Grapefruit, like many citrus fruits, has a strong nutritional profile. High in vitamins C and A and various trace minerals, a single grapefruit can boost your overall nutrition. At just 100 calories for a whole fruit and with all that fiber, it's a great addition to a balanced breakfast. There are many health benefits of grapefruit, and research shows that of the various types -- white, red, and pink -- darker types contain more benefits.
For dieters, the weight loss benefits of grapefruit go beyond filling fiber and low calories. There are certain chemicals in grapefruit that help boost metabolism and promote weight loss. An enzyme called AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is activated by an organic compound in grapefruit called nootkatone. This activation results in energy production in your body, which burns glucose and raises your resting metabolic rate.
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Many women want to reduce cellulite. While this is largely a result of genetics, grapefruit could help. It contains bromelain, an anti-inflammatory compound that helps break down cellulite. Furthermore, studies show grapefruit oil aromatherapy helps stimulate the nervous system, another way to reduce cellulite.
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Grapefruit contains phytochemicals, compounds that reduce the growth of colon, mouth, skin, lung, breast, and stomach tumors. These chemicals reduce inflammation and inhibit the growth of mutated, harmful cancer cells. Inflammatory responses in the body can encourage the growth of cancer cells; choosing foods that are naturally rich in anti-inflammatory compounds allows your body to fight them naturally. The vitamin C in grapefruit helps prevent harmful changes in your cellular DNA caused by free radical molecules -- this also prevents the generation of cancerous cells.
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Vitamin C is well-known for its ability to boost your immune system and help ward off colds and the flu, and an entire grapefruit has more than 100 percent of your recommended daily value of the vitamin. The red and pink varieties of grapefruit are full of bioflavonoids, chemicals that stimulate the performance of disease-fighting cells. Dietary vitamin C is critical to helping your body attack invading viruses and bacteria.
The anti-inflammatory properties of grapefruit help lower your stroke risk by keeping the arterial walls supple and free from LDL cholesterol buildup. Also, citrus fruits like grapefruit have high concentrations of flavonoids, which decrease the risk of an ischemic stroke, especially in women. Consuming grapefruit on a regular basis can help reduce the likelihood of both ischemic stroke and intracerebral hemorrhage.
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The high concentration of vitamin C in grapefruit helps boost the production of collagen, the compound in your skin that keeps it firm and wrinkle-free. In addition, grapefruit in skin care is naturally astringent, cleaning your skin and infusing it with the chemicals it needs for a healthy glow. Beta-carotene is a compound that slows the aging of cells, reducing the appearance of aging and keeping skin soft and youthful. Grapefruit is an excellent source of beta-carotene, but be sure to choose the pink or red varieties.
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Antioxidants improve your overall health and wellness by reducing oxidative stress on the body, a result of excess free radical molecules in the body, which attack healthy cells and inhibit cell regeneration. TFree radicals cause mutations in the skin that can lead to tumors and cancerous growths. Antioxidants also help reduce adrenal fatigue, which decreases stress in the body and accumulation of weight around the midsection, and balances mood.
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Metabolic syndrome can lead to prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, which develops when your body becomes resistant to insulin and your blood glucose levels remain high, damaging tissues and organs. Eating grapefruit reduces the risk of metabolic syndrome and controls insulin levels by strengthening pancreatic and gallbladder function. In addition, the high fiber content of grapefruit helps you feel fuller longer and naturally helps reduce the peaks and dips of blood sugar fluctuations.
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You can benefit your heart and blood vessels with grapefruit, too. The fruit naturally helps reduce blood pressure, keeping the walls of your arteries relaxed to allow proper delivery of blood through your body. Several studies indicate people who regularly consume grapefruit have demonstrated reduced blood pressure. This, in turn, lowers your risk of heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. Several of the nutrients in grapefruit also naturally reduce LDL cholesterol levels and improve beneficial HDL cholesterol levels.
You can opt to receive benefits from grapefruit by using essential oil aromatherapy or as a topical cream. However, to enjoy everything grapefruit has to offer, it's best consumed whole. The extra water and fiber content of fruit itself will help regulate digestion, keeping you fuller for longer and moderating the speed of food moving through your gut. Grapefruit can be tossed in a salad, eaten whole, or added to a smoothie. You could also use it to top warm cereal or yogurt.
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