
In many cases, moderation is key when consuming highly acidic foods, as many have healthful benefits, as well. People with acid reflux diseases or compromised digestive systems are usually best served avoiding high acid foods, as they can aggravate existing health issues or even create new problems. It is also possible to balance the acidity of certain foods by altering their preparation or eating low-acid foods in conjunction.


Animal proteins, including chicken, turkey, and beef are highly acidic once they are metabolized. High levels of uric acid in the blood raise blood pH levels, and these issues can spread to tissues and joints, causing gout or kidney stones. Wild game, like bison and elk, has a less inflammatory effect and a higher concentration of omega 3 fatty acids. Organic and free-range animal products are higher in nutrients and may be less acidic.

high acid foods meat

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Cow's milk contains both calcium and phosphorus, which promote optimal health when ingested in a ratio of 2.5 to 1. Cow's milk contains a ratio of 1.27 to 1. Too much phosphorus prevents the absorption of calcium by the small intestine, and the acidifying effects of milk require calcium to be taken from the reserves in the blood to prevent the blood from becoming too acidic. Dairy products should be consumed in moderation or balanced out with alkaline foods.

dairy high acid foods

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Many grains, including white rice, pasta, and anything glutenous, are very acidifying and to digest. They often create inflammation in the body. Refined grains and wheat are the most acidic and can heighten illnesses that already leave people sensitive. However, grains are an essential part of a healthy diet. They keep the digestive system moving and help the body eliminate toxins. Brown rice, quinoa, and buckwheat are lower in acidity than most grains.

grain high acid foods

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While legumes are mildly acidifying, they have several health benefits, including keeping blood sugar in check. Legumes also lower blood pressure and LDL (bad) cholesterol. Eating legumes in moderation and pairing them with alkalizing foods will minimize the chances of your body becoming too acidic.

legumes high acid foods

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For years, we have been told to avoid eggs because they could raise bad cholesterol levels. This has been disproven in many circles, but it is worth noting that eggs are also rich in uric acid and form purines, which can cause major problems. Organic or cage-free eggs are higher in nutrients and contain fewer antibiotics and hormones. They may be less acidic than regular farm-produced eggs.

high acid foods eggs

Svetlana-Cherruty / Getty Images



A serving of nuts is a better source of protein than most animal products, including meat. Nuts are mildly acid-forming, but they become less acidic after metabolization. However, nutritionists suggest people limit nut consumption to 20 percent or less of your overall daily diet intake, given their high-fat content.

high acid foods nuts

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Vegetable oils

Most health care professionals recommend avoiding fried foods as much as possible, but fatty acids are essential for maintaining good health. At the same time, vegetable oils, including canola or sunflower seed oil have a mildly acidifying effect on the bloodstream. Healthy fats are not required in large amounts and should be limited to less than 20 percent of your daily food intake.

oil high acid foods

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After it is metabolized, alcohol robs the body of magnesium and other alkalizing minerals. If you are experiencing an upset stomach, alcohol can aggravate it even more, especially if your digestive system is highly sensitive to acidic food. Moderating alcohol consumption can help avoid acidic conflicts. If you happen to be eating when consuming alcohol, lean towards more alkalizing foods to offset the loss of alkalizing minerals.

alcohol high acid foods

Panpetch Petchphloy / Getty Images



Coffee can be difficult to give up, but depending on the roasting and brewing methods used, coffee can be very acidic. Swiss water decaf is lower in acidity because it does not use chemicals in processing. People who are prone to acid reflux may want to avoid or minimize the intake of coffee.

high acid foods coffee

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Refined sugar

Soda, muffins, pastries, candy, white bread, and processed foods are all high in refined sugar and acidity. Some people include two or even three of these foods with every snack or meal. Imagine how hard your body has to work to neutralize two or three acidic foods multiple times a day. If you are craving something sweet, raw honey, dates, and maple syrup are less acidic than most foods with refined sugar.

sugars high acid foods

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