
Psoriasis can appear anywhere on the body. It is caused by a mysterious increase in the growth of skin cells. Normal skin cells take up to a month to mature and fall off, while those affected by psoriasis achieve maturity in about four days, which causes the skin to stack on top of itself. Not much is known about the cause of psoriasis, but we are familiar with its origin. It's written in the genetic code and passed down from generation to generation. However, it does not surface in every descendant, and sometimes it takes a considerable number of contributing factors for it to finally show up. There is no cure and the most a doctor can do to help is prescribe a skin lotion that takes the itch away.


Sun Exposure

Probably the simplest home remedy on the list is simple exposure to sunlight. Sufferers should cover the healthy area around psoriasis with sunscreen to avoid getting sunburnt, which may even worsen psoriasis and cause it to spread. The sun contains both UVA and UVB rays, of which only the UVB bear any actual benefit for those with psoriasis. Exposure to UVA rays is known to enhance the side-effects of the condition further, so only natural sun exposure is considered treatment.

Psoriasis skin



Oatmeal is known for its gentle effects on the skin, and in spite of popular belief, those suffering from psoriasis should take a bath in it. Soaking the area with psoriasis is beneficial indeed, but to get the full effect, one should fill the bathtub with this breakfast food and spend some time in it. After taking the oatmeal bath, sufferers should rinse their skin with warm water, dry it by tapping a soft towel around the area and finally apply a gentle moisturizer recommended for psoriasis. This type of treatment won't permanently rid one of psoriasis, but it will definitely decrease the side-effects.

Psoriasis baths



Turmeric is the most basic ingredient of curry, while it can be eaten individually by purchasing the powder itself and sprinkling it onto anything before consumption. Now, turmeric is fairly known for its medical purposes. It is greatly beneficial to many who suffer from various incurable or partially unstoppable diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, numerous tumors, and the like. Thus, it wouldn't be presumptuous to say that turmeric has a good chance of contributing to the struggle against psoriasis. It is to be taken in daily doses for any positive effect to be achieved.

treatment Psoriasis



Fish oil is another a famous health supplement. Those wanting to reduce the risk of getting cancer, diabetes, tumors, eczemas and such are to ingest fish oil. This can be found in portions of canned fish, but it's a far cry from the greatly beneficial, healthy and natural fish oil. Going to the fish market or even fishing personally is the best way of obtaining this ingredient.

fish Psoriasis



The omega-3 fatty acids contained within all sorts of nut foods can rarely be found elsewhere in nature, and as such, make a great source of health supplements. Both fish oil and omega-3 fatty acids aid a great deal in improving various skin conditions, as well as the overall health of internal organs. The hormonal distortion that causes psoriasis is likely to be reduced in effect by the consumption of anything ranging from walnuts to flaxseeds. These organ stabilizers enable the collagen to reduce hyperproduction and thus decrease the overall growth of psoriasis.

nuts Psoriasis


Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is known for its detoxifying effect on the entire body. The acidic contents of the liquid aid with restoring the overall pH value to its natural level. When the skin's pH value is restored to normal, the skin cells affected by psoriasis have their growth rate reduced substantially. Consuming a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with warm water twice per day is the best way to achieve its benign effect, while it can also be put to use in a few more ways. One of them is to apply the solution mentioned above to a washcloth and rub the area affected by psoriasis.




Although quite spicy when taken without any extra food, garlic is extremely beneficial to many areas of the body, including the entire immune system. It works as a blood purifier and outbreak preventer, while it also does wonders to making numerous illnesses subside. Garlic, both externally and internally applied, reduces the growth of psoriasis-infected tissue and can sometimes make growths much smaller. A good way to use garlic in psoriasis treatment is to shred it into aloe vera, or simply extract its oil and mix it with the gel. The mixture should then be applied to the skin and left on for 15 minutes before removal with warm water.

immune system Psoriasis


Ice Packs

As the skin undergoes rapid growth wherever it's affected by psoriasis, those areas have increased blood flow and are generally warmer than the rest of the external areas. Irregularly spread blood cells make for an unpleasant feeling of itchiness that accompanies psoriasis, which can be remedied by applying ice to the growth. Ice packs are generally known for their inflammation-reducing purposes, and the case is the same with psoriasis. While it doesn't classify as inflammation, the fact that its appearance inflames the skin is still undeniable.

cooling Psoriasis


Olive Oil

Both olive and coconut oil act as moisturizers that keep the dry skin hydrated and soft. This proves especially beneficial for the regions where constant shedding and irregular growth are present. The bothersome process caused by psoriasis makes the skin quite rough and scabby to the touch. Olive and coconut oil can make the condition much more bearable to both the eye and the skin. Rubbing either type on the affected areas two to three times per day is usually good enough, while one can also add a few drops of oregano oil for the best possible effect

oils Psoriasis


Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is a special kind of saline grain that can have a healing effect on the body. As such, it is used in treating various skin conditions, ranging from scabby feet and sunburns to psoriasis and eczema. To get the ultimate result, simply pour two regular cups of Epsom salt into a warm bathtub, mix it with the water properly, then sit in for about 25 minutes. Proceed with drying your skin by tapping a soft towel on the areas infected by psoriasis, and if unsatisfied with the long-term result, repeat this process four times per week.

salt Psoriasis

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