
The beautiful passionflower can do much more than put on a pretty front. Used in its native Central and South America as a sedative for centuries, the passionflower has gained more wide-spread popularity today, and has many potential benefits, some of which are supported with scientific research.

May reduce the symptoms of withdrawal

Research shows that the passionflower can provide gentle relief for both the physical and mental symptoms of withdrawal with no detrimental effects. Maybe passionflowers can be the cure for people addicted to smoking. These persons cannot seem to kick the habit because they cannot overcome the nicotine withdrawal. The use of passion flowers extract can reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms. That is when researchers tested it on animals. More extensive tests should are still needed before they can prove these effects to humans.



May reduce the effects of menopause

Women by choice would instead prefer natural remedies. The passionflower may be their answer in increasing the levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid or GABA. This substance helps in decreasing the activity of those brain cells that induce depression. The alkaloids found in flower may also hinder monoamine oxidase production. This is a substance which is responsible for depression in women who are undergoing their menopause stage. Hot flashes are also everyday occurrences in menopausal women. The passionflower tests gave promising results in reducing these annoying flashes. The passionflower eases the occurrences of hot flashes on both menopausal and premenopausal women.



Balances the mood

Among all its benefits, the passionflower is well-known for its calming and relaxing effects. Aside from promoting a balanced mood, there are no side effects. Pharmaceuticals may work faster, but they also give side effects like dizziness and more. The passionflower may be slower in reaction but is far gentler. To make the passionflower more useful as a relaxant, researchers have combined it with other herbs that have similar effects. One study that was placebo-controlled showed that combining passionflowers and other herbs produced a significant impact on the mood without any adverse side effects.



Lowers blood pressure

An element found by researchers in the passionflower may also be responsible for lowering blood pressure levels. The compound is rich in idyllic acid that is found in the passionflower's skin. Furthermore, it was also found that the passion fruit's pulp can be an antidote for reducing systolic pressure. The passionflower's extract to the body increases the levels of antioxidant enzymes. These enzymes may decrease the levels of oxidized lipids. These lipids might cause damage from the buildup of waste products and toxins in the body.



Has anti-aging benefits

The high content of antioxidants and vitamin C in passionflower oils helps slow down skin damage caused by the aging process. The same compounds can preserve elastin and collagen which are both critical in keeping the skin younger and firm. The passionflower also has amounts of vitamin A, a substance responsible for the growth and repair of body cells. Constant growth and repair can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Fatty acids including oleic and linoleic acids are also found in passionflowers. These compounds "feed" the skin so it could maintain the structure. Also, the compounds keep it smooth and firm while reducing the appearance of the typical signs of aging.



Help reduce anxiety

The passionflower has been commonly used as a traditional medicine for anxiety. Studies have shown that compounds in the passionflower may interact with brain receptors. When this happens, it provokes relaxation. These compounds also stimulate the increase in GABA. The brain activities that cause anxiety reduce, making the individual more relaxed. Aside from this, the extracts may also have some anti-seizure and anti-inflammatory benefits. The extract of the passionflower is a helpful treatment for anxiety and will not compromise job performance. For children, passionflower combined with special herbs shows promise in reducing their nervousness.



Relieves gastrointestinal issues

In the form of tea, you can use the passionflower to treat many stomach issues like an upset stomach and indigestion. Upon the first signs of some minor gastrointestinal discomfort, drink a cup of the special tea, taken twice a day. If the pain continues after three days, it's best to consult your family doctor just to be sure it isn't something serious. Passionflower extracts are also commonly used to treat ulcers caused by alcohol drinking and aspirin. The antioxidant potentials of the flower too show promise but will need further research.



Improves sleep

Mom always told us about the importance of a good night's sleep. Eight hours or more can be good for the body as it would be the best time to grow and repair tissues. Many studies focus on rest, especially on the people who have difficulties catching it. Some studies used various herbal medicines, the passionflower included. The results have shown considerable improvements in sleep. For the passionflower, it may be because its extracts can reduce anxiety. Another test case was recently applied to people where they drank passionflower tea for some time. The results showed an improvement in their sleep time. When you combined Valerian root with the flower, it becomes more potent in combating insomnia. This combo will be ideal for people having trouble in switching off their brains at night. Even children with sleeping issues can drink tea without dealing with side effects.



Beneficial to the skin

Another great benefit we can get from passionflower is keeping the skin smooth. The oil derived from the flower is very light and not greasy at all and can be quickly absorbed by the skin. That makes it a great moisturizer or cream for all types of skin. It also has a non-clogging moisturizing property. This makes it effective against the acne-prone skin. It's useful for hemorrhoids, swelling, and burns too.



Helps reduce inflammation

Passionflowers can also have anti-inflammatory properties. There was an analysis done on two passionflower species. It explains about their antioxidant and phytonutrient contents. The results showed that they contain high levels of phenolic compounds. These are powerful antioxidants. Even animals can benefit from the passionflower. You can use it on animals suffering from paw edema. This is a condition where there is a build-up of fluids in the animals paw area. The antioxidant present in the flowers can decrease the fluid build-up. It will also help reduce the inflammation.


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