Some dogs are a lot of work. They require weekly trips to the groomers, hours of intense daily physical activity, and a lot of time and energy to train. For people who want to get a dog but are hesitant because of the work involved, there are plenty of low-maintenance breeds out there that only require a long walk once or twice a day and a quick brush every week or so. Low-maintenance breeds come in every shape and size and are sure to appeal to a wide range of dog lovers.


Basset Hound

Basset hounds are an adorable low-maintenance breed that does not require much exercise or grooming. These low-energy dogs only need to be walked occasionally for exercise. They are hounds, though, and do enjoy chasing rabbits every so often. After periods of activity, they usually enjoy a long rest. Basset hounds shed a bit and should be brushed weekly. They are generally healthy, but they do like to eat, so owners need to keep a close eye on their weight.

Basset Hound Rest nini / Getty Images



Chihuahuas may seem like little balls of constant energy, but the truth is they're so small, they tire out very quickly. They do not require a lot of exercise, simply running around a small apartment or living room is enough to keep them healthy. Long-haired chihuahuas need a little more grooming than short-hair varieties, but, either way, care is pretty minimal.

Chihuahua Shirt Haired / Getty Images



While it's true that greyhounds are fast and like to run, the speed only lasts for a limited time. After a daily run or walk, they can usually be found lying on the couch. In fact, it is not unusual for owners to come home from work at the end of the day to find their greyhound lying right where they left them in the morning. Generally, they are not a high energy breed and do not require a lot of exercise. They are easy to train and have overall good health.

Spanish Galgo. Purebred dog at sunset Zbynek Pospisil / Getty Images


French Bulldog

The French bulldog is an easy-going, low-energy breed that makes a great companion. While they tend to be a little stubborn, they are easy to train and known for having general good health. French bulldogs have short coats that require minimal grooming and only scant shedding. While they have periods of high energy, they tire quickly and only require moderate daily exercise to stay healthy.

Frenchie sleeping with stuffed toy gollykim / Getty Images



Bullmastiffs are large, muscular, and, believe it or not, exceptionally lazy. These low energy dogs are content being in the house all day but would also do well in a fenced-in yard with a little room to move around. Daily walks are enough exercise to keep a bullmastiff healthy. Their short stuff coats require little grooming though be aware that they do shed a bit.

Bullmastiff Resting Couch Potato Astakhova / Getty Images



Not only are dachshunds great companion dogs, but they are also easy to train and simple to care for. There are a few varieties of dachshunds. Short-haired are easier to care for than long-haired, which regular grooming. Miniature dachshunds weigh around 10 pounds while standard dachshunds can weigh as many as 30 pounds, so there are plenty of size options, too. Because of their unique build, dachshunds require a moderate amount of exercise to keep their back muscles strong to prevent spinal damage. A good walk every day is normally enough. Too much jumping and running can actually make back problems worse.

Dachshund Miniature Standard Pekic / Getty Images



The mastiff is one of the largest breeds of low-maintenance dogs. They can weigh as much as 220 pounds are generally lazy and docile. They're a fairly healthy breed and require minimal exercise because they're low energy and do not have a lot of endurance. One downside to their size is they have a shorter lifespan than other dogs. Many do not live beyond 11 years old or so and become even lazier and more docile with age.

English Mastiff Large Breed forisana / Getty Images



Pugs are an easy-to-care-for dog that can do just fine living primarily indoors though they do enjoy spending time exploring. Long walks are all the exercise they need to stay healthy and satisfy their curiosity. Their short fur is easy to maintain with a weekly brushing and regular baths. Pugs are generally healthy though they do have a tendency to develop allergies, skin irritation, and breathing complications.

Pug Inside Dog SuperflyImages / Getty Images



Beagles are one of the most popular dog breeds because they are friendly, affectionate, and low maintenance. Although they require a moderate amount of exercise, a fenced-in yard is enough space for them to run around and play. Long walks are good for them, too. Their medium coats require regular brushing, and their ears should be checked occasionally for any hints of infection. Other than that, no special care is required.

Beagle Relax Friendly LightFieldStudios / Getty Images



Rottweilers are a large breed that requires a moderate amount of exercise, but a long walk twice a day and some time to run around in the yard during the day should do it. They love to be with their family and, while they are not necessarily couch potatoes, they do like to curl up with their owners. Grooming is pretty simple, too. Just brush them every few days and bath them occasionally.

Rottweiler Easy Grooming FaST_9 / Getty Images
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