
Did you create a New Year’s resolution to lose weight, eat healthier, or exercise? CrossFit is a fitness program that incorporates several high-intensity programs including sports elements and other forms of exercise. Not only is it fun and challenging, but CrossFit features an entire group of people just like you at different stages in their lives. While the coaches are eager to help, the members can offer encouragement. Check out these 10 Tips for CrossFit.

Just Start (But Be Patient)!

You do not need to be in shape to start CrossFit. You might see fellow CrossFit people doing a number of high-intensity types of exercise and think you are not strong enough. However, the best way to get prepared for that type of fitness is by starting the basic routines. You do not have to be a workout guru to give it a try. Of course, it will be difficult, but isn’t that the point? Whether you are an athlete or just had a baby, you can get into shape (and then some) by doing CrossFit. However, it is important to be patient. If you are used to going to the gym on a regular basis, don’t let your ego get in the way of your workout. Do not overload the bar with extra weights before you master the basic techniques.

what to expect CrossFit


Don’t Over Do It

Not only do you have to be cautious about putting too much weight on the bar, but you will want to pace your workouts. CrossFit, like any other exercise program, can become addicting. Just because you are eager to get into the best shape of your life does not mean you should rush the process. Remember, quality over quantity when it comes to this routine. If you are a beginner, three classes each week is a great start. After all, you do not want to strain your muscles and wind up with an injury. Even if you do not feel the burn right away, you will in the morning. After a couple of months of this, you will develop overuse injuries. If you feel like you are a little off one day, don’t sweat it! You should never mistake the level intensity for the amount of training you are actually doing. For example, don’t miss a workout session just because you aren’t feeling strong. You do not have to kill it every single time. The intensity and hard work are two separate things, so even taking it slow and steady will win the race of CrossFit!

CrossFit exercise


Focus on Recovery

This CrossFit tip is essential, especially if you are new to the game. You do not want to get caught up in overtraining and forget to stretch and foam roll afterward. In fact, a great way to avoid injury is participating in a de-load day once per week. You should use half the amount of weight and rounds. You can have an entire de-load week once every month or so. Besides, pushing yourself to the limit day after day and month after month in the gym will make you reach a breaking point. Not only should you keep up on your recovery, but you need to enjoy your time outside of the gym. That way, you will become stronger in your everyday life rather than just upping your dumbbell number.

CrossFit exercises


Ask Questions

Your CrossFit coach is there to help you along this fun fitness journey. There is no such thing as stupid questions. Besides, you pay money and spend a lot of time in these CrossFit sessions so you might as well get the most out of it. Do not be afraid to ask your coach about eating carbohydrates, what scaling means or anything else you don’t understand. If you don’t fully grasp a concept, stop and ask for better clarification. You won’t even know what the movement of a kip is once you start CrossFit and that’s okay. Learning the terminology and overall lingo is part of the adventure. Everyone was new at one point, so go ahead and ask questions. Chances are good somebody else has the same question.

succeeding at CrossFit


Make Friends

It’s more fun to workout with your friends. CrossFit has a community of its own. Everyone is there to help and cheer you on during this fitness adventure. Even if you are naturally shy, try to meet at least one new person. You might surprise yourself and come out of your shell! It is important to note that you are never competing with any during CrossFit. You are only challenging yourself to be better than… yourself! Unlike regular gym settings, CrossFit embodies a different attitude. Fellow members might introduce themselves to you, so that takes the timid factor away. Nevertheless, you will appreciate the fact that you are all in this together.

advice CrossFit


Show Up to Class Consistently (And Early)

You do not have to give it your all every single day, but CrossFit does require a level of commitment. Even if you do it a few times a week for a month start, but slowly slack off and quit then your results will equally disappear. However, if you truly show up for your CrossFit sessions consistently, even for a year, then you will be amazed at what you can achieve. Besides attending your classes, you should try to get there a little bit early. Not only is it frustrating walking in late (to anything), but you do not want to skip the early warm-up, which is essential for recovery. Not only that, but you might the question of the day or not have a chance to say hello to your new friends.

CrossFit tips


Modify Your Routine Overtime

As you become more familiar with CrossFit, you can upgrade from the beginner status. There are a plethora of unique exercises you can complete. As you grow stronger and more proficient, you should scale your intensity appropriately. This might mean using heavier weights or doing a more complex routine. The best thing to remember is to go at your own pace. After doing CrossFit for a few weeks, you will be able to determine a level of intensity, strength, and flexibility that is right for you. Do not feel bad if you deadlift less than a person who is smaller than you. You need to start out light and work your way into more intense CrossFit routines.

routine CrossFit


Eat Healthily

If you start a CrossFit program, you need to eat enough, especially protein. Since you are doing a high-intensity workout, your muscles will become sore. Protein can help you repair any damage as well as grow new muscle tissues. Although you should discuss your diet with a nutritionist, consuming protein every few hours is ideal for CrossFit participants. Having the proper nutrition means you will have better energy levels, recovery time, and overall wellbeing against illnesses. After all, you get out what you put in.

healthy CrossFit


Get Enough Sleep

Eating right and getting enough rest go hand in hand when it comes to living a healthy life. No matter what workout routine you are doing, you should get the recommended eight hours of sleep each night. Not only does it give you an overall better quality of life, but your body repairs and recovers while you rest. There are several ways to get yourself into a healthy sleep routine from setting alarms to sipping warm milk.

sleep CrossFit


Stay Positive

Your attitude affects everything you do including CrossFit. Pushing your body to its maximum intensity is not fun. Although you will get stronger, it still is physically hard and exhausting. Not only does it physically take a toll on you, but it can be mentally draining and frustrating as well. However, if you have long-term success in mind, you will continue to reach your CrossFit goals. Remember that your coaches are there to help you every step of the way. They understand what you are feeling and will keep you on the right track. With a positive attitude and winning outlook, CrossFit can be fun and rewarding. Make sure you take time to laugh with your classmates and learn something new.


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