A diet high in anti-oxidant rich foods has been shown to naturally reduce and slow down the signs of aging. These delicious foods can be eaten on a regular basis to ease the effects of aging on the whole body, from the skin to the joints, to the brain. So many anti-aging foods are delicious and are easy to incorporate into your diet on a regular basis.
Blueberries are a true superfood rich in Vitamins A, B, and C. The most important component of blueberries is anthocyanins, a compound shown to limit the cellular damage by free-radicals, slowing age-related damage to the brain cells. People over the age of 40 can eat blueberries on a daily basis to improve memory and slow the appearance of wrinkles.
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Dietary guidelines show eating a small amount of dark chocolate on a daily basis can be good for your heart and provides mental benefits. Chocolate is high in calories, so limit yourself to a square or two per day. The greatest benefits come from 80 - 90% cocoa chocolate, as this has the highest levels of anti-oxidants.
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Eat this superfood packed with vitamins A and C, antioxidants, fiber, folate, calcium, and lutein on a daily basis to get the best results. Vitamin C is the main vitamin used in the skin's production of collagen, which slows the appearance of wrinkles. Other nutrients found in broccoli help preserve memory and fight the age-related breakdown of brain cells.
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Salmon consume large amounts of astaxanthin from their diet of algae, and you can benefit from this antioxidant when you eat the fish. Clinical trials have proven the anti-aging effects of astaxanthin; it was shown to fight cellular damage to DNA caused by oxidants, one of the most effective ways of slowing the signs of aging. Salmon also has high doses of omega 3 fatty acids, which help ease joint pain and increase brain function.
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Everyone is talking about this superfood lately and for good reasons. Eating an avocado for breakfast is helpful for weight control, and the fruit is full of phytochemicals that slow the signs of aging on a cellular level. The monounsaturated fatty acids in avocados are essential for keeping your heart and arteries healthy.
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Spinach has been one of the top foods for a healthy diet for a long time. It can be eaten raw in a salad, steamed, or sauteed. This leafy green offers vitamins A, C, E, and K, and magnesium, lutein, and iron. Iron is necessary for a healthy heart and strong blood flow. Vitamin K has been shown to reduce inflammation in the joints caused by arthritis.
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Nuts are a great source of vitamin E, which helps repair skin damage, hydrate, and help prevent UV damage. Almonds have a particularly high dose of vitamin E and are healthy to eat in small amounts on a regular basis. Walnuts contain a large amount of omega 3 that helps slow the appearance of wrinkles and improves brain function.
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People have been eating pomegranates for their healing properties for centuries. They have very levels of vitamin C, which the body uses to produce collagen and prompt the production of skin cells. The fruit also contains punicalagin, a compound shown to slow the aging of skin cells and reduce joint stiffness and pain.
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Figs contain flavonoids and polyphenols shown to help prevent various oxidative stress-related conditions such as neurodegenerative issues. They are also high in vitamin C which, as mentioned, helps to prevent or slow the appearance of wrinkles.
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Red bell peppers contain powerful antioxidants called carotenoids, which reign supreme in the fight against aging. They are anti-inflammatory and help to prevent sun damage, which can cause your skin to age quickly. The high levels of vitamin C in peppers will keep your skin looking young and keep you healthy.
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