Mosquito bites are inconvenient for lovers of warm weather. These blood-feeding insects love to roam our backyards, leaving us irritated and, at worst, downright infuriated. If you get bit by one, try not to worry. Most mosquito bites are entirely manageable provided you have the right ingredients at home. Their bites often cause swelling and itchiness, but these symptoms are easily combated using simple home remedies. Find out the top 10 home remedies for mosquito bites.
This bright and tangy fruit is the perfect remedy for mosquito bites. It'll also leave you with a fresh lemony fragrance. Lemons are easily portable and can be brought to a variety of places, whether it be camping or a mountain excursion. Lemon's natural anti-inflammatory and anesthetic qualities aid in healing the skin from a mosquito bite. Lemon provides near-instant relief. To use this remedy, cut a lemon in half and rub the flesh of the lemon over the mosquito bite. Initially, your skin might tingle a bit, but this just means the remedy is working. You can rinse the skin with water afterward to remove any remaining lemon.
Just like the previous home remedy, garlic is also useful in treating mosquito bites. Garlic can help reduce symptoms like as itchiness and discomfort. In a way, garlic is also a natural insect repellent because of the strong smell it gives off. Garlic may not leave you smelling like a rose, but it'll surely help to combat those pesky mosquitoes. To apply, take a few cloves of garlic and puree or mince them. Then, rub the mixture directly onto the skin; avoid non-affected areas. Leave the mixture on for a few minutes and then rinse.
One of the cheapest and most convenient ways to naturally treat a mosquito bite is by applying some baking soda onto the skin. Baking soda works in multiple ways: it reduces itching and swelling while helping to keep pain under control. The underlying mechanism is baking soda's ability to neutralize the pH of the skin, helping to balance it out. To use, mix a few teaspoons of baking soda with a few drops of water to create a paste. Apply onto the affected area and wash it off after a few minutes. The paste can be stored and kept for later.
Applying aloe vera on the skin is an excellent way to treat mosquito bites. This soothing remedy is universally acclaimed for its calming effect on the skin. It works by promoting healing and helping the skin to lower inflammation. You'll get the immense relief if you have access to fresh aloe vera, which contains the highest amount of beneficial properties. Of course, you can also use store-bought aloe vera gel; although, it might not be as potent as the natural plant. In any case, apply a layer of aloe vera gel onto the affected area and allow it to become absorbed into the skin.
At first thought, the idea of putting salt on the skin may seem uncomfortable. But for mosquito bites, it's surprisingly effective. Salt - just like baking soda - possesses antiseptic and calming properties that can help to control the symptoms caused by a mosquito bite. You can use any food-grade salt for the treatment of mosquito bites. To use salt, create a paste by mixing equal parts of salt and water. Apply it directly onto the bites and allow the mixture to dry. Rinse with water. You may also try adding a bit of honey into the mixture to provide a more soothing remedy.
Ice is a quick and refreshing remedy that'll help your skin feel invigorated and smooth. Cold temperatures help to control the spread of a mosquito bite’s itch. At the same time, the cold numbs the skin, making you feel more comfortable and less itchy. Ice can be easily made, but you can also use frozen products or an ice pack. Be sure not to apply the ice on bare skin for longer than a minute as this may cause frostbite. It's highly recommended to use ice wrapped in a thin cloth, as this protects the skin from excessive coldness.
Rubbing alcohol may sound harsh, but it is surprisingly effective in treating different conditions of the skin. Regarding insect bites, rubbing alcohol helps to reduce itchiness and swelling, and it can also make your skin less prone to bites. Apply some rubbing alcohol directly onto the affected area with a cotton ball, making sure not to get any on the healthy areas of your skin. You may feel a slight stinging sensation at first, but in a few moments, you'll feel the relief.
Known for its natural forest smell, tea tree oil can be a highly beneficial way of calming the itch and discomfort of a mosquito bite. Tea tree oil comes in small bottles. Only a few drops of the oil are needed to ease your symptoms. Tea tree oil can help combat discomfort and swelling, and it also protects against further mosquito bites. Its calming effect may also be advantageous for itchiness, allowing you to feel more comfortable. Dilute a few drops of tea tree oil in a glass of water and rinse the affected area with the solution.
Toothpaste provides for a fresh and icy experience, which helps reduce itchiness and other symptoms. This portable and convenient remedy is easily used - just dab some toothpaste directly onto the mosquito bite. What's best, you can purchase tiny tubes of toothpaste that can be purchased anywhere. For best results, use toothpaste that has peppermint or mint, as this helps to reduce swelling best. You can also mix baking soda with toothpaste for a desired effect. Make sure to wash off any remaining toothpaste after applying it onto the skin.
Aspirin is most helpful when it comes to pain experienced throughout the body. But it's equally useful for mosquito bites. Because of its powerful anti-inflammatory properties, aspirin can help control the swelling caused by mosquito bites. It's also easy to use - you just have to grind some aspirin into powder. Then, add a few drops of water as to create a pasty mixture. Apply it directly to the mosquito bite and leave it on for up to 10 minutes. Wash it off and dry. You should notice the bite getting noticeably smaller, and itchiness nearly dissipates.
When you’ve just been ambushed by thirsty mosquitoes, you may not instinctively reach for oatmeal to soothe your pain. However, people have been turning to oats to treat inflamed skin for centuries. This is because the grain contains potent antioxidants — avenanthramides — that reduce inflammation and itching. These compounds and other emollients in oats help make the skin more supple. Grind up gluten-free oatmeal into a fine powder, then add some to your bath and soak for 20 minutes at least once a day until your inflammation eases.
You can soothe mosquito bites with a sweet touch of honey, a sought-after wound ointment from ancient times. Be sure to use raw honey, though; processed honey goes through pasteurization that kills off healthful constituents. Raw honey contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial compounds that soothe itching. This sticky gift from bees also pulls fluid from the tissue surrounding the wound and helps flush out irritants.
Sniffing basil may help take your mind off your itchiness from mosquito bites, and rubbing the leaves on your skin can bring quick relief as well. This culinary and medicinal herb is rich in polyphenols that fight inflammation and reduce swelling and pain. Try rubbing fresh basil leaves or a dab of basil essential oil on affected areas. Make a topical tea with dried basil by steeping a half-ounce in two cups of water. Always allow the tea to cool before applying to your skin.
Calm your bitten skin with a cold chamomile tea bag. The coolness can temporarily relieve discomfort, and antioxidants reduce swelling. Chamomile also has analgesic properties to help you feel better fast. This flower is widely used topically for its skin-healing capabilities. For best results, prepare a cup of chamomile tea as you would for drinking. After the tea has brewed, remove the bag and place it in the refrigerator or freezer for 30 minutes before applying to the skin.
If you’d rather not use up your food items or don't have any handy, an eating utensil may help you when you’ve been bitten by mosquitoes. Hold a metal spoon under hot tap water until quite warm, then press the spoon directly on the wound for a few minutes. The heat will inactivate the inflammatory proteins that cause the typical itching sensation from bug bites. Although the bumps might linger for a few days, the pain should subside quickly for good. Make sure the metal isn't so hot that you burn your skin, though.
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