The easily communicated skin disease of scabies is passed virally through personal contact with someone who has the condition or with items they've handled. Blistering, rashes and itchy skin are among the most common symptoms of scabies. The harm to personal appearance and the irritation scabies causes are real concerns, although thankfully it poses no long-term health risks if treated effectively. It is unrealistic to expect a complete cure without using conventional medicines, but home remedies for scabies can help speed up the healing process and could eliminate some of the undesirable side effects.
Onions are a popular ingredient in salads and cooked dishes, but they also contain substances with medicinal properties. In particular, onions are rich in quercetin and organosulfur, which help the skin heal after an outbreak of scabies. Apply small pieces of onion mixed with salt to infected skin areas a couple of times each day.
Every cook appreciates the value of cayenne pepper, and those with natural health knowledge realize it also has healing properties that can relieve the symptoms of scabies. Cayenne pepper has no unwanted side effects, making it an excellent choice to include in a natural healing plan. Apply the cayenne pepper directly to damaged skin areas, or mix it in water, and apply the paste for a few minutes.
Cloves are yet another example of a typical kitchen foodstuff that combines antibacterial and antifungal properties with a good taste. Mix some clove oil in a 1:4 ratio with coconut and olive oil. Smear this compound over the infected skin, and allow it to dry before rinsing it off under the tap. Repeat this procedure a couple of times each day to see an improvement.
Some people use white removing for stain removing or cleaning the car, and it's also valuable as a treatment for scabies. Dilute the white vinegar with distilled water to create a natural anti-scabies medication. Spray this substance on the infected skin, and allow it to dry before washing it off with warm water.
Rosemary has much more to it than a pleasant scent and attractive flowers. Its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial qualities make it ideal as a natural scabies treatment. Boil the rosemary in water. After the water cools, apply the liquid to relevant body areas. After a few minutes have passed, wash it off.
Anyone with a fondness for fragrant substances may be pleased to learn that lavender oil also is a home remedy for scabies. To make the ointment, mix lavender oil with an equal amount of olive oil. Smear this compound over the area affected with scabies. Wait a few minutes, and then wash the oil off with warm water.
Turmeric powder possesses strong antibiotic and antiviral qualities that are helpful in the treatment of pneumonia as well as scabies. Scabies sufferers should mix turmeric in water to create a paste. Apply this paste to the infected skin, and leave it for a short while before washing it off with warm water. Turmeric powder's curative properties should start to have the desired effect after several such applications.
People with a little natural healing knowledge appreciate how the antibiotic and antifungal qualities of tea tree oil make it suitable for relieving skin by reducing pain and fighting infections. There is some evidence that this substance damages embryos, so pregnant women should only apply it if their doctor approves of its use.
Zinc's curative value deserves wider attention, as it plays a vital role in strengthening immune systems to resist bacterial infections. Natural health experts recommend a mixture of zinc powder and warm water as an effective scabies ointment. For best results, smear the ointment onto the damaged skin each day for three or four days.
Some have found success using bleach as an ingredient in a compound to fight the viral causes of scabies. Dilute the bleach with water in a 1:4 ratio before applying it to the damaged skin. Afterward, wash off the bleach, and repeat the action a couple of times per day until the skin improves. Remember to keep the bleach out of reach of young children.
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