Butyric acid, found in real butter, has an unpleasant smell and bitter taste, but in butter, you can get all the health benefits while bypassing these drawbacks. Many people bemoan the high cholesterol level of this tasty spread and its negative effect on heart disease, but butyric acid is one component that can trump some of the negatives associated with butter.


1. Enhances Metabolic Function and Reduces Weight Gain

Butyric acid enhances metabolic function. Deficient metabolic health results in a slow or sluggish metabolic rate, which often leads to weight gain or the inability to effectively reduce fat. A healthy metabolic system burns calories more effectively, thus reducing weight gain.

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Helps the Absorption of Electrolytes

Butyric acid helps the body to absorb electrolytes, substances that ensure your body maintains a healthy level of hydration. Adequate hydration levels accommodate optimal bodily functions by promoting muscle and cardiovascular health, keeping the body cool, and making sure toxins are readily flushed from your system.


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Enhances Colon Health

Butyric acid energizes colon cells that help the colon function as it should. When the colon is not functioning at an optimal level, the body becomes more susceptible to diseases such as colon cancer and irritable bowel syndrome. Butyric acid provides much-needed energy to fuel the colon's many vital functions.


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Butyric acid has anti-carcinogenic or cancer-fighting benefits that help the body protect itself from developing cancer, or reduce the severity of cancer once it develops. Studies show the fatty acid can contribute to cancer cell death.


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Butyric acid reduces inflammation, which is responsible for many diseases and chronic illnesses. Again, the compound is particularly useful for diminishing inflammation in the colon, and this property is part of the reason butyric acid can guard against inflammatory conditions such as IBS.

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Butyric acid can also prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, which reduces the likelihood of infection and other unhealthy situations. Ingesting butyric acid has an antimicrobial effect which can be beneficial when it comes to dental and general oral health.

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Relief of Crohn's Disease

Another inflammatory condition butyric acid can help alleviate is Crohn's disease, which falls under the category of IBD. The condition causes inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and can lead to gut pain, diarrhea, and even malnutrition. A study conducted in 2005 found oral consumption of butyric acid could improve Crohn's disease symptoms, and even help force the condition into remission. A later study also found the fatty acid can ease bowel movement pain and gut inflammation.

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Dietary Sources of Butyric Acid

In addition to butter, this anti-inflammatory powerhouse fat can be absorbed from ghee, a type of clarified butter that originated in India. Butyric acid appears to be the most prominent and accessible from products made from the milk of grass-fed cows. If you can't get good butter or are lactose intolerant, supplements are also available at many health stores. Furthermore, you can try to encourage your body to produce more butyric acid on its own by eating foods with resistant starch, such as cooked and cooled sweet potatoes.


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Lowers Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance can lead to type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Both of these chronic illnesses lead to various health problems and can accelerate the aging process. Butyric acid can lower insulin resistance and also reduces the chance of developing metabolic syndrome.

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