
Gum disease is what happens when you have poor oral hygiene. The bacteria that builds up in the mouth due to lack of brushing and cleaning, smoking, poor nutrition, stress and some medications, leads to red and swollen gums, plaque builds up, loose teeth, receding gums, and bad breath. To reverse this condition, or at least reduce your symptoms to start, try these home remedies for gum disease, and you'll see a change in the health and condition of your mouth, gums, and teeth.

Aloe vera

Not only is this naturally healing plant an anti-inflammatory, but it is also a bacteria killer, a natural disinfectant. Gel directly from the Aloe plant has been used for centuries to sooth and repair surface cuts and grazes, insect bites or rashes. When used in the mouth it can heal mouth ulcers, kill gum disease bacteria and freshen your breath. Simply massage your gums with the gel squeezed directly from the aloe plant, leave on for half an hour before rinsing clean with water. Repeat this several times a day. You can also use aloe vera juice and swish it around your mouth before spitting, but pure gel will work better.



Drinking cranberry juice

Cranberry juice has a very high vitamin C content, and just a little bit of concentrated cranberry juice per day can help prevent bacteria from sticking to teeth and gums. Just two tablespoons a day should do it, and you'll not only be helping your gums, but it is also good for the rest of you, especially maintaining a healthy urinary tract. As well as the intake of cranberry juice you can also start to consume other fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C such as lemons, grapefruit, oranges, blueberries, strawberries, papayas, broccoli and red peppers.



Oil pulling

As the name may suggest, oil pulling is pulling the toxins from your mouth and gums, using oil. Not just any kind of oil: sesame, olive or coconut oil will work the best, and organic is preferable. Other commercial use oils will have pesticides in them. This is a traditional Ayurvedic technique where you use one tablespoon of oil to swish around in your mouth and through your teeth for up to 15 minutes. The oil should become thinner during this time. Then spit it out and rinse with water. Best not to gargle or swallow this oil. Do this daily for one month, and you should see some results.



Myrrh oil

Pure essential oils have many healing benefits for the whole body. Using Myrrh oil to treat gum disease works because this particular oil is an antiseptic, which has antibacterial properties. It is recommended to add ten drops of Myrrh oil into a cup of warm water and use it as a mouth rinse, or you can also mix equal portions of Myrrh and Echinacea as a mouth rinse. With both, repeat the process once or twice a day for a few days, or until you find some relief to gum discomfort and pain.



Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is used worldwide to sooth inflammation, both pure and diluted, but it is also used in many commercial products. The Australian Dental Journal found the application of tea tree oil gel helped reduce gingivitis and bleeding from the gums, with this in mind; it makes sense that using it as a home remedy it will relieve many symptoms and pain. Add a few drops of tea tree oil to your toothpaste and use twice a day for several weeks, or, you can buy toothpaste with tea tree oil added to it. This is available at many supermarkets and health stores.



Tea bags

Tea bags can be a useful household product when you are looking for home remedies for gum disease. This is because tea is full of tannins. Tannin is a naturally occurring compound, and when found in tea they are called thearubigins. They are responsible for the high antioxidant proteins in black tea. For the relief of gum pain and discomfort, steep a tea bag in hot water for 8 - 10 minutes, remove from water and allow the bag to cool. Then place the cold tea bag directly on the affected gum area and leave for 3 – 5 minutes. Repeat a few times throughout the day for relief.



Sea salt

Rinsing the mouth with a mix of natural sea salt and warm water has huge benefits to inflammation. Sea salts contain minerals such as sodium, calcium, potassium and phosphorous. These minerals, in this pure form, work to reduce inflammation. When used as a mouth rinse and gargle, the oral hygiene benefits are extensive with aid and relief for mouth sores, swollen tonsils and sore throat, help with recovery from dental surgery and of course, gum disease, pain and bleeding, it even reduces dental bacteria. Half a teaspoon in a glass of warm water should do the trick. Rinse the mouth thoroughly; repeat 2 – 3 times daily, until symptoms subside.



Sage leaf decoction

Known as an old folk remedy, use to combat gum disease and gingivitis; the sage herb has many antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Drinking sage tea throughout the day can benefit not only your gums as it passes through the mouth but your entire body. A more specific way to make sure the sage brew covers your gums is to use it as a decoction. This is when you create a concentrated piqued from boiling medicinal plants. Boiling around 50 fresh, and preferably organic, sage leaves in distilled water can create a perfect mouthwash. Gargle this several times a day, and your gums will thank you. Please be careful not to swallow it.



Garlic and turmeric

Looking in your spice cupboard, you will find many wonderful things to help fight gum disease. Both garlic and turmeric have antibacterial properties, and turmeric is a well-known anti-inflammatory fighter. You can peel and cut a garlic clove in half and rub it gently directly onto the affected area of the gum, but alternatively, you can crush the garlic clove, mix it up with a bit of turmeric powder to form a paste. Use it like toothpaste and move it around the gums. Leave this paste in the mouth for a few minute sand them rinse clean.



Brush with Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide may seem a little extreme as a home remedy for gum disease because it is such a highly concentrated chemical, but when used within proper guidelines, it can work well. Hydrogen peroxide is an antibacterial agent, which works by killing off germs and preventing gum disease, mixing this commercial chemical, (not the concentrated version) with bicarbonate soda, or baking powder will form a paste, once you have gradually blended the two substances, it will form a paste that you can use on your toothbrush to gently brush your teeth and gums. Spit and rinse, be careful not to swallow. Do this process once a day only, and you should see some improvement.




Lemongrass Oil

Lemongrass oil is a popular natural remedy. It works by removing bacteria from inside the mouth, preventing tooth decay and gum disease. Lemongrass oil acts as an astringent to strengthen gums and make teeth healthier overall; adding a few drops of lemongrass to mouthwash removes excess plague and keeps it from forming.

lemongrass oil Madeleine_Steinbach / Getty Images


Guava Leaves

Guava leaves are an effective preventative treatment for gum disease. The leaves possess excellent antiplaque, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties that combine to promote oral health. To reap the benefits, chew a few tender guava leaves thoroughly, or grind them and add the powder to toothpaste. Another option is to boil five leaves in one cup of water for approximately five minutes and use it as a daily mouth rinse.

guava leaves for gum disease OGphoto / Getty Images



Clove is an essential oil that helps prevent and even treat gum disease. Its antibacterial properties work to kill germs and bacteria in the mouth. Research shows clove oil also helps relieve tooth pain and freshens breath. Add a few drops of clove to toothpaste or mouthwash and use daily for best results.

cloves and clove oil mescioglu / Getty Images


Turmeric Gel

Turmeric is well known for a host of purported health benefits, and preventing gingivitis is one of those. Studies show turmeric gel effectively prevents gingivitis and plaque build-up because of its antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties. It also reduces inflammation and helps treat bleeding gums. Apply turmeric gel, or curcumin — its active ingredient — directly to the gums daily.

turmeric gel suman bhaumik / Getty Images


Arimedadi Oil

Arimedadi oil is another preventative home remedy for gum disease that studies show is as effective as chlorhexidine, which is used as a disinfectant before surgeries. Arimedadi oil is part of a tradition of oil pulling, an ancient therapy that improves gum and tooth health. There are two methods: fill the mouth with liquid and hold for 5 to 15 minutes before spitting out, or use a small amount in the mouth for the same length of time while swishing through the teeth. The process is similar to traditional mouthwash, but with oil pulling, the liquid is Arimedadi oil.

woman gargling Masafumi_Nakanishi / Getty Images

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