
Before we start off this journey into the depths of your stomach, we have to say one thing. Appendicitis is a dangerous condition. Before you do anything, do consult your doctor and ONLY THEN apply treatment of your own. Even then, you should seek the advice of a medical expert. Your appendix is not to be trifled with. What appendicitis? Well, it's an inflammation of the appendix. It can be acute or chronic, depending on the case. An appendix is a small protrusion on the colon. You can find it in the lower right corner of the abdomen. It's also one of medicine's most notable mysteries. Nobody knows for sure why we still have this seemingly useless protrusion. To be clear, these are in no way cures. Think of them as ways to make your condition easier. Applying these measures will make your road to an appendix removal much easier.


This amazing addition to your diet is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, it's so strong that it may relieve most of your appendicitis symptoms. Garlic is amazingly antibacterial and effective. It can battle even the strongest inflammations. It would be a shame not to use its effects when battling problems with the appendix. Your best bet would be eating 2 or 3 garlic cloves on an empty stomach, daily. If you want even more beneficial effects, add it to your favorite lunch dishes. If you hate the taste, grab some garlic capsules. They too work wonders.

Appendicitis garlic



Another anti-inflammatory aid, that's right! Ginger works in two ways. For starters, it battles inflammation symptoms and kills molecules connected to it. After that, it soothes the entire area and makes the pain nonexistent. Some symptoms of appendicitis are also vomiting and nausea. Ginger will calm your stomach and help with nausea. Any healthy food store has grated ginger for sale. To prepare it, take 1 teaspoon and let it simmer in boiling water for 5 minutes. Add sugar and enjoy the healthiest drink you've ever had.

Appendicitis ginger


Castor oil

Castor oil is an underrated and under-appreciated source of anti-inflammation compounds. Many people disregard it, but it's making a return. One of its best applications is an aid in battling appendicitis. It's an all-around weapon in a time of need and helps in so many ways at once. Truly a wonder of the world of natural remedies. There are several ways you can use it. Taking it orally helps reduce constipation and makes the bowels feel alive. Soaking a cloth in it and keeping in on your stomach is also helpful. That way, you treat the pain and reduce the inflammation.

treatments Appendicitis


Fenugreek seeds

These seeds can also be a useful aid while combating appendicitis. They aren't an active opponent of inflammation, sadly. Nevertheless, they can relieve the situation greatly. Fenugreeks seeds maintain the amount of intestinal waste in the bowels. This also works for excess mucus. When waste and mucus are at low levels, this gives the appendicitis little room to advance. Also, several studies have shown that fenugreek seeds relive the body of pain. They are a great addition to most dishes. You will grow to love them and so will your intestines.

Appendicitis treatment



Indigestion and constipation plague people who have appendicitis. They can cause many other complications and make life a living hell. It doesn't have to be this way. The answer to this medical conundrum lies in the wonders of lemon juice. Aside from the juice, lemon is full of other health benefits. For instance, vitamin C from the lemon can fortify the immune system. A stronger immune system means more efficient combat against the infection.

natural remedies Appendicitis pain



Some cases of appendicitis may spiral out of control. It may take days before they schedule you for surgery. During those days, you may develop a fever. If it becomes unbearable, you can always turn to basil for help. Moreover, basil has intestine-related benefits too. The best thing about basil is its mixing options. It can join forces with ginger to form a formidable duo to take off fever. You can make ginger-basil tea and make your recovery a sweet one. If you like eating raw basil, that's even better.

basil appendix



Ginseng is the East Asian go-to anti-inflammation ingredient. This benefit makes it an ideal partner in battling appendicitis. Making tea is the best way to take ginseng. Honey and sugar are also welcome ingredients in this amazing beverage. Drink it twice daily, and you will see your symptoms stop advancing.

 ingredient appendix



Mint is always amongst the top natural remedies for anything. Its first and foremost characteristic is removing gas problems in the bowels. Aside from that, it eases vomiting and nausea. Throwing up during an inflammation is dangerous. Your body will need all its fluids and resources to fight back. Some medications may even worsen things. Mint isn't remotely able to irritate the stomach. It also works around the clock to ease the pain you feel. You can prepare mint tea, but you can also try smoking its leaves. It can make your airways clearer and wider.

mint for appendix pain


Fiber-rich foods

Yes, it's that simple. A fiber-rich diet is like a miracle when suffering from appendicitis. When your appendix inflames, you need all the help you can get. First, on the list should be making your digestion as efficient as possible. If you have enough fiber in your diet, you can slow down your appendix from growing worse. There are many options to choose from. Most vegetables and pastry contain lots of fibers. By choosing the optimal solution, you will both enjoy eating it and preserve your health.

fiber for appendix pain


Drinking plenty of water

Fluids are essential to every aspect and part of the body. There is no exception. The need for water is even direr when suffering from appendicitis. Fluids remove constipation symptoms. It also helps flush toxins out of the body. When your digestion is not all that fine, every push it can get is much needed. The key to preparing for appendicitis surgery is simple. Drink more water and eat more easily-digestible foods. Your body will be thankful, and the procedure will go perfectly.

hydration for appendicitis

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