Many people begin their day with a steaming cup of coffee. There are many types of coffee available today from lattes and espressos to cappuccino and mocha. Despite its stimulating effect that wakes you up in the morning, coffee causes a crash in energy once the benefits of the caffeine are gone. Feeling sluggish only causes you to crave more coffee. This process can lead to an unhealthy consumption of coffee as well as caffeine and sugar.
Not many people know about this organic drink, and it’s many health benefits. You simply add Kombucha to your tea along with any other flavors that you like to create the beverage. This drink is commonly used to treat memory loss, prevent cancer, eliminate high blood pressure, and regulate bowel movements.
This option is one of the purest beverages to prepare. Not only that but it is an ideal source of energy, nutrition, and hydration. Just mix water, lemon zest, and lemon juice. Lemon water will jumpstart your day and give you vitamin C to keep you alert from morning to afternoon without crashing. Furthermore, fitness enthusiasts have indicated that lemon water helps to hydrate and maintain high energy levels of energy during a workout.
This unique drink comes from the leaves of the holly tree located in the South American rainforest. It gives you the same benefits as coffee but without the crash. Yerba Mate is stock-full of health-promoting nutrients, and you can prepare it in multiple ways. You can make it hot or cold using a French press or coffee machine. Drizzle some honey or in a tea infuser for flavor.
This beverage is native to India. Chai is made using enriched black tea, milk, and a collection of spices, such as ginger, cinnamon, and cardamom. It doesn’t have any caffeine content, which means it has no crash later in the day. More so, it has a smooth, creamy flavor much like latte coffee.
These are beverages that have cultures of probiotics, which are fundamentally beneficial bacteria. Your body naturally has a collection of bacteria within it. These are friendly organisms that help with digestion. When the amount of friendly bacteria is low, we can experience digestive disorders. This condition might be the result of taking antibiotics. Probiotic drinks restore this balance and digestive health.
Wheatgrass is most commonly known for its nutritious nature. Its juice is an energizing drink that you can drink for a shot of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients first thing in the morning with your breakfast. Wheatgrass juice is natural, so it’s easy for the body to digest. This beverage is an excellent alternative to coffee.
Many of us are familiar with the hard-shelled fruits commonly found along the coast, known as coconuts. However, not as many of us have ever indulged in the clear, milky fluid which comes from the young, green coconuts. Coconut water is naturally sweet. It also has bioactive enzymes within it and contains electrolytes that are capable of rehydrating us upon consumption.
Tea is a beverage that is already present in many homes and offices around the world. There are many types of tea. Some examples include black, herbal, green, and flavored tea. Many of these are caffeine free and naturally sweet. That means you may not have to add any sugar. Tea is full of antioxidants, minerals, and B vitamins.
Nuts are full of fiber and protein. This notion means they are great to consume as a snack. However, you can also use them for a delicious smoothie. Simply combine cashew milk, nut butter, and protein powder to make a healthy nut smoothie for your breakfast.
Angela Pifer is a nutritionist who encourages the creation of smoothies using nuts. She says that if you consume this smoothie in the morning in replacement of coffee, you won’t experience the crash. This concept is valid because nuts help to keep your energy levels up throughout the day.
Fruit is known to contain fructose sugar, which is a healthy source of energy. Merely combine orange juice, a banana, frozen berries, low-fat yogurt, and a handful of chopped kale or spinach. Blend them into a smoothie and enjoy the vitamins flowing into your body. A smoothie provides you with plenty of energy and no crash.
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