Blood clotting, also commonly referred to as coagulation, is the way that the body prevents excessive bleeding when there is an injury or damage to a blood vessel or artery. Platelets and plasma are the two components that make up blood. Platelets are the blood's cells, while plasma is the liquid portion of the blood. These two work together by forming clots when needed to ensure that the body doesn't lose too much blood. When unnecessary blood clots form, it can pose a dangerous threat to the body. There are many treatments of blood clots.



There are many treatments for patients suffering from blood clots, also known as thrombosis. One of the most common among physicians is prescribing anticoagulants also known as blood thinning medications. In doing so, they can stop the blood clot from growing and prevent clotting in other areas of the body, as well. Most importantly, they can help to dissolve the blood clot, allowing blood to flow effectively.

Treatments of Blood Clots

Stop Smoking

Smoking is one of the leading causes of thrombosis, however, this risk increases when combined with factors such as obesity. The risk of blood clots increases with the use of nicotine and other dangerous ingredients in cigarettes. If you are a smoker, speak to your doctor about ways you can quit including medications, support groups, and hypnosis.

Treatments of Blood Clots

Eat Foods Rich in Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a natural blood thinner. Increasing your intake of vitamin E can aid in the prevention or treatment of blood clots naturally. You can take vitamin E in capsule form. However, it is also effective to eat foods naturally containing it. Some of these foods include:

  • Almonds
  • Broccoli
  • Avocado
  • Tomato
  • Kiwi

Although vitamin E is helpful in prevention and treatment of thrombosis, it can never replace a doctor's advice.

Treatments of Blood Clots

Natural Supplements and Essential Oils

Certain supplements and oils have blood thinning properties. Although these products are natural, it is wise to discuss their use with your doctor. Interactions may occur between these products and other medications. Oils, capsule, drops and other forms of these items are usually available for purchase from pharmacies and natural health stores.

Treatments of Blood Clots

Newly Approved Medications

The Food and Drug Administration approves new medications for blood clots regularly. Doctors can often prescribe these with less monitoring of their patients. These new drugs can usually combat the blood clots without the use of anticoagulants. They are often expensive, however, and are not an option for all patients.

Treatments of Blood Clots

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy may improve symptoms of blood clots. Of course, there are several types of massage, and not all will provide relief. Deep-tissue massage, however, can be helpful to restore circulation which is crucial when a patient is suffering a blood clot. Massage therapy, however, should never replace medication or the advice of a doctor.

Treatments of Blood Clots

Lose Weight

The best way to treat blood clots is to avoid getting your body in situations where they can form. Of course, they can develop after surgery, but often our lifestyle choices can make us more prone to blood clots. One vital factor is our weight. Obesity is a direct cause of blood clots in some cases. When there is too much weight on some areas of the body, in particular on the legs, it can cause damage to the veins. When this happens, it presents the perfect condition for blood clots to form.

Treatments of Blood Clots


Beginning an exercise routine is the best way to fight obesity, which can lead to blood clots. Weight loss is almost always an uphill battle. It would be nice if we could just wake up one morning and declare that we will be ten pounds lighter by the end of the week, though, wouldn't it? However, it takes a little more dedication than that. First, decide which type of workout you are most comfortable with. Some people find that the motivation for going to the gym helps them to achieve their fitness goals. However, for others, the gym doesn't fit into their schedule, so working out at home is a better option.

Treatments of Blood Clots

Change Your Diet

As you begin your new active lifestyle, you may wish to make some changes to your diet as well. In addition to eating a healthier, lower calorie diet, be aware of vitamin K levels in your diet. Vitamin K can interfere with some blood thinning medications. This includes being mindful of leafy vegetables, like broccoli or spinach. However, some people who intake this vitamin consistently do not have problems with it. Because everyone's body is different, you should speak to your doctor or even schedule a meeting with a nutritionist.

Treatments of Blood Clots

Do Not Sit or Stand Too Long

If you already have a blood clot, one of the worst things you can do is sit or stand for more than an hour. It may sound like an impossibility if you work a desk job or are on your feet all day. If you work at a desk job, stand when you receive a phone call, or someone visits your desk. If you're on your feet, sit for two or three minutes at least once per hour.

Treatments of Blood Clots
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