Lycopene is the carotenoid responsible for giving fruits their red color. The fat-soluble pigment is also a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from damage. It occurs naturally in several fruits and vegetables and is also available in supplements. Lycopene can help treat various medical issues and even prevent some. This nutrient has also been shown to improve cognition at all ages.


Antioxidants: the Superhero

Antioxidants are natural substances that help prevent cell damage. There are man-made supplements, but most exist in foods like fruits and vegetables. Lycopene can help rid the body of the toxins that abound in today's processed foods. Antioxidants are also popular in the beauty industry for their anti-aging effects. Stock up on foods like asparagus, red cabbage, and carrots to get your daily dose!


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Lycopene Promotes a Healthy Immune System

A healthy immune system is the body's best defense against illness. Eating healthy foods has an undeniable positive effect on the body. Lycopene is in foods we often consume, including tomatoes, grapefruit, and watermelon and can increase immune system defenses. A healthy immune system is vital to fighting and preventing disease and illness.


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Can Prevent Cancer

Medical professionals use lycopene, in addition to traditional medications, to treat a variety of diseases, and as a preventative measure for a long list of cancers. The cell-protecting benefits are thought to fight off potentially harmful bodies that could turn into cancerous cells. Instead, lycopene helps eliminate the toxins before they can cause harm. In patients already diagnosed with cancer, it can also protect healthy cells and slow the progression of the disease. It has shown particular effectiveness in the treatment of colon cancer.


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Treats Asthma

Several studies indicate lycopene can help prevent and treat asthma. The phytochemical helps to prevent inflammation in the lungs and increases white blood cells necessary for proper immune response. When taken on a regular basis, lycopene can prevent asthma from occurring.


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Promotes Eye Health

Many praise lycopene as one of the most powerful vitamins on the market when it comes to eye health, thanks to its ability to protect the eyes from oxidative stress that leads to many eye diseases. It has shown significant improvement in people with cataracts and macular degeneration. Several studies suggest lycopene can prevent or at least delay cataracts and slow the progression of macular degeneration, a disease that can lead to blindness in older patients.


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Prevents Heart Disease

Another popular use for lycopene in the medical world is its role in fighting heart disease, the number one killer in the United States. Lycopene's healing and protective properties can prevent some of the issues that lead to heart disease. One study shows the carotene can reduce risk of a stroke by a whopping 50%! It also reduces the risk of heart attacks and helps maintain a healthy circulatory system.


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Helps Relieve Neuropathic Pain

Nerve damage can lead to neuropathy, which is associated with diseases like diabetes and HIV. The condition can also be caused by a variety of other factors. As a result, it causes widespread pain throughout the body that can be difficult to manage. Studies show lycopene is quite effective in inhibiting pain caused by neuropathy. This is a huge benefit because it can allow patients to reduce their use of narcotics and other potentially harmful analgesic medications.


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Treats HPV

HPV is a sexually transmitted disease that results in warts and has been linked to uterine cancer in women when left untreated. Lycopene has been recommended as a supplementary treatment for patients with HPV inasmuch as can help speed recovery time and prevent cancer from forming.


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Controls Cholesterol

High cholesterol is a leading cause of problems such as heart attacks and strokes. Lycopene can decrease the amount of bad cholesterol in the body. One study showed patients who took lycopene supplements were able to lower their bad cholesterol by 14%. Taking a supplement in addition to making healthy diet choices can increase the chance of success in patients with high cholesterol.


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Improves Cognition

Another great benefit of lycopene is its positive neurological effects. Studies show it can delay the onset and progression of memory disorders like Alzheimer's Disease. It has also been proven effective in patients who have already developed Alzheimer's by slowing the effects and prolonging memory retention and cognition.


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