Most of us enjoy our coffee first thing in the morning. It helps us wake up and gets us going. In fact, about 83 percent of people in the United States drink coffee. That's a lot of wired people. With all the good things we hear in the news about coffee, the stimulant does have negative effects, as well. Coffee has caffeine, the main ingredient that helps us stay awake and alert. This is beneficial in our hectic lives, but it has a darker side. This popular hot beverage isn't recommended for people who are particularly sensitive to caffeine. Here are some of the negative effects of coffee.
Drinking six or more cups of coffee a day can cause anxiety and agitation. If you drink a lot of coffee, you may find yourself feeling jittery and could get a headache. Too much coffee can even cause ringing in the ears and irregular heartbeat. So, if you experience these symptoms when you drink a lot of coffee, it might be time to cut down.
Not surprisingly, the same coffee that wakes you up in the morning can end up ruining your night if you drink it in the afternoon or evening. Coffee is known to cause insomnia; caffeine will keep you restless and wishing you didn't have that cup before you went to bed. Depending on your chemical makeup, you may find you need to stop drinking caffeine by mid-afternoon or even by lunchtime to avoid detrimental nighttime effects.
Coffee can upset the stomach, and some people become nauseous and may even vomit after drinking coffee. If you have a sensitive stomach or are especially sensitive to caffeine, you might want to skip coffee and choose a more stomach-friendly drink like herbal tea.
Unfiltered coffee can be bad for your health, especially if you have high cholesterol or need to watch your triglycerides. Drinking unfiltered coffee increases LDL (bad) cholesterol and overall cholesterol, and increases the triglycerides in your bloodstream. If you suffer from high cholesterol or have a heart condition, you should stay away from unfiltered coffee. Filtered coffee generally reduces these effects.
If you're a coffee drinker, you should limit your coffee intake to no more than two cups of coffee per day when pregnant. Studies have shown women who drink more than two cups daily are at higher risk for miscarriages and premature birth. Their babies are also at greater risk of low birth weight.
If drinking coffee while pregnant is harmful to babies before they are born, it stands to reason that caffeine consumption while breastfeeding can also cause problems. Experts recommend limiting your coffee intake to no more than two cups per day until you've stopped breastfeeding. Otherwise, your baby may have an irritable digestive tract and could suffer from general irritability and insomnia.
The caffeine in coffee has much more serious effects in children than adults. Kids who have coffee or highly caffeinated drinks can exhibit more extreme versions of the symptoms that affect adults, including restlessness, irritability, sleeplessness, rapid heartbeat, irregular heartbeat, rapid breathing, vomiting, nausea, and ringing in the ears. Studies also suggest children who drink lots of caffeine are more likely to accidentally wet the bed than children who do not.
If you buy cheap coffee, you may be in for a rude surprise after you drink it. Bad coffee made from overripe beans or beans that have been mishandled can make you sick. (Even one bad bean will do it.) If caffeine doesn't usually bother you but you feel nauseous or get a headache after a hot cuppa, consider tossing your current bag of beans.
If you have diabetes, you may want to talk to your doctor about the effect coffee has on your blood sugar. Coffee may cause fluctuations both high and low.
If you have or are at risk of getting osteoporosis, you may want to reduce your coffee intake or switch to decaf. Coffee can decrease the amount of calcium in your body, which can lead to weakened bones. If you must drink regular coffee, try to limityour consumption.
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