
People don’t always give depression the serious attention it deserves. But unlike the sadness caused by a wide number of life experiences, clinical depression is more intense. When facing serious depression, it is important to seek treatment in order to prevent serious problems in one's personal and professional life. However, some people don’t want to take medication for this condition. Less severe forms of depression might not require medication. In such instances, these following non-medical treatments may help.


One of the most popular ways of treating depression is professional therapy. The treatment involves meeting with a trained specialist to discuss what’s causing the depression. Many depressed individuals find relief by discussing their life with a trained individual. Working with a therapist can lead to improvement in symptoms. A therapist will ask many questions. These questions can help a person sort out their feelings and find solutions for their problems.

10 Non-Medical Ways to Treat Depression

Self-Help Groups

Individuals who are depressed may find comfort by talking with people going through similar experiences. In recent times, the medical community has promoted the benefits of group therapy. Depending on the problems, a person might choose a self-help group that is focused on their issues. They might also choose one with a wider scope of emphasis. Meeting other people going through difficulties may make a person feel less alone.

10 Non-Medical Ways to Treat Depression


Many experts recommend an increase in physical activity as a way to relieve depression. Exercising can alter the balance of brain chemicals. These brain chemicals are mood-regulators. Also, exercise may cause the release of feel-good chemicals that have a mood-uplifting effect on the brain. There are many types of exercises and physical activities that are ideal for people of multiple fitness levels. From walking to jogging, exercise can provide instant relief for people suffering from depression.

10 Non-Medical Ways to Treat Depression


An alternative health remedy, acupuncture may help reduce depression. Though there is not much data on the topic, a few small-scale studies have found it to be more effective than no treatment at all. Acupuncture may even provide support for on-going treatment to enhance its success. If you do choose to opt for acupuncture to relieve your depression, it’s important to work with a certified professional.

10 Non-Medical Ways to Treat Depression


Some very promising studies conducted in the recent past suggest that meditation can help prevent depression. Traditional meditation is known to have a soothing effect on people who are prone to depression. Meditation can help restore balance in thoughts and actions. Meditation can be practiced in the comfort of your own home. You can also join a class or group led by an expert.

10 Non-Medical Ways to Treat Depression

Vitamins and Supplements

Many herbal and non-medical supplements may help in treating depression. However, their overall usefulness has not been backed by substantial scientific evidence. Still, many alternative therapy experts recommend various supplements for the treatment of anxiety and depression. St. John's wort and omega-three fatty acids are the most popular options available today. It is important to talk to your physician before taking any herbal remedies. Some herbs can cause side effects.

10 Non-Medical Ways to Treat Depression

Massage Therapy

With its roots in ancient Chinese medicine, massage therapy targets muscles and tissues with rubbing, kneading and stretching surface skin. These techniques can enhance relaxation. Some experts claim that massage can complement other therapies for depression. The logic is that by releasing tension and stress in the body, the mind is made stronger. There are various types of massage therapies including Swedish massage, aromatherapy, deep tissue massage, and hot stone massage.

10 Non-Medical Ways to Treat Depression

Social Support

Support from others can be helpful during depressive episodes. It is very important that people suffering from depression surround themselves with people who are a positive and pleasant presence in their life. Many experts advise individuals suffering from depression to seek help and understanding from those they are close to. It is important that individuals rely on friend and family when they are suffering. Support from loved ones can help immensely during hard times.

10 Non-Medical Ways to Treat Depression


Eat your way to a sound state of mind. A healthy and nutritious diet can help sooth depression. A diet rich in nutrients can enhance a person’s mood and relieve depression symptoms. When a person lacks certain nutrients, they can suffer mood disturbances. You can fill your plate with healthful foods that are known to help relief depression. Foods like almonds and dark chocolate may lead to improvement.

10 Non-Medical Ways to Treat Depression

Prayers And Spiritual Beliefs

Many people rely on their faith and spiritual practices when suffering from depression. Some people find that putting their faith in God’s hands or leaning on their spiritual beliefs can help them cope. From organized religion to alternative spiritual practices, there are many ways to benefit from spirituality.

10 Non-Medical Ways to Treat Depression

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