If you've ever suffered from hemorrhoids, then you know they cause discomfort, and all you want to do is get rid of the problem. Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are caused by swollen veins in the lower part of the rectum and the anus. They can be likened to varicose veins. When the walls of these veins become stretched too thin, they bulge and become irritated. Such irritation is felt mostly when having a bowel movement. If you're suffering such discomfort, there are some treatments you might want to try.
Aloe vera is known for its soothing and healing properties. You can effectively relieve the discomfort of piles by applying the gel from the aloe vera plant. You can also cut the leaves in strips, remove the thorns and freeze them. Once frozen, you can use the leaves to treat internal hemorrhoids by putting a leaf slightly into the anus and rub over the inflamed area.
You can get relief from piles by mixing glycerin with Epsom salt. A compound in the two ingredients can reduce the pain associated with inflammation when applied. All you need to do is mix two tablespoons of glycerin with two tablespoons of Epsom salt and mix. Put a small amount of the mixture on a gauze pad and apply to the affected area for about 20 minutes. Repeat every five hours until the irritation has ceased.
A sitz bath is an excellent remedy for relieving pain as the warm water can be very soothing. You will find relief from the pain, itching, and inflammation caused by the hemorrhoids as the warm water will allow the blood vessels to relax. To do this, simply fill the tub with warm water that is comfortable for you. The level of water should be shallow allowing enough water to sit in, but less than what you would bathe in. Sit in the warm water for about 15 minutes. You'll want to do this at regular intervals until you find relief.
Olive oil contains anti-inflammatory properties that can go a long way in providing relief from your hemorrhoids. Studies have also shown it contains elements that improve the elasticity of blood vessels. Therefore, it can double as an internal and external treatment for piles. Make olive oil a regular part of your diet to keep your digestive system working properly and successfully pass bowel movements. You can also apply olive oil directly to the swollen site for relief.
Apple Cider Vinegar is good for many things, including the effective treatment of hemorrhoids and can be used internally or externally. If you want to experience instant relief from the discomfort caused by the piles, then directly apply pure and natural apple cider vinegar directly to the inflamed area. Although you may feel a slight stinging sensation, you will get instant relief from pain and itching. Mix one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with a cup of water and drink it to effectively stop the bleeding caused by internal hemorrhoids and relieve the veins in the area.
Lemon juice is another one of those natural substances that have a multitude of uses and can be used to heal hemorrhoids. The antioxidant properties of lemon juice can effectively reduce inflammation by applying the juice externally to the affected area. You can also mix lemon juice with ginger and honey for a healthy drink that will reduce the inflammation and pain of hemorrhoids.
When you apply ice to the inflamed area, the cold will shrink the inflammation to allow for easy passage of stools. Ice or cold compresses also work to relieve itching and pain. To use the ice, wrap a few ice cubes in a clean cloth and apply to the irritated area. If done properly, you should find quick relief.
Tea tree oil is a highly concentrated oil that is effective in treating hemorrhoids by reducing inflammation. Because it is such a potent oil, you will need to dilute the tea tree oil with another oil such as castor oil or sweet almond oil. Simply add two drops of the tea tree oil to a small amount of the other oil. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and regularly apply to the inflamed area until you are healed. The solution gradually shrinks the pile until it is no longer a problem.
The primary complaints of hemorrhoids are the pain, itching, and swelling. All of these can be reduced by applying a small amount of Witch Hazel. This astringent compound is derived from the Witch Hazel shrub, hence the name. It is a natural anti-inflammatory compound and is used in anti-itch wipes and soaps. Witch Hazel is available in liquid form, and you can use it to treat the affected area by applying it regularly until you can find comfort.
When you are suffering from hemorrhoids, the last thing you want to do is use dry toilet paper to clean up after a bowel movement. This can make the already irritated area sore and cause painful bleeding. The solution to this is to use baby wipes. You should use wipes that are without alcohol and perfumes which can exacerbate the piles. A good choice would be to use wipes for sensitive skin, such as those made for newborns. Using the moist wipes when you go to the bathroom will ensure you aren't scraping the irritated area and causing more harm and discomfort.
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