The bacteria Trichomonas vaginalis causes a sexually transmitted disease called trichomoniasis. It has a gestational period of 30 days, and an antibiotic can easily treat it. If left untreated, it can cause long-term reproduction problems for female carriers. Both men and women can be carriers of the bacteria. However, men generally have no symptoms. In many cases, they may not know that they are infected. Women may experience a wide array of unpleasant symptoms.
Women with trichomoniasis often experience the slow but constant discharge of a white, yellow, gray or green vaginal fluid. It is generally dense and sticky and gives off a foul odor. During pregnancy, this discharge may look like the normal increase in discharge that is present. If you notice a strong-smelling discharge, it's important to talk to your doctor right away about possible causes.
While many men do not experience any symptoms with this sexually transmitted disease, some may experience a discharge. If you notice an abnormal discharge, especially after sleeping, talk to your doctor about testing and treatment options.
Difficulty urinating is a symptom of trichomoniasis that affects both men and women. While other illnesses and disorders cause difficulty with urinating, in combination with the other symptoms, it can indicate infection. Talk to your doctor right away to receive treatment and prevent further problems.
Pain when urinating is another common side effect of trichomoniasis. However, painful urination can also be indicative of a urinary tract infection, kidney or bladder infection, or a disease. Prompt medical attention is necessary to rule out other causes and to treat the infection.
Women with trichomoniasis may develop darkened spots and skin discoloration around their genitals. If you are experiencing changes in your skin's color or texture, talk to your doctor about receiving testing for a sexually transmitted disease.
Numerous sexually transmitted diseases cause post-ejaculatory burning, including trichomoniasis. Depending on the severity of the condition, this burning may last for just a few minutes, or it may last for several hours. In most cases, post-ejaculatory burning lasts for roughly half an hour.
In cases of trichomoniasis, the bladder becomes irritated as it works to expel toxins from your system. This can cause a recurring urge to urinate. While dietary changes, viruses, and other types of infections can cause more frequent urination, when there are other symptoms of trichomoniasis, medical treatment may be necessary.
Trichomoniasis causes intense genital itching. While this is a tell-tale sign of infection, as many as 90 percent of sufferers tend to ignore this uncomfortable condition. If you experience genital itching for an extended period, talk to your doctor to determine its cause.
Trichomoniasis can cause vaginal bleeding. Vaginal bleeding does not alarm most women, particularly those with irregular menstrual cycles. However, if you experience unexpected bleeding without other symptoms that your period has begun, talk to your doctor to establish its cause.
Since both men and women have their reasons for frequently experiencing discomfort in and around their stomach area, this is another trichomoniasis symptom that is rarely examined too closely. This symptom is not commonly associated with sexually transmitted diseases, and it is often overlooked as an indicator of trichomoniasis.
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