
Research shows that a significant number of people who have schizophrenia aren't even aware of it until it progresses into later stages. Imagine going about as you usually do and suddenly experiencing an illusory manifestation or an auditory hallucination, suddenly, without a single warning. You can prevent or slow the progress of the illness by finding the early signs. Some of them are more plainly evident, and some just seem like side-effects of other diseases or other sorts of unnecessary discomfort. That is where most people make the biggest mistake; don't take these signs for granted. Your body is telling you that something is wrong with it and you should go for a checkup. Just like cancer, schizophrenia is a highly impairing illness. Although it isn't lethal to the body, it turns the sufferer's life upside down and into a living hell that subsides only with the use of heavy medication.


Yes, there are much more people with depression than those with early schizophrenia. However, the fact that the disease is so widespread doesn't necessarily mean it shouldn't be seen as an early sign. More often than not, depression involves other mental illnesses. Almost everything that causes depression is also closely related to schizophrenia, which gives one all the more reason to go for a thorough checkup.

depression schizophrenia



Also known as paranoid schizophrenia, which is the best description of the early form, uncontrollable paranoia is a clear sign of the illness. This paranoia doesn't just mean having irrational thoughts and panic when they occur; it can be as irrelevant as feeling uncomfortable in certain situations without an actual cause. The constant feeling of being watched and the need to close every door is a clear sign of paranoia. Feeling observed more than you're supposed to when in public, thinking that every laughter in the vicinity is directed at ridiculing you is also caused by paranoia.

paranoia schizophrenia



We all need a break from socialization sometimes, but being away from your friends for extensive amounts of time is simply over-resting. The need for such long pauses comes from the desire to be alone, which is significantly increased in the case where it's a symptom of mental illness. Those with mental illnesses tend to become exhausted quickly in social situations. This exhaustion causes them to isolate themselves.

isolation schizophrenia


Apathy is caused by the previous symptom which can be easily linked with schizophrenia. The less time you spend with your friends, the less you are going to care about them. Having schizophrenia makes it difficult to involve yourself in the lives of others. Apathy will cause you to become mentally shut-in.

apathy schizophrenia


How often do you get annoyed by even the slightest of mishaps around you? How often does someone's unintentional mistake or negative behavior trigger your violent thoughts? Irritability doesn't just mean imagining yourself committing acts of violence over someone; it includes getting angered at people's statements, behavior and actions regularly. When this frustrating issue turns into a casual thought, which pops up before anybody even does anything wrong, you may have early schizophrenia.

Irritability schizophrenia



Do you often think you're better than everyone? Do you look at people like they're below you constantly? Are your problems greater than those that others have? Though we all have these thoughts from time-to-time, having thoughts like these constantly make it difficult to function in society. Constantly putting your needs above others can isolate you further, which, for someone with schizophrenia, makes it harder to seek out help and support.

ego schizophrenia



Sleep deficiency can be attributed to many factors, from a booming social life to a very tightly packed business schedule. However, if your lack of sleep comes from the hyperactivity of your brain (often accompanied with reluctance when it comes to resting), it's something you should take seriously. It is a normal human function to desire sleep when you're tired, and if you don't, your brain becomes dysfunctional.

insomnia and schizophrenia



Unlike the previously mentioned symptoms, tinnitus isn't as common. It's a condition of the ear where the sufferer experiences constant ringing and beeping sounds. These sounds can halt from time to time. Tinnitus closely relates to insomnia, as it's sometimes almost impossible to fall asleep if you have this condition.

tinnitus schizophrenia


Perceived Laziness

Lacking the will to do basic tasks is also a signifier of psychopathy and schizophrenia, and it comes from an unhealthy change in brain function. Being unable to perform basic tasks can also lead to depression because tasks will pile up and overwhelm them. Those will mental illness genuinely want to complete tasks such as cleaning and cooking, but lack the energy to do so.

laziness schizophrenia


Inability to Tell Dreams from Reality

No, this doesn't mean what you think it does. After all, we're talking about early schizophrenia. Of course, you won't believe that you're still in some forsaken cave about an hour after you wake up, but that's not what we're referring to. What we are referring to is, when someone makes decisions and takes actions based on interactions from pat dreams. For example, someone might have a dream that their beloved pet was in an accident and may wake up sobbing and frantically looking for their pet. Even with their pet in their arms, they might have the feeling like they are not actually there with them.

schizophrenia dreams

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