Many more health-conscious individuals now prefer to use non-standard flours in their baking. One factor is the increasing number of celiac and gluten allergy cases, but there is also a wider awareness of the health advantages non-gluten flours offer. Nigeria in West Africa is one of the main sources of cassava flour. In addition to its healthiness, its lack of a distinctive flavor or an easily identifiable odor is part of its appeal since they make it suitable for all kinds of baking. The similarity with wheat flour is sufficient to allow introducing it partially and gradually into the kitchen in combination with regular flour.
Celiac is a disease of the digestive system that makes eating gluten products a health danger. One of the ways doctors discover this illness is when patients start to have vomiting, stomach cramps, weight loss and a range of other symptoms traceable to gluten consumption. This condition excludes foods baked with wheat flour from this person's diet. Meal plans need radical changes both to eliminate gluten and to provide sufficient nourishment. Non-gluten cassava flour offers a perfect solution. It enables these people to enjoyed baked goods and gives them the nutrients they need without triggering any health problems.
Alternative flours are available for those with celiac and gluten allergies but how about those who are also allergic to nuts? Flours made from nuts, for example, almond flour, represent a good percentage of these alternative solutions. This makes cassava flour an even more attractive choice since it is completely safe for those with nut allergies. However, as an extra precaution, experts recommend that anyone with a nut allergy check that the cassava flour packaging states, "Made in a nut free factory," or wording to that effect.
Diabetics, and people on the edge of diabetes, now compose a significant section of the community in North America and Northern Europe. They need to take special care of their diet. Cassava flour is an excellent choice for their meal plans. It has low sugar content, and the carbohydrates dissolve so slowly that the body does not need to produce all of that insulin. It allows introducing a range of new products into their meal plans that are tasty and satisfying while posing no health risks.
Cassava flour is ideal for those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive problems. Research rates it as one of the easiest flours to digest. Several factors give it this special quality. Cassava comes from the whole root, so it has a much lighter texture than other flours, and it is rich in fiber. This fiber content both eases the digestive process and assists the body to eliminate toxins.
The appropriateness of cassava flour for those on strict diets is yet another factor that boosts its appeal. For a start, it contains a much smaller amount of calories than regular supermarket flour. Also, the composition of this flour ensures that a small amount satisfies hunger, so people end up eating less than they eat when other flours are used. It becomes a challenge to stick to a diet that severely limits menu options, but cassava flour allows diet meal plans to expand to include a variety of baked products.
This flour's versatility makes it suitable for a number of cosmetic applications in addition to its use in baking. Some might use it to create skin exfoliators and face masks to improve their appearance. They claim that it moisturizes the skin and softens it. Natural health experts claim that cassava starch water is an effective skin cleanser. They recommend putting this water a couple of times a day on areas of skin damage. This treatment should get rid of pimples and scars.
Fatigue may be a symptom of illness, but it could also relate to poor diet. Everyone needs to get an optimum amount of carbohydrates in their diet to generate energy, but people also need to avoid eating in a way that causes them to put on weight. Cassava flour contains the kind of carbohydrates that raise energy levels but do not contribute to obesity. Except for those who need to keep to a strict low carb diet, it offers a good solution for the energy needs and weight watching conflict.
Alongside its value as a facial cosmetic, cassava has a role in improving hair quality. Experience natural treatment specialists advocate using a cassava lotion to encourage faster hair growth. Just as it promotes hair to grow, it seems to reduce hair loss. Women find that a cassava lotion improves their hair quality and reduces disturbing hair loss. Unfortunately, there is no evidence that it is effective at preventing male pattern baldness.
The importance of vitamin C is something that most people will know about. This vitamin is vital to the operations body's immune system. It improves its capabilities to help protect against respiratory illnesses and a range of other serious health threats. Although citrus fruits are our best-known source of vitamin C, scientists have calculated that a quarter cup of cassava flour supplies almost a fifth of an adult's daily vitamin C requirements. It follows from this that increased use of cassava flour contributes to the body's ability to fight off disease.
A cup of cassava flour provides about 40% of our recommended daily intake of the manganese mineral. The benefits cassava brings come in the form of strengthening of the body's antioxidant capabilities. Antioxidant compounds protect cells and tissues from damage that free radical compound inflict. A lack of manganese also sometimes leads to joint pains and even fertility problems.
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