Chamomile tea has been used for thousands of years to promote good health. People enjoy chamomile flowers steeped in hot water for their natural soothing qualities and ability to relieve an upset stomach. But research has discovered that chamomile tea has even more beneficial qualities than originally thought. Chamomile is native to North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. It has a slight apple-like taste, and the scent is quite pleasant.


Chamomile Calms and Soothes

One of the most common uses for chamomile is relaxation. Chamomile is a nice escape from jangled nerves and caffeine jitters. The flower helps take away the day's stress and tastes good. In the afternoon and evening, switching from coffee or black tea to caffeine-free chamomile can prevent insomnia.

soothes chamomile tea


Chamomile Prevents Insomnia

If you deal with chronic insomnia or restless sleep, drinking chamomile tea may help you relax enough to fall and stay asleep. The herb works on your nervous system and relaxes the nerves, making sleep easier. Try a cup of chamomile tea instead of over-the-counter sleep aids.

insomnia chamomile tea


Chamomile Aids Digestion

If indigestion and gas plague you constantly, try having a cup of soothing chamomile. The tea can also help with diarrhea, motion sickness, anorexia, nausea, and vomiting. For gastric distress, try a cup of chamomile instead of stomach remedies from the pharmacy. This natural option is healthier and more relaxing.

digestion chamomile tea


Chamomile Lightens Hair and Skin

When made into a tea, chamomile will naturally lighten your hair and skin. Why spend a lot on harsh chemicals to add highlights to your hair when you can get the look you want with all natural chamomile? You can also give your skin a brighter glow with chamomile. Your skin and scalp with thank you: chamomile has anti-aging and anti-acne benefits as well.

hair chamomile tea


Chamomile Can Treat Mild Skin Conditions

If you're looking for an all natural treatment for eczema, acne, sunburn, psoriasis, and small cuts and scrapes, turn to chamomile. It has both anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians recognized chamomile's incredible healing properties and used it to clean and dress wounds. Just make sure your tea has cooled to a lukewarm temperature before applying it.

chamomile tea remedies


Chamomile Treats PMS and Period Pain

If you suffer from pre-menstrual syndrome or pain during your period, you'll be happy to learn that chamomile can reduce the pain and other annoying or debilitating side effects of your period. It has antispasmodic properties, and it's aforementioned anti-inflammatory benefits also help. Finally, it can decrease the production of prostaglandins, which cause the feeling of bloating and pain.

PMS chamomile tea


Chamomile Treats Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a severe problem for people as they age. Their bones become brittle due to loss of calcium. A recent study suggests chamomile may strengthen your bones and possess anti-estrogenic effects. Estrogen is considered a cause of osteoporosis, so reducing it can be beneficial.

Helps Prevent Osteoporosis

Chamomile May Be Anti-Aging

Chamomile may not be the fountain of youth, but it does have a number of anti-aging properties. The plethora of anti-oxidants in chamomile tea protect the skin and prevent free radicals, which can destroy cells. Chamomile also aids in cell and tissue regeneration.



Chamomile Eliminates Dandruff

Dandruff is often an issue for people with dry scalp or damaged skin and hair. Chamomile promotes a healthy scalp and can get rid of dandruff when used as a final rinse on your hair.

chamomile tea


Chamomile Treats Colds

If you have a nasty upper respiratory infection or cold, drinking chamomile will help relieve the symptoms. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties soothe sore throats and help eliminate the bugs making you sick. You can also use chamomile as aromatherapy, which helps it reach your sinuses and lungs.

chamomile tea colds
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