Dyspepsia has more common names. You might know it more as an upset stomach or indigestion. This is a condition wherein a person feels discomfort or pain in the abdominal region. It's not an illness or a disease. It's merely a condition which comes with frequent symptoms which occur together. Acid reflux typically causes dyspepsia. When this happens, your stomach acid comes into contact with the mucosa. The mucosa is the protective lining of your digestive system. The lining is very sensitive, so the stomach acids break it down easily. It then causes inflammation and irritation. Not long after, the symptoms of dyspepsia will start to emerge.


Abdominal pain

The most common symptom of dyspepsia is abdominal pain. It may start as a feeling of discomfort and then eventually turn into pain. If you have dyspepsia, you may feel the discomfort or pain around the navel or above it.

This symptom, however, is quite common. It may be an indication of dyspepsia or other kinds of diseases. Keep in mind that dyspepsia is commonly associated with food consumed. So try to remember what you've eaten. If it's simply a discomfort, you can wait until it goes away. For pain, however, you may take a mild antacid. Either that or you can take any kind of acid-blocking medication.

abdominal pain Dyspepsia



Another common symptom of this condition is bloating. This is when you have a full feeling in your stomach area. Bloating may be a sign of dyspepsia or other conditions such as right before a woman gets her period. If you've eaten highly acidic foods before getting this feeling, it's probably dyspepsia. Usually, the bloated feeling goes away on its own after some time.

Aside from bloating, you may also feel a gnawing sensation or burning pain in your stomach. In this case, it's a lot more problematic. You may have to take some indigestion medicine too.

bloating Dyspepsia


Acidic taste in the mouth

People suffering from dyspepsia may also feel an acidic taste in the mouth. It's not a severe symptom, but it can be quite irritating. To make this go away, you can try drinking something. Either that or you can try gargling water in your mouth.

Aside from an acidic taste, you may also experience regurgitation. When this happens, you might burp up some liquid or the food you just ate. If this keeps on happening to you, the best way to treat it is to modify your diet. As much as possible, try to avoid the foods that trigger such symptoms.

acidic Dyspepsia


Burping and gas

Here's another uncomfortable symptom of this condition. With dyspepsia, you may notice that you're frequently burping or passing gas. This symptom usually occurs along with bloating. Gas accumulates in your stomach, and so you need to keep burping and farting to let it out.

This symptom has no specific treatment. Usually, you just need to burp and pass gas until you've let everything out. You can prevent this, though, by changing your diet. You can also try taking your time when you're eating since eating too fast may contribute to this symptom.

Dyspepsia gas



Heartburn is a common symptom of indigestion. They usually go hand in hand. When you're having heartburn, you may feel pain in your lower chest. You may also feel like it's hard to breathe. You'll notice this symptom when you eat a lot of food in a short amount of time. It's always best to eat just the right portion without rushing through the meal.

If you're only feeling this symptom, then you can easily treat it. All you need to do is take an antacid to ease the heartburn.

heartburn Dyspepsia


Breathing difficulty

One uncommon symptom of dyspepsia is experiencing breathing difficulties. You may suddenly feel a shortness of breath even though you didn't do any physical activity. Aside from this, you may also start sweating even if the climate isn't warm enough.

When it comes to these symptoms, the best thing to do is relax. When you relax, you'll be able to breathe better. Aside from that, the sweating might also go away. If it doesn't, then it may be an indication that your dyspepsia is quite severe. You may want to have yourself checked to see if there's something wrong with you.

breathing Dyspepsia


Distended abdomen

Among all the symptoms listed here, this is probably the most disturbing. If you keep experiencing dyspepsia, there must be something wrong with your diet. Either that or there's something amiss with how your body processes food. When you notice that your abdomen is starting to distend, then you may need to go to the doctor.

This is different from bloating. You would see visible swelling in your abdominal region. Although you may be very tempted to treat this on your own, it's still best to seek medical advice. This symptom is uncommon and could be an indication of something more serious.



Nausea and vomiting

You may experience feelings of nausea with or without vomiting. This is another symptom of dyspepsia. As we've said earlier, this condition usually occurs after eating. Think about what you've eaten to determine whether it's the cause of these symptoms.

Usually, feelings of nausea go away on their own. You may feel more relieved if you vomit. But if you frequently vomit because you're always nauseated, you need to visit your doctor. Find out if there are any medications you can take to ease these symptoms.

Dyspepsia nausea


Loss of appetite

When you have dyspepsia, you may also experience premature satiety. This is a feeling of fullness even if you've eaten very little food. When you force yourself to eat more, its then you end up feeling very uncomfortable. Because of these feelings, you may start to lose your appetite. If this happens a lot, you might start losing weight.

To awaken your appetite, try eating foods which you love. If you enjoy what you're eating, then you'll most likely have a taste for it. Try changing some elements of your diet too, so you don't always experience these symptoms.

appetite loss Dyspepsia


Severe symptoms

If you keep experiencing this condition, you need to do something about it. Otherwise, there's a chance it will progress. Then you'll experience more severe symptoms. These include jaundice, black stool, and chest pain. You'll experience chest pain during exertion. You may also feel chest pain which radiates to your arms, neck, and jaw.

If you experience these symptoms, your doctor may recommend an endoscopy. Through this, your doctor will be able to determine the best treatment for you.

Dyspepsia severe
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