An upset stomach can vary in intensity not only from the queasiness but also the pain. Vomiting and diarrhea often accompany it. The exact causes can differ from illness such as colds, flu, food poisoning, to nights out drinking. Regardless what the exact reason, the root of the problem is getting rid of the feeling and or the pain from an upset stomach. These ten home remedies are tried and true versions that have worked over the years to qualm some of the worst stomach aches with degrees of success. Try them for yourself and see what works best. As with all home remedy, they are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice. Always consult your physician for stomach aches that last more than twenty-four hours in duration.
Are you suffering from an upset stomach from a bug? Is it from a common cold, the flu or something in between the two that may have your stomach in knots? A carrot and mint smoothie works well to stop that uneasy feeling that works its way through your digestive system. The recipe is easy, and the ingredients are simple: 3 carrots, 3 cups of water, 3/4 teaspoon mint (preferably peppermint). You can boil the carrots and mint together until soft and smooth. Chill to liking or sip warm with a pink of cinnamon or ginger with a squeeze of lemon for a zest of flavor. Your body will get its nourishment from the carrots while the peppermint will provide the soothing effect to your upset stomach.
The BRAT DIET is a resource for everything from an upset stomach to severe cases of diarrhea. The BRAT DIET consists of bananas, rice, applesauce, rice, and toast. Eaten in moderation, they are mild on the stomach and provide nutrition and benefits. The foods are easy to digest, are bland, and are soothing to the stomach. The bananas provide potassium in the event of dehydration. The rice and applesauce aid in easier digestion, while the rice and toast are processed.
Caraway Seeds are known for their digestive and gas-relieving capabilities. These seeds have been used for centuries to treat and prevent upset stomachs. When used as plain seeds, you merely have to chew the seeds and allow the digestive system to take over. If you prefer to use it as a tea, you will need to use one heaping teaspoon per every mug (approx. 1 cup) of boiling water. Cover and steep for 8-11 minutes and then strain thoroughly. You can drink 2-3 cups of tea per day on an empty stomach.
The causes of an upset stomach are far too many to list, however, what is known is that vomiting, diarrhea, or both often join them. The severity of the upset stomach can range and include pain. To alleviate the pain discomfort associated with the upset stomach, try drinking ginger and buttermilk. To make ginger tea, combine one-half teaspoon of dry ginger to one cup of buttermilk and whisk together. Drink this tonic three times per day for up to two days.
An upset stomach that is caused by bacteria in your stomach becoming unbalanced will benefit by the use of yogurt. Yogurt with live and active cultures works to rebalance the bacteria and restore your digestive tract. While plain yogurt is always the recommended type, even a plain version will suffice. For best results, eat two cups per day until you are feeling better, typically within two days.
Chamomile is an herb that resembles a flower and has anti-inflammatory/antispasmodic properties. As a tea, it can calm the muscles in the stomach that may be causing the uneasiness. To make the tea, you need to mix one teaspoon of chamomile flowers, and mint leaves each into one and a half cups of water. Boil leaves for 10-15 minutes before thoroughly straining. Add a teaspoon of honey. The honey is not being used as a sweetener but as part of the elixir. Drink this tea 2-3 times per day.
Cinnamon is as a remedy for various ailments that strike the digestive system. Drink it to assist in regulating the system and returning it to its normal state. For upset stomachs drink cinnamon tea. To make cinnamon tea you: mix a 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon into a mug of hot water and allow it to steep for 3-5 minutes. Then sip slowly. Repeat up to four times per day for a maximum of two days.
Fennel seeds have an excellent source of antimicrobial and stomach properties to help alleviate an upset stomach. They reduce spasmodic episodes leaving an upset stomach calm and able to begin the healing process. To get the best use of your fennel seeds, mix two lightly crushed teaspoons in a mug of hot water, cover and let it marry for 8-10 minutes. Drink this tea up to 2 times a day for maximum results.
One of the best, most well known, and most used home remedies for an upset stomach is apple cider vinegar. Typically, it is the most successful remedy regardless of the cause. The pectin levels in the apple cider act to soothe the stomach from the acid. Nature will bring the digestive system back into regular working order. To begin the process, mix one teaspoon apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and add a touch of honey to taste. Drink with each meal.
A solid source of potassium and pectin, bananas are superfruits for the digestive tract. The pectin easily and quickly absorbs the excess acids in the stomach. This along with the high levels of potassium work together in replacing any lost electrolytes. An upset stomach can be quickly calmed by mashing a ripe banana into 8 ounces of buttermilk until smooth and drinking three times per day for two days.
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