Sunflowers were first cultivated in North America, as early as 3000 B.C., by American Indians. Russia later cultivated the plant for its oil, but when the flowers became common in the 1970s, farmers could no longer supply the full demand. Americans began to cultivate the plants as well, and the sunflower seed returned home. Today, Americans have many uses for the cheery plant, such as sunflower seed butter.
Sunflower seed butter can give peanut butter a run for its money in the protein department. Each serving has three grams of protein, making it great for snacks, particularly when combined with carbs.
High-protein foods have numerous health benefits. Protein keeps your muscles strong and maximizes the benefits of exercise. It also makes you feel fuller for longer, so you eat less.
Vitamin E is one of the best antioxidants. It balances cholesterol, keeping good and bad levels in check. It also decreases free radicals, which can slow aging and reduce cell damage. That's why so many beauty products use vitamin E in their ingredients and their advertising.
Vitamin E also bolsters immunity, as shown in the publication Vitamins and Hormones. Better immunity means you are better able to fight off infections like the common cold.
Fortunately, you don’t have to spend loads of money to feel better. Sunflower seed butter can be a cheaper way to get tons of this essential vitamin. You'll get 24 percent of your body’s daily Vit. E needs from a single serving.
One of the most important minerals is magnesium, but a lot of people have a deficiency. Magnesium is vital in maintaining high energy levels, relieving muscle spasms, improving digestion and elimination, and making sure you sleep well. One tablespoon of sunflower seed butter contains 12% of your recommended daily value of magnesium.
GMOs in our foods cause malabsorption of minerals. Digestive issues caused by a leaky gut or high medication use, also contribute to the low levels of magnesium seen in many Americans. Sunflower seeds are easy to digest and contain lots of dietary fiber.
The fact that sunflower seeds are high in fat shouldn't turn you off. When you consume healthy fats like those in sunflower seed butter and other nuts and seeds, you equip your body the tools to carry vitamins throughout it, better absorb nutrients in food, and give skin a youthful glow.
Depending on which brand you go with, nut and peanut butters can be full of ingredients that are unnecessary and downright scary, like sugars and hydrogenated oils. Sunflower seed butter, however, is largely unprocessed. Sunflower seeds are also budget-friendly, though pre-made sunflower seed butter can be less so. You might want to try making your own, at home.
Check out what else a single serving (one tablespoon) of sunflower seed butter has:
While sunflower seed butter is not harmful, keep this in mind. Sunflower seeds are full of healthy fats, but this means they're also high in calories, so be mindful of serving sizes. One tablespoon is a single serving; add two more and you are looking at a high-fat snack.
If you’re looking for another nut butter, sunflower seed butter is a great choice. It’s easy to make and to implement into your diet.
Plus, sunflower seed butter provides three tremendous vitamins and minerals: protein, vitamin E, magnesium. It also has healthy fats and is an unprocessed alternative with no harmful oils. So, if you want a spread or healthier butter for recipes, sunflower seed butter is it!
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