
There are eight B vitamins including niacin, vitamin B3. It is water-soluble, which means your body does not store it. That way, your body can get rid of excess amounts of niacin if you don’t need that much. However, it also means you can develop a deficiency of vitamin B3. There are two forms of niacin including nicotinic acid and niacinamide. You can find both forms of food or supplements. However, your body also makes the vitamin from tryptophan, an amino acid.

Protects the Skin

Niacin can be applied to your skin topically or taken orally to help protect it from sun damage. Some people at high risk for skin cancer might be able to use nicotinamide to lower the chance of contracting non-melanoma cancer. Your doctor may recommend 500 milligrams of the vitamin twice per day.

health benefits of Niacin


Aids Digestion

Vitamin B3 can improve your digestion. The B-complex vitamins help the digestive system function, but niacin specifically aids in the production of hydrochloric acid in your stomach. Not only that, but it can also promote a healthy appetite. If you have issues with indigestion or other related problems, ask your doctor about a diet high in vitamin B3.

digestion Niacin


Provides Energy

Niacin is involved with dozens of metabolic processes that turn proteins, fats, and carbohydrates into energy. Niacin provides energy to cells throughout the whole body and regulates the integrity of those cells. Besides involvement with fat metabolism and other similar processes, vitamin B3 is known to detoxify your body. Consult with your doctor about taking niacin supplements.

B3 Niacin


Boosts Brain Function

Your brain requires vitamin B3 to gain energy and function. A deficiency of niacin is related to brain fog and other psychiatric symptoms. In some cases, niacin has been used to help treat mental conditions such as schizophrenia and reverse the damage to the brain cells. Niacin can also improve memory and keep the brain healthier for people with Alzheimer’s disease. However, more research is needed to prove this suggestion.

Niacin brain power


Improves Cholesterol Levels

You might be able to lower your bad LDL cholesterol levels and raise the good HDL cholesterol levels at the same time thanks to niacin. Vitamin B3 may improve your low-density and high-density lipoprotein levels as well as your triglyceride levels. Talk to your doctor about taking over 1,000 milligrams per day of niacin.

vitamin V Niacin


Cures Pellagra

Severe vitamin B3 deficiency can cause a disease known as pellagra. Symptoms of pellagra include skin inflammation or irritation, weak muscles, and digestive issues. This disease is also associated with alcoholism as well as malnutrition. Pellagra can be fatal within years if the vitamin B3 levels are not restored and maintained. Increasing the dosage of niacin supplements can help treat pellagra. Talk to your doctor about the benefits and risks of nicotinamide.

vitamins Niacin


Treats Impotence

Niacin helps produce hormones related to sex. Not only that, but it can help improve blow flow, especially to the genitals. With that being said, vitamin B3 can help men who deal with sexual disorders such as impotence. Men experience erectile dysfunction for a variety of reasons from stress or fatigue to illness. However, poor circulation may also be a culprit. Consult with a medical provider about taking 250 milligrams of niacin up to three times per day.

impotence Niacin


Helps with Diabetes

Taking niacinamide may help prevent diabetes. In people with diabetes, vitamin B3 can delay the need for insulin. Diabetic people should be able to control their HBA1C levels more efficiently thanks to niacin. It can also help improve the efficiency of other treatments administered for diabetes. Make sure you discuss the dosage with your healthcare provider before taking extra vitamin B3.

diabetes Niacin


Reduces Symptoms of Arthritis

Niacinamide might improve joint mobility. When enough vitamin B3 is taken, you can even repair worn down cartilage, reduce muscle and joint fatigue, and strengthen muscles. If you have mild bone and joint pain, or osteoarthritis, niacin may be able to help because of its anti-inflammatory properties. It might also help with rheumatoid arthritis. If you are prescribed a high dose, you can notice improvements within three to four months. Not only will it reduce swelling and improve flexibility, but you may be able to stop treatments for other standard painkillers. Talk to your doctor about treating arthritis with niacin.

arthritis Niacin


Lowers the Risk of Heart Disease

As mentioned before, niacin can help improve cholesterol levels. However, this vitamin has more heart benefits. For example, it can reduce atherosclerosis, which can lead to heart disease. Vitamin B3 can jumpstart the production of histamine, so your blood vessels dilate properly and your circulation improves. Taking these supplements might lower your chance of having a reoccurrence if you already had a heart attack.

Niacin heart disease

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