The thyroid gland can be found wrapped around the trachea below the Adam’s apple. The thyroid is important because it produces a hormone known as thyroxine which affects everything from metabolism to heart health. A healthy thyroid is important for good health. But when the thyroid produces too much or too little of said hormone, the consequences for our body can be unpleasant. There are different types of thyroid disorders that affect both the structure and function of the thyroid.
People who develop thyroid disease will often notice changes in their mood. In many cases, individuals may feel more nervous than before, or they might even experience frequent tremors. This is a results of the over functioning of the thyroid glands. This condition is known as hyperthyroidism. In some cases, affected individuals may also feel excessively agitated; they may also be moody and find themselves in an emotionally unstable state. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, schedule a checkup with your doctor to determine the root cause. It’s important to know that the symptoms caused by hyperthyroidism may also appear in other diseases.
If your thyroid is not functioning correctly, you may experience symptoms related to your mental agility and overall cognitive performance. Mental functioning is affected by hyperthyroidism as well as hypothyroidism. The later occurs when the thyroid produces excessive amounts of thyroid hormone, while the latter is a result of low levels of said hormone. In any case, these deviations impact the thought process. You might find yourself with difficulties reading a book, or understanding math equations, for example. You may also feel that you forgot basic things, such as birthdays or other important events. Emotional performance may also become affected.
Another unpleasant consequence of hyperthyroidism is menstrual changes. Naturally, only females are affected by this symptom. If you experience very early or very late menstruation, you should be evaluated for possible thyroid problems. Moreover, any changes to menstrual pattern - having more or less frequent periods - is a cause for concern. You should also evaluate the amount of menstrual flow, as this can be affected by hyperthyroidism. In some cases, your period may last for more than a week; it may also last for only a few days. In any case, it’s important to be evaluated by your physician.
Another area where hyperthyroidism is likely to cause symptoms is the stomach. Feeling bloated is a very common symptom of people who have hyperthyroidism. Because there is an imbalance of hormones, your body isn’t able to correctly regulate the amount of water your body retains, thereby leading to water-related weight gain. In many cases people can expect to gain more than 10 lbs of weight if they have hyperthyroidism. If you notice your waist getting larger by the day, you may have a dysfunctioning thyroid gland. Even though weight gain can be caused by plenty of other things, it’s advisable to get a checkup to rule out hyperthyroidism.
A racing heartbeat is another sign of hyperthyroidism. Even though it’s not exclusive to this condition, it is one of the most common symptoms. Medically, this condition is known as tachycardia. Essentially, it refers to a heart rate that exceeds the normal resting rate. In most cases, that means that if your heart beat is more than 100 beats per minute, you might have tachycardia. Age is an important factor when determining what your normal heart rate is. Another possibility is palpations. Palpitations are periods of irregular heartbeats that can make you feel as if your heart skipped a beat.
Aches and pains caused by hyperthyroidism may affect the muscles and joints of the body. They may also affect certain organs of the body. When the thyroid produces too much of any biochemical substance, the resulting disequilibrium may lead to weakness in the muscles as well as pain. If you have autoimmune thyroid disease, your body may produce excessive amounts of white blood cells that attack parts of your muscle or surrounding blood vessels, causing progressive pain. To treat this symptom, you may use over-the-counter pain medication or prescribed medication by your doctor.
Weight is a variable that normally fluctuates over time. It’s also crucial for overall health, and is best kept within a healthy range. Sometimes we gain some, on other occasions we lose some. However, if your thyroid isn’t functioning correctly, you may experience unusual weight gain. Our thyroid is a very powerful gland, that is responsible for many bodily functions. It has far-reaching consequences, and weight is one of the factors most likely to be affected. If you notice your weight increasing over time, you may have a dysfunctioning thyroid. If your weight increases despite a healthy diet, consult your doctor.
The amount of cholesterol in the blood is related to the functioning of the thyroid. A well-functioning thyroid means that cholesterol levels are in check. However, if the thyroid is overactive or produces excessive hormones, cholesterol levels can be inadequate. If you have hypothyroidism, your body might feel sluggish and slow. This can also mean reduced levels of cholesterol in the blood. If, however, you have an overactive thyroid, you may end up with high levels of cholesterol in the blood. If you are feeling drowsy or tired, it might be a good idea to get your thyroid examined.
If you are constantly uncomfortable in warm weather you may have heat intolerance. This condition is also known as hypersensitivity. It is a result of your body’s inability to correctly regulate its temperature. This may be due to a dysfunctioning hypothalamus, which is the part of the brain that regulates temperature. When your thyroid produces too much of the hormone thyroxine, your body’s metabolism level is affected. When your metabolism speeds up, your body temperature rises. You may also notice yourself sweating more often as a means of cooling down. Remember to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water.
Conversely, many people with a dysfunctioning thyroid cannot correctly regulate their body temperature, and as a result feel constantly cold. This can be especially troubling for people who reside in naturally cold areas, such as those found in northern latitudes. It is recommended to dress up with additional layers of clothing in the winter time. Another tip is to have a heater in your room that regulates air temperature. Many people also report intolerance to cold water temperatures (e.g, drinking a cold glass of water or an ice-cold smoothie).
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