Given its common uses, it's easy to do a quick shake of the head or a reread of this title when it comes to gelatin. That which can help set your mohawk straight up in the air turns Jello into Finger Jello or is used to set your gummy bears and gummy worms, don't scream good for you. Given that it's generally made from cattle bones, pigskin or other animal products it's even easier to dismiss outright the suggestion of gelatin's benefit to your health. However, don't scoff and keep reading because this concoction made from the partial hydrolysis of peptides and proteins can do the body well for those who have specific ailments or as a preventative measure before they manifest.
Gelatin ingestion offers a myriad of health benefits, and many of these benefits are more common amongst those that practice a vegetarian diet. Let's be clear, this is the true opposite vegetarianism, but you can take some comfort in the fact that you're at least practicing a nose-to-tail carnivorous diet rather than a factory-farmed meat eating. In this world of convenience and fast food, human diets are considerably lower in gelatin than say life in the 17th Century with meat in your diet. Given that there are now adequate supplies of gelatin from fish sources presently on the market, the pescatarian can enjoy the addition of gelatin in their diets rather than the simple meat-based offerings available to others looking to augment their diets with this important staple whose benefits are described at length below this entry.
Who doesn't want radiant, taut skin especially as age becomes a factor? "Smooth as a baby's bottom" is a real expression owing to the youth of the skin that sees little in the way of sun and other elements which affects the skin's appearance. Gelatin is quite high in collagen and collagen is the most primary building block benefitting the skin and is at the heart of cellular rejuvenation and health in the body's largest organ. Gelatin also helps block the skin from UV light damage, wrinkles and even skin cancer in extreme cases. Collagen depletion is natural when you get into your 20s or early 30s and only gets worse with time. Consequently, supplement this loss with gelatin and take control over loose skin, wrinkles, and cellulite.
Broke a nail? Got a bad haircut? Perhaps give gelatin a chance. In addition to promoting faster growth of hair, gelatin can add volume by helping you grow thicker, fuller hair. Hair and nails are comprised of protein and gelatin is an excellent source of quality proteins owing to its unique composition of various amino acids.
The gut's strength can be significantly increased with more gelatin in your diet. Gelatin accomplishes this by strengthening of the gut and improvement of digestive strength by enhancing gastric acid secretion while also augmenting the mucosal lining of your stomach. A diet rich in gelatin is a large part of a GAPS diet which is designed to promote healthy digestion and reduce leaky gut which is a problem in millions and is often the root of foot tolerance issues, autoimmune diseases and inflammatory conditions in the stomach.
There are few things more frustrating than laying in bed while sleep eludes you. While a Benadryl or a prescribed sleeping pill could help, this leaves many waking up groggy the next morning. More and more doctors have taken to suggesting gelatin for those struggling with stress-related sleep issues. The glycine content of gelatin can work as a neurotransmitter to reduce anxiety and subsequently promoting deeper sleep.
Aging is inevitable, and with age, cartilage degradation is a fact of life. Cartilage covers the end of bones keeping bones from rubbing together and causing inflammation and pain. Collagen is a critical element in the production of cartilage and gelating is, of course, high in collagen. Effectively, gelatin in your diet works to prevent joint problems like osteoarthritis as well as working against preexisting joint issues like inflammation.
OK, gelatin isn't guaranteed to put a smile on your face. However, the presence of the amino acid glycine is guaranteed in gelatin, and it's known to be an active inhibitory neurotransmitter. This can lead to an increase in happy hormones like GABA and reduce norepinephrine, a known stress hormone. In a perfect world, this glycine will also see you increase your mental clarity while not having a care in the world.
Gelatin can undoubtedly help detox your liver. You cannot live without the essential amino acid methionine. And you risk serious health problems when you're not metabolizing it properly or consuming meat or fish to excess. Glycine, heavily present in gelatin, helps the body rid itself of excess methionine speeding liver detoxification.
As far as proteins go the body doesn't do a great job of digesting gelatin quickly. This is not necessarily a bad thing. Given the dangers and inherent health problems caused by obesity and overeating, it's a good thing. Gelatin can help you feel full longer. All while balancing your sugar levels and keeping cravings for processed sugar or carbohydrates at bay.
Smokers, coffee drinkers are never going to have perfect teeth. Age also takes away from your teeth's beauty. However, collagen and gelatin can help these groups and everyone else by providing the building blocks to teeth. Gelatin can rebuild tooth enamel while preventing decay and lowering the risk of tooth loss and gum disease.
This site offers information designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on any information on this site as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or as a substitute for, professional counseling care, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional.