Cycling is an aerobic exercise that appeals to a wide range of people. Thanks to stationary bicycles, it is possible to exercise indoors or out. Cycling is lower impact than most other aerobic options, and because it doubles as a commuting option, it can be easy to include into even the busiest schedule, for fitness beginners and practiced athletes alike.


Easy to Begin

One of the biggest benefits of cycling versus other types of aerobic exercises is how easy it is to begin. Cycling is much less intense than most other exercises, making it ideal for people who are new to fitness or recovering from an illness or injury. In many cases, riding a bicycle is easier on the joints than even walking. The only barrier to starting this exercise is the purchase of a bike, but many places sell second-hand models, and upkeep should be minimal.

group exercise cycling FatCamera / Getty Images


Strengthen Muscles

People looking to build strength and increase muscle mass may consider cycling, as it works many muscle groups. Cycling with a full-pedal stroke engages the muscles in the legs and hips, such as the hamstrings, quadriceps, and calf. Leaning forward in proper cycling form also works the core, including the low back and abdominals. In most cases, cycling also strengthens the glutes.

cyclist leg muscles Gorfer / Getty Images


Strengthen the Brain

While cycling is strengthening the body, it may also be improving cognitive ability. Several studies demonstrate that outdoor cycling, even when using a motorized bicycle, has notable effects on the brain. Study participants show better executive function, which includes skills like planning, attention focusing, and juggling multiple tasks.

older man resting cycling Justin Paget / Getty Images


Improves Mental Health

In addition to its many physical benefits, cycling also improves mental health. Studies show that exercise, especially cycling, eases feelings of stress, depression, and anxiety. Focusing on the road ahead promotes concentration and awareness of the present moment is a form of mindfulness, similar to meditation. Additionally, exercise releases endorphins that help combat the symptoms of various mental health conditions.

smiling couple cycling park Ariel Skelley / Getty Images


Improves Balance

As we age, our sensory systems begin to deteriorate and the pattern of muscle activation changes. This leads to significant balance and stability issues. Cycling helps combat these effects and may lead to fewer falls and injuries for older adults. Studies show that cyclists and riders perform better on static and dynamic balance tests than non-cyclists, thanks to increased leg strength and better balance perception.

woman cycling balancing legs Peter Cade / Getty Images


Lose Weight

The simplest explanation for weight loss is using more calories than are consumed. Thirty minutes of cycling burns between 150 and 500 calories, depending on intensity and rider weight. This, plus its low impact on the joints, makes it one of the best exercises for weight loss. Raising the heart rate also enables the body to burn more calories during less physically demanding activities in the hours after a workout.

woman exercising home cycling SimonSkafar / Getty Images


Sleep Better

Cycling may help some people, especially those over age 40, to sleep better. A study from the University of Georgia found that a drop in fitness of 2% for males and 4% for females led to sleep issues. Aerobic exercises like cycling also help combat anxiety and weight loss, which are contributors to sleep dysfunction.

woman deep sleep Adene Sanchez / Getty Images


Better Heart Health

Aerobic exercise improves heart health and prevents many common cardiac conditions. Cycling is particularly ideal for people prone to heart conditions, such as those who are overweight, because it does not place mechanical stress on the back, hips, knees, or ankles. Many doctors recommend combining walking and cycling to get the most benefit with the least pain.

woman doctor heart health Steve Debenport / Getty Images


Prevents Cancer and Assists With Treatment

Evidence consistently links inactivity and excess fat to increased breast cancer risk and worse outcomes for potentially curable breast cancer. Weight loss due to aerobic exercise like cycling can prevent these issues. Additionally, physical activity can reduce the fatigue and other side effects of cancer treatments, even if the activity is adopted after diagnosis.

women cycling happy vgajic / Getty Images


Spend Less Time Sick

Cycling and other forms of aerobic exercise have extremely beneficial effects on the upper respiratory system, reducing the risk of infections. Additionally, exercising promotes the production of essential proteins and strengthens white blood cells, improving the immune response. Exercising aerobically most days of the week could cut down sick days by about 40%.

man riding bicycle tree xavierarnau / Getty Images
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