
Vitamin A is an essential nutrient that a person must obtain from food since the human body is incapable of producing it. The vitamin is integral to many processes, including proper immune function, reproduction, and skin health. There are different types of vitamin A, including retinol and beta carotene. Experts can calculate the total amount of vitamin A in food by measuring these individual varieties.

Beef Liver

Animal liver is among the best sources of vitamin A because animals store vitamins in this organ. A mere three-ounce, pan-fried serving of beef liver contains almost 7,000 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin A, which is over 700% of the Food and Drug Administration’s recommended daily value (DV). Beef liver also contains copper, potassium, and protein.

fried liver onions zefirchik06 / Getty Images


Sweet Potato

Another great source of vitamin A is the humble sweet potato. With its skin on, a whole sweet potato provides 1,400 mcg of vitamin A, which is over 150% DV. The tuber also offers other vitamins, including vitamins B6 and C. Sweet potatoes are high in fiber and potassium, as well, but lose many of their benefits when peeled.

whole raw sweet potato tashka2000 / Getty Images



Steaming a half-cup of spinach provides nearly 600 mcg of vitamin A, accounting for 64% DV. Like many other leafy green vegetables, spinach is also rich in other nutrients, primarily calcium and magnesium. It also provides small amounts of vitamin K and iron.

raw spinach bowl Lecic / Getty Images


Pumpkin Pie

For most people, pumpkin pie is a fall staple, though its vitamin content may prompt you to eat it throughout the year. A single piece of pumpkin pie contains around 488 mcg of vitamin A, which is 54% DV. Commercial pumpkin pies also supply potassium, calcium, and magnesium. However, the high amount of sugar in most varieties makes it difficult to justify this food as a regular source of vitamins. Other, unsweetened pumpkin products may provide similar nutritional benefits.

pumpkin pie slice bhofack2 / Getty Images



According to the FDA, a half-cup of raw carrots accounts for 51% DV of vitamin A. Carrots are incredibly easy to fit into most diets, thanks to their low calorie counts. Plus, they are an ideal source of fiber. They also have low — but notable — quantities of vitamins B6, C, and E.

pile fresh carrots Vitalina / Getty Images


Soft Serve French Vanilla Ice Cream

It may seem odd that ice cream could be a source of nutrition, but it is possible. Specifically, a single cup of soft serve French vanilla ice cream contains 278 mcg of vitamin A, which is over 30% DV. This is in addition to other nutrients, such as vitamin D and potassium. Though, like pumpkin pie, the sugar levels in ice cream make it hard to include with any frequency in a healthy diet.

vanilla soft serve ice cream Swanya Charoonwatana / Getty Images


Part-Skim Ricotta Cheese

Cheese is rich in calcium, like other dairy products, but certain varieties can also provide other important nutrients. A cup of part-skim ricotta cheese contains 264 mcg of vitamin A, about 30% DV. Additionally, ricotta cheese contains high levels of whey protein, which helps promote muscle growth and can reduce cholesterol levels.

ricotta cheese plate tashka2000 / Getty Images


Pickled Atlantic Herring

A small, three-ounce serving of pickled Atlantic herring contains 219 mcg of vitamin A, which is almost a quarter of the DV. Because Atlantic herring is a fatty fish, it also provides plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, which may help brain and heart health. Herring can also supply protein and vitamin D.

atlantic herring onions plate lisaaMC / Getty Images



Most fruits are extremely healthy and full of vitamins, and cantaloupe is no exception. A half-cup of raw cantaloupe offers 135 mcg of vitamin A or 15% DV. Additionally, melons consist mainly of water and fiber, meaning they have extremely low calorie counts. Cantaloupes can also be a reliable provider of vitamin C.

sliced raw cantaloupe DeeNida / Getty Images


Sweet Red Peppers

Peppers are an easy inclusion into many diets because they can fit into so many different meals. Raw sweet red peppers are also a great way to increase vitamin A intake because a half-cup contains 13% DV. This, plus their vitamin C content and minimal calories, makes them a healthy choice. Sweet red peppers also contain a small amount of other vitamins, such as B6, E, and K.

sweet red peppers growing numxyz / Getty Images

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