Even so, they do require some weekly grooming to keep their coats soft and mat-free. Size-wise, this Irish breed stands between 17 and 20 inches tall and weighs between 35 and 40 pounds when fully grown. Kerries are excellent family dogs, but they are athletic and energetic. They need lots of exercise.
Although this web-footed dog may look similar to Portuguese water dogs, Poodles, or the Lagotto Romagnolo, it's a distinct breed. Canine experts believe that farmers developed the breed in Spain as an all-around pet and working companion for hunting, herding, and water work. The coat requires very little maintenance and no brushing, just a yearly all-over clip. For those seeking a larger-sized family dog, the Spanish water dog is a great choice. Breeders say its coat may occasionally lose a few hairs, but the breed doesn't shed.
An ancient breed, the Xoloitzcuintli, or Mexican hairless, has been around for 3000 years. The breed has two coat varieties. The hairless variety doesn't shed. The coated varieties may experience minimal shedding. The official breed description recognizes three different sizes: toy, miniature, and standard. These sensitive dogs seek structure and consistency and respond well to gentle training. Despite their somewhat fragile appearance, Xolos are athletic dogs that enjoy a lot of interaction with their human companions.
This sturdy, dignified breed has a beautiful, silky coat but doesn't shed. A soft topknot adorns the top of their large heads like a crown. Breeders in Scotland originally developed them to hunt otters and badgers, so their long torsos are low-to-the-ground, making it easier to chase their prey into burrows. Despite their smaller stature, Dandies have a surprisingly deep, baritone bark, and they make excellent watchdogs. The Dandie is an affectionate yet independent and strong-willed dog, and calmer than some other terrier breeds.
Spotted skin and spiked hair are defining physical characteristics of this toy dog. The breed has two types of coats, the hairless and the coated or powderpuff varieties. The hairless variety doesn't shed. They have tufts of hair on their tail, ankles, and head. The powderpuff coats are unusual because the undercoat is shorter than the longer outer coat. This coat is genetically recessive. Some people describe these gentle canines as Dr. Seuss dogs because they closely resemble pet illustrations from the books. Cresteds have no "doggy" odor and feel extreme devotion to their human companions.
Potential pet owners who love fluffy dogs but want to avoid shedding issues should consider the Bolognese, an ancient breed with Roman roots. The Bolognese's furry coat doesn't shed, although its soft, white, cotton-like fur does need daily brushing to keep it free of mats and tangles. This playful pup is easy-going and intelligent. It reaches a height of 10 to 12 inches. Although the Bolognese loves people, it tends to be shy around strangers. They are happier in households where they don't spend extended periods of time alone.
At first glance, this breed's calm, outgoing, and noble appearance is misleading. Breeders originally developed the Welsh terrier to be a fierce hunter. They resemble a small Airedale, and like other terriers, don't shed. For centuries, hunters chose these dogs for hunting foxes, otters, and badgers in the remote areas of Northern Wales. The Welsh's hunting instinct is a deeply embedded behavior. They'll stalk any small animals, including cats, that cross their paths. If you're seeking a lap dog, the Welsh probably isn't the best breed choice for you. But if you seek an independent, active canine who won't leave piles of hair on your furniture and is fun to have around, this breed is an excellent choice.
Happy, loving, and people-oriented, the "Little Lion Dog" has been around since the Middle Ages, according to dog historians. Yet, the American Kennel Club didn't officially recognize the Lowchen breed until 1999. Although the breed sports a beautiful, long coat, it doesn't shed. Those seeking a pet that has the pizzazz and visual appeal of a long-haired breed without all the issues that come with constant shedding will love this little canine. These playful dogs are fun, intelligent, and charming pets. They're easy to train and are great additions for family households.
Hidden behind lavish tufts of hair that covers its face, the Sealyham terrier is the feisty comedian of the terrier world. Extremely affectionate, they make excellent companions and pack a lot of personality inside their small stature. Their white, waterproof coat doesn't shed. Despite their sweet and expressive appearance, they bark with the ferocity of a big dog, which also makes them a great watchdog. Sealys easily adapt to both city and country living. Breeders developed the breed with crosses between Corgis, Dandie Dinmonts terriers, West Highland terriers, Bull terriers, and others.
The Affenpinscher's coat is harsh and dense. While you may find a few loose hairs here and there, they experience minimal shedding. Cross a curious, cute monkey with a scaled-down Wookiee, and that's a great visual description of an Affenpinscher's face. While it is adorable, Affens offer so much more. This little breed is fearlessly confident and exhibits some serious attitude when focused on a task. It comes as no surprise that the French translation for Affenpinscher is "mustached little devil." People who want a sturdy, loyal, and affectionate pet can't go wrong if they choose to share their home with the Affenpinscher.
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