
The importance of calcium to the bone structure is a matter of general knowledge, but this mineral has many other health benefits. Scientists inform us that healthy adults require 700 mg per day. Most people should not find it difficult to obtain this naturally through diet. Milk is the most famous source because of the campaigns to encourage children to strengthen their bones and teeth. You can also find high calcium content in other dairy products, however, as well as green leafy vegetables, nuts, bread, and many other foods. Someone who is unable to get sufficient amounts in their diet can correct the imbalance by taking supplements.

A dental health essential

You might wonder if all the emphasis on the benefits of calcium to dental health is exaggerated, but in fact, medical studies offer abundant proof to back up these claims. One of the chief ways it helps is by strengthening of the jawbones that keep the teeth in position. If children get enough calcium and phosphorous, this can ensure teeth are strong and less exposed to damage from bacteria and tartar. Just the thought of fewer dental bills should be enough motivation to ensure you're getting sufficient amounts.

dental health calcium


Helps keep the heart healthy

The focus on calcium for strong teeth and bones means other key health benefits receive less attention. The clear connection between this mineral and heart health deserves more publicity since heart disease is now one of the leading causes of mortality across the western world. Medical studies clearly show that people with sufficient calcium intake face lower risks of hypertension, high blood pressure, and other serious cardiovascular issues. 

4: Promote Heart Health

Calcium Lowers the risk of Type 2 diabetes

Diabetes is also on the rise in many developed countries. The role of poor dietary choices and lack of exercise in the development of diabetes is well understood. Many people know how important it is to eat natural foods, avoid junk food and follow an exercise program, but a possible link between diabetes and calcium deficiency is not as well known. A survey of 20,000 nurses found people who took supplements had lower rates of diabetes.

Suitable for use by diabetics

Good for anyone trying to lose weight

Although many people are trying to shed that extra weight, few realize that it would be useful to check the calcium in their diet. If your meal plan lacks this mieral, the body produces more of the parathyroid hormone. This increases the amount of fat the body makes and stores. Therefore, people with weight loss goals may see more success if they monitor calcium content as well as calorie content in their diet.

A sensible choice for people who need to lose weight

Particularly important for child health

The importance of calcium for children goes beyond dental health. These are the years when the bone structure foundation is laid. Fulfilling daily recommended amounts of calcium helps ensure children develop solid bone mass. This serves them well in later years by significantly reducing bone-related issues. As the child grows, their requirements increase. For example, kids under three years old need about 500 mg per day, and this amount almost triples in the teenage years.

Great Source of Calcium

A role in the prevention of kidney stones

Anyone who has suffered from this painful complaint, or saw the distress of a close relative or friend, will be keen to lower their risk of kidney stones. Since calcium is a common component of kidney stones, how can it also prevent them? Although kidney stones do contain calcium, it is a different kind than that found in food. The mineral in kidney stones comes from sources like tap water, while the calcium you get from food helps the body expel kidney stones.

kidney calcium


Helps you to get full benefits of other nutrients

Our bodies need a minimum calcium intake to help nutrients reach the cells that need them. It is possible to absorb sufficient nutrients in your meals but remain deprived of nutrients. This happens when the body's transportation channels do not function properly. Calcium operates like a key to ferry nutrients to the appropriate cells. A lack can effectively nullify the benefits of a nutrient-rich diet plan.

Good source of protein

Reduces the risk of developing Osteoporosis

It should come as no surprise that it reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis makes the bone structure brittle so bones can easily fracture. This condition can affect women after menopause when they are low in estrogen and calcium. It is one of those life stages where the value of this mineral is most apparent.

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An antidote to high blood pressure

News about the dangers of high blood pressure has reached a broad audience. People prone to developing this health problem may turn to prescribed medications, but many also strive to lower risks through changes in diet and lifestyle. Ensuring sufficient calcium on a regular basis is one important measure you can take to keep your blood pressure within safe boundaries and avoid hypertension.

calcium blood pressure


Calcium assists the blood clotting process

Calcium is vital to the blood clotting process. If an injury damages a blood vessel, blood starts to flow from the cut. Stopping the blood flow is one of the first steps a medic takes when treating a victim, and likewise, the body has its own mechanism for stopping excessive bleeding — blood clotting. Through its contribution to the body’s blood clotting capabilities, calcium can make all the difference to recovery from a dangerous wound.

Encourages Blood Clotting calcium

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