Boric acid is a weak acid with many uses that range from pesticides to lubricating agents on metal or ceramic surfaces. Did you know that this acid also boasts some health and healing benefits for humans, too? Boric acid is found naturally in seawater and has been used for these benefits since ancient times. Certain plants and fruits also contain the compound. While the ancients used boric acid for cleaning and food preservation, modern humans are learning more ways it can help.


Treatment of Yeast Infection

Many women will get at least one yeast infection during their lives. Though not typically serious, yeast infections can be uncomfortable. For those who would rather not see a doctor or use over-the-counter medications to treat their infection, direct insertion of boric acid capsules is a possible natural treatment. If you're considering this, check with a doctor to make sure this option is suitable for your body.


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Since boric acid is effective for treating candida yeast, the cause of natural fungal infections in the body, it is not surprising the compound can also be used to treat other fungal infections such as toe fungus. Boric acid is effective against Candida albicans, the common cause of yeast infections, but also more drug-resistant strains like candida glabrada. While improvement rates differ, many people find boric acid cures or improves this condition.


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Combats Cancer

Various medical journals have reported on the potential of boric acid in the treatment of certain cancers, from melanoma to breast cancer. Studies suggest that boric acid can cause cancer cell apoptosis. Other research shows potential for preventing tumor growth in individuals with prostate cancer.

The Health Benefits of Boric Acid


Eye Irritation

Boric acid has long been a natural remedy for common eye irritations. Traditional medicine practitioners have been prescribing this natural acid as an effective eye wash for centuries. Bacteria associated with itchy or dry eyes can lead to worsening eye irritation. A simple wash of boric acid mixed with water and Epsom salts can offer natural relief.


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Ear Infection

Ear drops containing boric acid can bring relief to people with some common ear infections. Just as boric acid is an effective agent for treating eye irritation, it can also help treat the ears. One simple home remedy for an ear infection is a mixture of distilled water, vinegar, and boric acid. Only a very small amount is needed to relieve pain.

The Health Benefits of Boric Acid


Flea Control

Anyone whose pet has had fleas knows humans are vulnerable to flea bites too. In homes with serious flea infestations, humans may experience flea bites along with their pets. Boric acid can get rid of fleas from the carpet. The pests are attracted to the boric acid; they eat it, and eventually die.


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Cold Sores

With its natural antiviral properties, boric acid has been deemed an effective treatment for cold sores. The University of Michigan reports boric acid can shorten the duration of cold sores. In fact, studies show this acid can shorten cold sore duration by a third. If you have a cold sore, you may want to consult with your healthcare provider about using a boric acid ointment.


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Treatment for Acne

Boric acid's natural antibacterial properties make it effective for treating acne. Some people prone to acne flare-ups use boric acid to prevent breakouts. Keep in mind some people are sensitive to boric acid, and using it on the skin could cause irritation.

The Health Benefits of Boric Acid


Mold Killer

Mold triggers allergies in many people. Fortunately, boric acid can serve as an effective mold killer. By using an effective cleaning agent like boric acid, you can help keep your home mold free. Many people favor its use as a cleaner around the house because it is less toxic than many other chemicals.


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Antiseptic for Wounds

With its antiseptic properties, boric acid may be mixed with distilled water to clean wounds. Wounds are vulnerable to bacteria that can lead to infection. It's important to clean wounds well so they can heal with no complications. A cotton ball soaked in the boric acid mixture can clean simple wounds like scrapes and scratches and prevent infection.


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