Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a hormonal imbalance that affects 1 in 10 women in the United States in various ways. Side effects can include everything from mood swings to hair loss, cystic acne, weight gain, irregular periods, and facial hair. One of the most common triggers of PCOS is a resistance to the hormone that controls blood sugar. This has detrimental inflammatory effects on the body, which struggles to burn off glucose. This ultimately leads to weight gain and, potentially, type 2 diabetes. When the hormone and glucose are left floating around in the bloodstream, they can wreak havoc and cause inflammation.
The ovaries become stimulated to produce more of the androgen hormone (sex hormone), leading to adrenal dysfunction. This cascade effect that the hormone triggers can lead to facial hair and cystic acne. Once adrenal dysfunction is triggered, cortisol levels become too high and end up overriding your body's sex hormones. This contributes to mood swings, irregular periods and infertility.
If you've received a PCOS diagnosis, don't delay on starting a treatment plan. The longer you allow symptoms to continue, the longer it may take to reverse, and the more new symptoms will appear. Consider speaking with a Registered Dietitian who specializes in women's health. They can help to guide you on your journey toward reversing PCOS. The following are a list of steps you can take to regain control over your body and eventually get your symptoms to become dormant.
When cells have been continually exposed to high levels of glucose, they become resistant to the managing hormone, which is left floating around the bloodstream, contributes to low-grade chronic inflammation. Consider intermittent fasting to reboot your cells and improve their glucose uptake. There are many different forms of intermittent fasting. It is best to start with eating every couple hours, within a 9 hour period of time. This means you are having breakfast at 9:00 am and eating your last meal at 6:00 pm, being sure to fit in all your calories within that window at a pace that keeps your blood sugar balanced. In order to improve glucose uptake, studies suggest allowing your cells to take a break, or fast, from continually being exposed to glucose.
It is not unusual for women who have PCOS to feel as though it is impossible to lose weight. Cutting back on calories and going on extreme appetite suppressants are an easy go-to for quick results. However, this can exacerbate your symptoms of PCOS and lead to gaining even more weight. Eating for PCOS requires nourishing your cells with highly anti-inflammatory foods every couple hours to regain hormonal balance and heal the chronic inflammation. Consider keeping a food journal and documenting your level of hunger and fullness, before and after eating meals and snacks.
You want to find yourself in the middle of the range, feeling satisfied and not restricted. That way, you can be sure to eat enough and ultimately keep your blood sugar balanced throughout the day. Consider speaking with a Registered Dietitian who specializes in women's health and can provide personalized meal plans as well as step-by-step instruction on how to incorporate a PCOS friendly diet into your life.
PCOS is an autoimmune disease, which means that your body is in a chronic state of inflammation and attacking itself. Studies suggest that leaky gut syndrome is directly linked to autoimmune diseases and your body's inflammatory response to food. In short, this means that the tight junctions in the lining of your stomach become weak from continually being exposed to inflammatory foods, allowing the food to be released into your bloodstream through the semipermeable gut wall. Many studies suggest that glucose and dairy sensitivities contribute to leaky gut syndrome and cause chronic inflammation. This disrupts the endocrine system and ultimately leading to hormonal imbalance. Consider taking a Food Sensitivity Test to uncover which grains, fruits, vegetables, chemicals, and dyes are disrupting your body's balance and leading to leaky gut syndrome.
With all of the change you may be experiencing after becoming diagnosed with PCOS, it can get a little overwhelming. Anxiety and stress are not uncommon components of hormonal imbalance. Unfortunately, they can contribute to hormone sensitivity as well. Stress causes your body to release cortisol, which raises your blood sugar and secretes more of the necessary hormone. This constantly bombards your cells and leads to hormone resistance, yet again. Consider setting up a self-care routine for yourself and incorporate relaxing activities throughout the day. This can be going on a morning walk, sitting fireside with some tea, going out in the sun for 30 minutes, cooking healthy meals, having dinner with the family, meditation and practicing gratitude.
The best type of exercise for PCOS is something that does not cause stress to your body and increase your cortisol levels. This can be jogging, yoga, pilates, and moderate weight training. These exercises will increase your body's sensitivity to certain hormones, which will have a positive cascade effect on inflammation and hormonal balance. Moving for 30 minutes or more a day can also help with weight management, mood swings and improve your menstrual cycle.
Studies suggest that a high-fat, low-carb diet may be beneficial in reducing hormone sensitivity in women with PCOS. Eating more healthy fats, such as avocado, coconut oil, salmon, chia seeds, and walnuts will help you stay satisfied and maintain a balanced blood sugar throughout the day. If you choose to cut out carbs, be sure to transition slowly and stay in tune with your body to prevent a sudden drop in blood sugar. If you are considering a ketogenic diet, speak with a Registered Dietitian who can guide you in choosing ingredients that will enhance the quality of your diet and lead you to healthy, long-lasting results with reversing PCOS.
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