
With an hour-glass shape, the pear with its long shelf life is filled with juicy and delicious sweetness. The pear comes in at least ten different varieties and differs in color from green to red. The pear is not one of the forbidden fruits of life. It is full of goodness and very healthy for the body. It has a fragrance and texture that is all its own. The pear has been the focal point of artist, chefs and health nuts. It is one of the best fruits that you can add to your daily diet plan.

The First Fruits

The pear has not always been a part of the United States. The first pear tree was brought across the Atlantic with the colonist that settled around Plymouth Rock. John Endecott, the leader of the pilgrims, planted the tree in the 1630s in what we know today as Salem, Massachusetts. The Endecott Pear Tree is still living today and still produces fruit after 383 years. Today, Oregon and Washington are the top producers of this fruit. The first pear tree made its way to the area along the Lewis and Clark trail and was planted by the early pioneers to settle in this area. The trees thrived in the coastal states, and today there are over 900 growers in Oregon and Washington that produce approximately 442,000 tons of pears every year. These pears are shipped to over 50 countries and within the United States.



Keep Things Moving

Do you often dread that trip to the porcelain throne? Many people do because of painful and hard bowel movements. Pears may be the answer because they are high in pectin. Pectin contains water-soluble fiber which is found in other fruits, but pears contain the highest content. Pectin helps the body eliminate fatty substances that are of no nutritional value remaining in our digestive track. The levels of pectin in the pear make this fruit one of the most beneficial when suffering from digestive problems and constipation. The fruit has also been shown to lower cholesterol and help the body maintain a healthy blood sugar level giving it a diabetic friendly reputation.



A Diabetic-Friendly Snack Alternative

Does being diabetic make you run as far as you can from fruit? Many time people think that because of diabetes, all fruit is forbidden. However; the pear is actually very good for diabetes. This fruit is very high in fiber and has just the right amount of sweetness that it can curb the craving for other sugar-packed snacks. Pears are a natural way of sustaining a healthy blood sugar level and maintaining energy lost because the diabetic system usually is insulin resistance robbing cells of the energy needed to keep going. Please note that you should never abandon your diabetic medications without consulting your physician.



Pear Up With A Healthy Heart

Did you ever think that a piece of fruit could be a shield for your heart? The pear can be just that. Because of the fruits high fiber, it can help protect the heart from coronary disease by lowering blood pressure and reducing the bad cholesterol in the body. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the United States, especially among women. A study at Harvard University revealed that for every ten grams of fiber your body receives the risk of having a coronary event drops by 14 percent. Pears have a total of 5 grams of fiber and two pears a day is on the way to meeting the nutritional guidelines put out by the American Heart Association.



Avoid the Weight, Pick a Pear

Losing weight can be a hassle, eating right can be a drag, but when you add a pear to the mix, it can bring back the desire to take off the pounds. Pears provide many benefits to weight loss. The fiber contained in the fruit is about 20 percent of the recommended daily allowance, so you stay fuller longer, this enables you to stay full longer avoiding snacking between snacks. The pear is low in calories and packs a powerful boost to energy and reducing inflammation; these are critical factors in increasing activity levels.



Pear Down Inflammation

Another component of pears which adds a significant health benefit is the number of flavonoids in the fruit. Flavonoids are a plant compound that gives fruits and vegetables such beautiful colors. These compounds create great antioxidants. The pear is full of them. Another benefit is its ability to fight inflammation. Inflammation can be an enemy to weight loss and quality of life. When the body harbors inflammation, it is in chronic pain. Pears have a high flavonoid content aiding in and diminishing inflamed joints and muscles and can get you moving again.


The Fruit that Could Be a Fountain of Youth

Are you someone who is prone to catching colds and other illnesses? Pears are a great way to boost your immune system. The fruit is chocked full of vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals that are good for the Immune system. Vitamin C which is an antioxidant fight free radicals and the damaged they cause in the body. One pear has about 12 percent of the recommended daily allowance of Vitamin C. Pears can help to protect DNA, stop cells mutation and allow cuts and bruises to heal quicker. Pears with the high dose of vitamin C can also reverse the signs of aging.

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Keeping the Fluid Levels Steady

Potassium which is an electrolyte plays an essential roll in the body and having low potassium can affect all areas. It can cause problems with the kidneys, dehydration, and blood pressure. Pears have a significant amount of potassium. A small pear provides 172 milligrams of potassium, a medium pear offers 206 milligrams, and a large fruit has 267 milligrams. Eating a pear or two a day will give the body the needed potassium to carry out its function. Pears contribute to kidney health and regulation of sodium and fluid balance throughout the body.  

Supplies potassium for regulating the body's liquid balance

Prevention of Kidney Stones a Plus

The kidneys play an essential roll in eliminating the body of the bad stuff through urination. However; like any organ in the body the kidneys can develop problems that need to be addressed. One of the issues is the formation of kidney stones, which can be very painful when passed out of the body. Citrate is a known prohibitor of the forming of these crystal bodies. Pears are one fruit that can work in the kidneys and help prevent the formation of stones and make the kidneys function much better. Furthermore, pears have what is called malic acid which is a derivative of citrate. Pears, along with a low sodium low meat diet can work to prevent stones from forming.



Healthy and Happy with a Pear

Pears are the oldest cultivated fruit and in early years were used for Medicinal purposes. Today there are several varieties of the pear with different colors and texture. These pears consist of the red and green Bartlett Pears, the red and green Anjou pears and the Concorde to name a few. Pears are one of the best fruits that can be added to the daily menu and with so many ways to prepare them, you will never get bored with the Pear.


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