Sage is an evergreen plant that belongs to the mint, family. This herb can grow to a foot or more and mostly blooms in August. All parts of the sage plant have a strong odor and a mild, somewhat bitter flavor due to its oils. Sage is a staple in traditional European and Chinese medicines. There are many holistic health benefits of sage.
Sage can keep your skin healthy with its essential oils and vitamins. It has antibacterial properties that help prevent skin infections, and its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties help cure acne and relieve the symptoms of eczema and psoriasis.
Sage possesses impressive anti-inflammatory properties that can aid not only the skin but also the common cold and other ailments. Using sage tea to rinse the mouth can soothe mouth and throat inflammation, and sipping the tea will also ease the pain of a sore throat, naturally.
Sage can treat internal issues such as mild gastrointestinal problems. It is an excellent stimulant tonic for jumpstarting the digestive system's upper digestive secretions.
This herb not only helps skin and digestive concerns, but it also can play an essential role in dental health. Did you know sage makes a great mouthwash? The plant can help treat gum disease, throat infections, canker sores, and other oral conditions. If you develop a canker sore, gargle some strong sage tea or freeze it into ice cubes to soothe the sore.
Among its many benefits, sage leaf extract also has anti-hyperglycemic properties that help lower blood glucose levels. Sage helps block the release of stored glucose from the liver. Incorporating sage into your diet can help reduce your risk of developing diabetes.
High amounts of fats in the blood can cause high cholesterol and impact overall heart health. Sage leaf extract can help decrease the fat or bad cholesterol in the blood. Reducing these compounds allows the heart to be strong and healthy.
Sage has a variety of vitamins such as vitamin C, which is a good source of immunity-boosting agents. The herb is also rich in calcium and potassium, which is vital for cardiovascular health. Sage is a great option for those who need to begin increasing vitamins and minerals in their diets.
Sage has many positive effects on mental performance. Taking sage by mouth improves memory, alertness, and attention in healthy adults. Sage oils can be incorporated into aromatherapy to improve mental focus and overall alertness.
Sage contains anti-spasmodic properties that are effective in the treatment of asthma by reducing tension in the smooth muscles, When inhaled through steam -- by placing a few drops of essential oil in a bowl with hot water and breathing it in -- sage may be able to prevent asthma attacks. It is also useful in removing mucous congestion in the airways.
Sage can improve memory and information-processing in people with Alzheimer's disease. The essential oil may strengthen Ach levels in the brain. The Ach enzyme improves concentration and treats memory loss associated with Alzheimer's.
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