Eggs, both the white and the yolk, are a great source of important nutrients. The white is high in protein, vitamins, and minerals while the yolk offers essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins. Eggs are also a versatile ingredient, as their properties make them a perfect binding agent in various dishes. The most commonly eaten eggs are chicken eggs. However, eggs from other birds are also highly nutritious, including duck, quail, and goose eggs.


High in Good HDL Cholesterol

Until recently, it was believed that eggs were bad for cholesterol levels. However, it's now understood that there are different types of cholesterol with different effects on the body. Although eggs contain small levels of 'bad' LDL cholesterol, regular egg consumption has been found to have little or no effect on LDL cholesterol levels in most people. Eating eggs regularly does, however, help increase healthy HDL cholesterol, which helps lower the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

eggs and cholesterol

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Source of Iron

Iron is a vital dietary nutrient because it carries oxygen in the blood, and helps maintain a healthy immune system and normal metabolism. When a person doesn't have enough iron in their diet, they are likely to feel tired, irritable, and have frequent headaches. Egg yolks are an excellent source of heme iron, the easiest type for the body to absorb and use.

minerals in eggs

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Promote Neurological Health

Choline isn't often listed on nutritional labels, so many people are unaware of its importance in a healthy diet. Choline is a vital nutrient for healthy neurological function, nerve function, and control of the muscles. Experts recommend that women consume 425-500mg of choline daily. Men need a little more, around 550mg per day. Eggs are a rich source of this nutrient, with one medium-sized chicken's egg providing around 100mg.

health benefits of eggs

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Protect Healthy Vision

Carrots have long been hailed as the perfect food for protecting eyesight. However, doctors now know eating eggs can also help to prevent degeneration of eyesight. Egg yolks contain an antioxidant called lutein that fights macular degeneration, a common cause of blindness. The bright yellow component also contains high levels of the antioxidant zeaxanthin, which protects the eyes from the harmful effects of UV light from the sun. Both lutein and zeaxanthin can reduce the risk of developing cataracts, according to studies.

vision eggs

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Promote Strong Bones

Egg yolks are a great source of vitamin D, which the body requires for the absorption of dietary calcium, which is, in turn, vital for bone health. It also helps promote healthy teeth and muscles. If a person becomes deficient in vitamin D, this can lead to brittle, weakened bones that fracture easily.

bones eggs

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Healthy Hair and Nails

Protein is vital for growing healthy hair and nails, both of which contain a protein called keratin. A large chicken's egg contains around 6 grams of high-quality protein. Eggs also contain a wide variety of nutrients known to contribute to healthy hair and nail growth, including zinc, vitamin B12, and vitamin A.

hair and nails eggs

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Improve Satiety

Research shows eggs keep people feeling fuller for longer. However, each egg only contains around 75 calories. Studies show people who eat eggs instead of grains for breakfast feel more satisfied and report higher energy levels. This increased satiety led to the study participants consuming fewer calories in total over the course of the day. So, eating eggs may be a helpful tool for people trying to lose weight.

fullness eggs

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Reduce Risk of Breast Cancer

Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is a good way to reduce the overall risk of developing cancer. By eating eggs regularly as part of a balanced anti-cancer diet, women can minimize their likelihood of getting breast cancer. Eggs are helpful for preventing breast cancer  -- choline appears to have a protective effect, for one. Other studies report women who eat two or fewer eggs weekly have a slightly higher overall risk of developing breast cancer than women who consume them more regularly.

breast cancer eggs

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Good for Cardiovascular Health

One chicken egg contains roughly a quarter of the daily requirement for selenium, an anti-inflammatory nutrient vital for cardiovascular health -- selenium deficiency has been linked to cardiovascular disease and cardiac arrest. A recent study carried out in Sweden has shown supplementing selenium and CoQ10 almost halves the rate of cardiovascular-related deaths in adults. The supplements improved overall heart function and reduced the number of hospital stays following cardiovascular surgeries.

heart health eggs

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Provide Lasting Energy

B vitamins are important for maintaining good energy levels because they assist in the healthy metabolism of carbohydrates into energy. They also play a vital role in producing neurotransmitters, which carry messages in the brain and regulate mood. A deficiency in B vitamins can lead to tiredness, irritability, anxiety, and depression. Eggs are high in B vitamins, so they're a good food for maintaining high energy levels. It is important to eat the whole egg to get the full benefit. This is because some B vitamins, such as B2 and B3, are found in the whites, while others, such as B5 and B12, are almost entirely contained within the yolk.

eggs energy

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